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  1. 当第二刀面设计成非线性面时,可以是内凹弧线或者是外凸弧线;

    When the second knife face is designed to be a non-linear face , the second knife face can be an inner cavetto line or an outer cavetto line ;

  2. 最新的种族冲突爆发之前,有报导说,两名阿族人星期二持刀伤害了一名塞族青年,之后两名行凶者受到关押。

    The latest clashes came after a Serb teenager was reportedly hurt by two knife-wielding Albanians on Tuesday , who were later detained .

  3. 再把刀具廓形曲线横向移动一小段距离,再次利用最小有向距离算法得到第二个刀位点。

    Then move the tool profile curve over a distance a short distance laterally , again using minimal orientation distance to get the coordinates of the second cutter-location point .

  4. 第二章是中子刀治疗系统原理分析。

    In the second chapter , neutron knife treatment systematic principle is analyzed .

  5. 这已经是这家餐馆的第二个关于用刀攻击的报案。

    This was the second call from the restaurant where one worker attacked another with a knife . ( Source : Baltimore Sun )

  6. 利用数控车床加工螺纹:一要正确查表;二要合理选刀;三要精密测量中径;四要正确调试程序。

    To process thread by numerically controlled lathe , first of all people should look up correctly ; secondly , choose cutter reasonably ; thirdly , measure precisely ; and at last debug program correctly .