
èr shí qī
  • 构词twenty-seven;heptacosa-
  1. 第二十七条国家建立土地调查制度。

    Article 27 The State fosters land survey system .

  2. 他脱去衣服,我在他身上数出了二十七处瘢痕和深深的伤口

    He stripped himself , and I counted twenty-seven separate scars and gashes .

  3. 第二十七条继父母与继子女间,不得虐待或歧视。

    Article 27 Maltreatment or discrimination shall not be permitted between stepparents and stepchildren .

  4. 第二十七条有下列情形之一的,遗产中的有关部分按照法定继承办理:

    Article 27 Under any of the following circumstances , the part of the estate affected shall be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession :

  5. 第二十七条因票据纠纷提起的诉讼,由票据支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    Article 27 A lawsuit brought on a bill dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the bill is to be paid or where the defendant has his domicile .

  6. 第二十七条城市人民政府应当按照国家规定的消防站建设标准建立公安消防队、专职消防队、承担火灾扑救工作。

    Article 27 Urban people 's governments shall , in accordance with the standards on fire control station construction , set up public security fire brigade , full time fire brigade to undertake fire fighting and rescue work .

  7. 以5%SE-30/Chromosorb玻璃柱,正二十七烷为内标,采用气相色谱法于柱温250℃测定非普拉宗的含量。

    A GC method was used to determine feprazone in its tablets . utilizing column 5 % SE-30 / Chromosorb , column temperature 250 ℃, heptacosane as internal standard .

  8. 今天,美国儿科协会(aap)这一具有影响力的组织宣布,割礼这种手术确实有益,而且推荐纳入公私医疗保险计划之中,这一建议于八月二十七日登载在网上儿科版块。

    Today the influential group the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) declared that the procedure is , indeed , beneficial-and that it should be covered by public and private health insurance plans . The recommendation was published online August 27 in pediatrics .

  9. 本文介绍二十七点九态控制器的模型和控制作用。

    It is introduced twenty-seven-point-nine-state controller and its essential control principle .

  10. 十二月二十七日的,喜欢去吗?

    They are on December the27th.do you like to go ?

  11. 第二十七条申请人可以放弃或者变更仲裁请求。

    Article 27 The applicant may abandon or alter his arbitration claim .

  12. 她已连续工作了二十七个小时。

    She 's worked for 27 hours without a break .

  13. 他花了二十七年才达成目标。

    It took him twenty-seven years to achieve his goal .

  14. 我发现我一天要二十七个小时才够用

    and realized I was heading towards a 27hour day .

  15. 二十七年来,大家兢兢业业努力耕耘;

    For these 27 years , people have worked hard in cultivation ;

  16. 六月十五日那里的涨潮时间是十点二十七分。

    High tide was at 10 . 27 on the 15th of June .

  17. 二十七国单一市场可能分裂成一个个内部核心决定区域。

    The27-country single market could fragment as decision-making gravitates to an inner core .

  18. 第二十七条本条例由中国专利局负责解释。

    Article 27 The right to interpret these Regulations hereof rests with CAP .

  19. 善财童子参访的第二十七参就是观世音菩萨。

    Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the twenty-seventh advisor whom Sudhana has learned from .

  20. 二十七点九态控制器及其三阶对象仿真分析

    Twenty-seven-point-nine-state Controller and Its Simulation of Third-order Plant

  21. 婚礼将在六月二十七日举行。

    The wedding will take place on June27th .

  22. 我们分配到的摊位是二十七号。

    We 've been assigned booth number twenty-seven .

  23. 你去三和二十七吗?

    Do you go to third and twenty-seventh ?

  24. 夏令营七月十六日开营,在七月二十七日结束。

    The summer camp started on July 16 and will end on July 27 .

  25. 二月二十七日,大地全都干了。

    By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the whole earth was dry .

  26. 二十七号。巡查员说。

    " No. 27 ," said the inspector .

  27. 到了二月二十七日,地就都干了。

    By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry .

  28. 这里一共是八块又二十七分。

    PHOEBE : Eight dollars and 27 cents .

  29. 今天下午的气温大约是摄氏二十七度。

    It 's about degrees Celsius this afternoon .

  30. 再要二十七磅糖,九分钱一磅的。

    Twenty-seven pounds of sugar at9 cents .