
  • 网络second home;second suite
  1. 即使是第一次按揭,购房者在买第二套房时也必须首付50%。

    Buyers must make at least a50 % down payment on a second home , even if it is their first mortgage .

  2. 中国相关部门目前规定,二套房首付比例不得低于40%,而“捂地”的开发商也将面临更严厉的惩罚。

    The authorities now require a40 per cent downpayment on mortgages for a second home and developers sitting on unused land face tougher penalties .

  3. 巴厘岛建筑设计师波波•丹斯(PopoDanes)说,在这里置业的人喜欢不同于其祖国的一种感受和体验。丹斯常为客户建造二套房(有时甚至是第三套或第四套房)。

    ' They like to have a different feeling and experience than what they have in their country , ' says Popo Danes , a Balinese architectural designer who often builds second ( and sometimes third and fourth ) homes for his clients .

  4. 他们还首次需要支付置业印花税(ABSD),购买第二套房的税率为7%,而购买第一套房的永久居民也需支付5%印花税,外国居民则为15%。

    They also face buyers ' stamp duty ( ABSD ) for the first time , at 7 per cent on second homes , while permanent residents must now pay 5 per cent ABSD on their first home and foreigners 15 per cent .

  5. 上海市表示,将对二套房征收0.6%的房产税。

    Shanghai said it would charge 0.6 per cent on second homes .

  6. 第二套房的按揭利率也有所提高。

    The mortgage rate for second homes was also increased .

  7. 今年3月,该行还曾下调购买二套房的首付比例。

    In March it also lowered the minimum downpayment required on second homes .

  8. 最近,武汉、广州、上海等部分城市的第二套房贷政策出现松动。

    Recently , Wuhan , Guangzhou , Shanghai and other parts of the city 's second mortgage policy loosening .

  9. 这家人在北京的家是位于顶层的两层复式楼,俯瞰着一汪湖水,这是考斯-瑞德的第二套房。

    The family home , a two-storey penthouse overlooking a lake in Beijing , is Kos-Read 's second property .

  10. 在房价增长过快的一些城市,中国还将提高销售二套房的首付比例和按揭贷款利率。

    China will also raise down payments and mortgage rates on second-home sales in cities where prices had risen too fast .

  11. 银行要查询借款人公开的贷款记录来认定是否为二套房贷款。

    Banks rely on the public credit registries system to define whether a loan is for a first house or a second house .

  12. 同时,它将二套房最低首付要求从购房价格的20%提高到了30%。

    It also raised the minimum required deposit on second homes from 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the purchase price .

  13. 只可以使用一次,当你购买第二套房时只能采用商业贷款,利息比公积金贷款略高。

    Can use only , can use commercial loan only when you buy the 2nd flatlet , accrual borrows money than accumulation fund slightly tall .

  14. 不过,目前尚未确定契税减免是针对购买商品房、第二套房还是二手房。

    Currently , it is still unknown whether the deed reduction is prepared for commercial house purchase , the second house or the second-hand house .

  15. 这些措施大多旨在减缓二套房的购买,所以,其影响将取决于中国究竟有多少投机性购房。

    Most are aimed at slowing purchases of second homes and their impact will depend on just how much speculative buying there has been in China .

  16. 上个月,为支持房地产市场的发展,中国政府转而采取了允许降低二套房首付比例等措施。

    Last last month , the Beijing government moved to support the real estate market with measures including allowing second home buyers to make lower down payments .

  17. 决策部门近几个月来还解除了针对房贷及购买二套房的几项限制。中国在几年前推出了这些限制政策,以防止市场过热。

    Policy makers in recent months have also unwound several restrictions on mortgages and purchases of second homes that had been introduced years earlier to prevent the market from overheating .

  18. 从提高二套房的最低首付额,到今年上海和重庆开征房产税,官方密集出手冷却市场。

    Officials have intensified efforts to cool the market & from raising the minimum down payment for second-home purchases to levying taxes on residences in Shanghai and Chongqing this year .

