
  • 网络Summer in February;Florence
  1. 《二月之夏》另外两位主演是艾米丽布朗宁和多米尼克库珀,电影讲述了一战前在康沃尔发生的一段悲惨的三角恋。

    Summer in February - also starring Emily Browning and Dominic Cooper - is about a tragic love triangle during pre-World War I Cornwall .

  2. 丹史蒂文斯日前正在宣传新电影《二月之夏》,在电影中陷入了一段纠结的三角恋。故事设定描述一群生性洒脱放荡不羁的Lamorna艺术家,1913年这群人沿着康沃尔海岸成立了自己的小团体。

    Dan is currently promoting his new film , ' Summer in February ' , where he plays one third of a love triangle , set amongst the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group of artists , who 've set up their community along the Cornwall coastline of 1913 .