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  • two-stroke engine
  1. 一种测取二冲程发动机扫气图的简单试验装置

    A Simple Test Device for Taking Scavenging Diagram of Two-stroke Engine

  2. 根据活塞运动规律,推演出二冲程发动机各气口时间截面等参数的计算公式,并给出了通用计算程序。

    Deduces the calculation formulas of the two-stroke engine port time-area respectively .

  3. 日本采用AR燃烧技术的二冲程发动机

    Japanese 2 - stroke Engine Adapting AR Combustion Technique

  4. 提高摩托车二冲程发动机综合性能的AR燃烧实用化系统

    An " AR Combustion " Practical System for Improving Comprehensive Performances of Motorcycle 2-stroke Engine

  5. 应用开发出的ESCS系统分别对二冲程发动机及四冲程发动机的排气净化系统进行模拟计算,分析进、排气管中压力波对发动机动力性能的影响。

    Exhaust system can be respectively calculated in two-stroke and four-stroke engines by the developed ESCS system for application . It can also analyze the pressure wave in the intake pipe and exhaust pipe which infect on engine dynamical performance .

  6. ZTY265天然气压缩机是以二冲程发动机作为动力源的二级活塞式压缩机,针对此压缩机,本文作者研制了ZTY265天然气压缩机动态压力测试系统。

    This paper develops a dynamic pressure test system for ZTY265 natural gas compressor which is a two step piston type compressor and driven by two stroke internal combustion engines .

  7. 改善小型摩托车二冲程发动机性能的两个措施

    Two Ways for Improving the Performance of Small Two-stroke Engines Motorcycle

  8. 二冲程发动机扫气过程试验方法的研究

    A Study on Experimental Method of Two Stroke Engine Scavenging Process

  9. 二冲程发动机排气动力计算程序的开发

    Development of an Engine Simulated Calculation System for Two Stroke Engines

  10. 对二冲程发动机的排气净化方案的探讨

    A Study on the Exhaust Emission Reduction Methods of 2-Stroke Engines

  11. 提高二冲程发动机燃料经济性的小措施

    Approaches to Improving Fuel Economy of 2 & Stroke Engine

  12. 他说最糟糕的是使用二冲程发动机的机车。

    Scooters using two-stroke engines are the worst culprits , he said .

  13. 二冲程发动机夹气喷射系统方案分析

    An Analysis of Air-assisted Injection System of Two-stroke Engines

  14. 摩托车二冲程发动机怠速排放和油耗的控制

    Idling Emission and Consumption Control of Two Stroke Motorcycle

  15. 二冲程发动机夹气电控汽油喷射系统设计

    The Design of Air-forced EFI System for Two-stroke Engine

  16. 提高二冲程发动机动力性的研究

    The Study of Improving Scavenging to Increase the Dynamic Characteristics of Two-stroke Engines

  17. 二冲程发动机气流数值计算数据库技术研究

    Data Base Technology for Visualized Numerical Calculation of Flow for Two Stroke Engine

  18. 小型二冲程发动机气缸体静态扫气试验台的研制

    R D of Static Scavenging Test Rig for Small 2-stroke Engine Cylinder Block

  19. 二冲程发动机扫气试验的微机控制

    Scavenge Test of 2-stroke Engine Controlled by Micro Computer

  20. 对二冲程发动机排量计算的探讨

    Calculation of the Displacement for 2 - stroke Engine

  21. 二冲程发动机排气压力波的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of the Pressure Waves in Exhaust System of Two Stroke Cycle Engines

  22. 摩托车用二冲程发动机机油泵漏油问题的原因分析及解决措施

    Analysis of Leakage Cause in Oil Pump for Two Stroke Motorcycle Engines and Countermeasures

  23. 二冲程发动机换气过程的有限体积法数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Air Flow in a Loop-Scavenged Two-Stroke Engine with Finite Volume Method

  24. 用频响分析法研究二冲程发动机排气管系的设计问题

    Investigation on Designing of Exhaust Pipe for Two-Stroke Engine Using the Method of Frequency Analysis

  25. 国外二冲程发动机摩托车的发展趋势

    The Future of 2-stroke Motorcycle Engine

  26. 二冲程发动机的定向扫气技术

    Directed Scavenging Technique for 2-stroke Engine

  27. 利用端置式扫气泵来平衡二冲程发动机离心力偶的解法

    Problem of balancing the centrifugal couple in two stroke engines having scavenging pump located at the end

  28. 二冲程发动机广泛用于农用动力机械,摩托车和小型机动车辆动力,数量十分庞大。

    Two-stroke engines are widely used as motive power in agricultural machines , motor cars and small-size vehicles .

  29. 单作用增压式二冲程发动机

    Single-acting turbocharged two-stroke engine

  30. 直接连接式二冲程发动机

    Direct-coupled two stroke engine