  19. 尽管这些城市放宽了二套房限购措施以及其他限制,但由于担心中国债务水平不断上升,一直没有力推银行扩大放贷规模。

    While they have loosened curbs on purchases of second homes and other restrictions , they haven 't pushed for new lending amid broader worries about China 's rising debt levels .

  20. 同时,二套房契税优惠取消的新标准出台后,契税政策认定不再是以个人为准,而是以家庭为单位,成员范围包括购房人、配偶以及未成年子女。

    After the deed tax preferences canceled , the deed tax policy is no longer subjected to families , including home buy , spouse and minor children , instead of individual .

  21. 不久前,中央政府宣布修改楼市规定,降低二套房首付款,放宽对外销售房屋营业税。

    The gains came after a central government announcement to revise housing sector policies to lower down payments for second homes and loosen a capital gains tax period for apartment sales .

  22. 中国政府已经出台政策提高了住房购买者的首付比例(首套房30%,二套房50%),这大大减少了杠杆作用以及风险。

    China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand ( 30 % for your first home and50 % for your second ) to minimize leverage and risk .

  23. 房地产市场也不适合投资者存放资金,因为这个市场面临二套房限购政策以及中国政府实施的其他旨在抑制房价的措施。

    Real estate is also a tough place for Chinese investors to park their money ; they face restrictions on purchases of second homes and other efforts mandated by Beijing to tame housing prices .

  24. 常州是长江边上的一座城市。吴雪松(音)是这座城市里的一名教授,他说他作为投资几年前买下的一套公寓的价值已经翻了一番,现在第二套房也升值了。

    Wu Xuesong , a professor in this city on the Yangtze , says he doubled his money on an apartment he bought as an investment some years back and is ahead on a second .

  25. 新增贷款增速自去年秋季以来一直在放缓,但中国的主要收紧措施是自4月中旬启动的试图抑制房地产市场投机的政策,如针对二套房贷款的新限制规定。

    The pace of new lending has been slowing since last autumn but the main tightening measure has been the campaign since mid-April to try to limit speculation in the property market , with measures including new restrictions on mortgages for second homes .

  26. 有关二套房房贷的新规定将受到中国房地产开发商的欢迎。此前,楼市低迷曾令他们库存日渐膨胀,获得资金的途径日益受限。受其影响,他们曾被迫让利促销。

    The new rules on second home loans will be welcomed by Chinese developers , who have been forced to sacrifice profits to boost sales , as the downturn in the housing market saddles them with bulging inventories and limited access to new funding .

  27. 周一,为了提振低迷的楼市,央行将贷款购买二套房的首付比例从60%或70%降到了40%。

    On Monday , in an effort to bolster the slumping housing market , the central bank lowered the minimum down payment on mortgages for second homes to 40 percent , from 60 percent or 70 percent previously , causing a surge in real estate shares .

  28. 几乎每一天,都会有一项新的行政措施出台提高第二套房首付及抵押贷款利率要求;告知当地银行停止发放第三套房屋的抵押贷款;加大非城市本地居民获得贷款的难度。

    Almost every day a new administrative measure has been announced raising the required deposit and interest rate on mortgages for second homes , telling local banks to avoid lending money for third homes and making it harder for people not resident in a city to get a mortgage there .

  29. 因此,在建筑师的帮助下设计第二套房的时候,达塔说他考虑更多的是土地的地形、土壤的类型、风向以及所在区域的臭虫问题。

    For Mr. Datta 's next home , which he designed with the help of an architect , more thought was put into the topography of the land , the type of soil , the wind direction ' and , of course , the bugs in [ the ] area , ' he says .

  30. 埃莉和迈克尔设计了繁忙的生活得到一个喘息的机会的二楼主人套房。

    Ellie and Michael designed the upstairs master suite as a respite from their busy lives .