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  1. 二冲程柴油机的气体流动和内部EGR的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Gas Flow and Internal EGR Rate in a Two-Stroke Diesel Engine

  2. 二冲程柴油机回流扫气计算

    The Loop Scavenging Calculation of thc Two-stroke Diesel Engine

  3. 船用二冲程柴油机热工分析中Δp与ΔH的应用

    Application of Δ p and Δ H in thermodynamic analysis on 2-stroke marine diesel engine

  4. 在相同转速和负荷下,扫气压力越高,内部EGR率越小,不同扫气压力下,二冲程柴油机内部EGR率可以从15%变化到70%;

    The internal EGR rate decreases with increase in the scavenging pressure , which changes from 15 % to 70 % .

  5. 根据进排气温度T,Δp和ΔH等参数,按照热力学开口系统考察船用二冲程柴油机运行工况,实现对柴油机的燃烧、运行和故障前兆现象的实时监控。

    According to exhaust temperature T ,Δ p and Δ H parameters under the open thermodynamic system the running condition of the 2-stroke marine diesel engine is inspected to realize the real time supervision for combustion , running and failure portentous of diesel engine .

  6. 采用数值模拟技术研究了二冲程柴油机的气体流动特性,计算了不同扫气压力下的内部EGR率,理论分析了内部EGR的高温作用和比热容作用。

    The gas flow characteristics inside the cylinder and internal EGR rate under different scavenging pressures of the two-stroke engine were investigated by means of numerical simulation . The thermal effect and specific heat capacity effect of internal EGR were analyzed theoretically .

  7. 二冲程柴油机扭矩预测模型与系统仿真

    Torque Generation Modeling and System Simulating for a Two-Stroke Diesel Engine

  8. 二冲程柴油机气口尺寸的相似设计法

    An analogous method of port design for two stroke diesel engines

  9. 采用双段喷射改善二冲程柴油机的排放性能

    Improvement of Emission Performance of Two-stroke Diesel Engines with Two-stage Injection

  10. 小型风冷二冲程柴油机燃烧室的选择

    Selection for Combustion Chambers of Small Two stroke Air cooled Diesel Engine

  11. 石油危机后船用低速二冲程柴油机的进展和趋向

    Progress and Trend in Marine Low-Speed Two-Stroke Diesel Engines after Oil Crisis

  12. 二冲程柴油机设计参数对扫气过程的影响

    Influences of Design Parameters on Scavenging Process of Two Stroke Diesel Engines

  13. 二冲程柴油机扭振简谐系数及相位值计算

    Harmonic Coefficient of Torsional Vibration of Two-Stroke Diesel Engine

  14. 二冲程柴油机十字头轴承油槽优化研究

    Research on Crosshead Bearing Oil Groove in Two-Stroke Engine

  15. 增压二冲程柴油机排气脉冲的计算方法

    A method for calculating the exhaust impulse in a pressure-charged two-stroke diesel engine

  16. 船用二冲程柴油机活塞可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of two-stroke marine diesel engine piston

  17. 船用大型低速二冲程柴油机的动态模型

    Dynamic Modeling of Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine

  18. 二冲程柴油机复合增压系统的模拟计算方法

    A Calculating method for simulation of the complex supercharge system for two-stroke diesel engine

  19. 低速二冲程柴油机十字头轴承的龟裂及管理措施

    Simple Statement of Craze and Manage Measures to Cross Bearing of Two-cycle Diesel Engine

  20. 船用二冲程柴油机气体力简谐分析方法对比研究

    Comparative study on harmonic analysis methods of gas force on two-stroke marine diesel engine

  21. 本文的工作对二冲程柴油机的结构设计具有一定的指导意义。

    The research work of this thesis has much guiding significance on the design of the two-stroke engine .

  22. 船用二冲程柴油机增压系统流道污阻对喘振的影响

    The Effect exerted by the Flow Passage Dirt of the Supercharging System on the Surge Margin of a Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine

  23. 对一台二冲程柴油机的扫气泵传动轴的动应力进行了实验研究。

    An Experimental Investigation in the dynamic stress of scavenging pump driving train of a two-stroke diesel engine has been carried out .

  24. 对置二冲程柴油机缸内流动形式对混合气形成及燃烧的模拟研究超燃冲压发动机支板喷射燃料的燃烧过程试验

    Simulation on In-Cylinder Flow on Mixture Formation and Combustion in OPOC Engine Experimental study on the combustion and flow process in a scramjet with strut injector

  25. 在常用于稳态仿真的容积法模型基础上,结合曲柄连杆机构的动力学模型,建立了二冲程柴油机的扭矩预测模型。

    Based on control volume model often used for steady state simulation and crank-connecting rod model , a torque generation model for a two-stroke diesel engine was established .

  26. 本文的主要目的是通过建立船用柴油机工作过程的计算程序,对船用低速二冲程柴油机工作过程进行仿真计算。

    The purpose of the paper is to carry out the simulated working process calculation of the two stroke low speed diesel engine by applying the developed calculating program .

  27. 在船舶领域,离心风机也得到了应用。在二冲程柴油机启动和低负荷运行时,需要用离心鼓风机提高进气压力,完成气缸扫气。

    As in a vessel , centrifugal fans are applied to increase the pressure of the air for scavenge when the marine engine starts or operates at low loading .

  28. 本文根据准稳态的概念建立了适用于实时仿真的二冲程柴油机船舶推进装置的多阶非线性模型。

    Based on the concept of quasi-stable state , a multi-order nonlinear model for real-time simulation of a marine twostroke diesel engine propulsion plant is established and introduced in this paper .

  29. 利用多维数值模拟方法,对二冲程柴油机倒拖情况下的进、排气过程进行模拟,研究转速变化、进气口仰角变化对扫气过程的影响。

    The influences of variations in speed and inlet port elevation angle on the scavenging process are investigated via simulating scavenging and exhaust processes of motored two stroke diesel engine by using multi dimensional digital simulating method .

  30. 在配有电控共轨系统和扫气系统的二冲程柴油机试验台上进行了3种不同喷油模式对柴油机燃烧及排放性能影响的试验研究。

    On a test bench for two-stroke diesel engine equipped with electronically controlled common rail system and scavenging system , the effect of three different injection modes on the combustion and emission performances of the diesel engine is studied .