
  1. 狗准是闻不到她的气味了。

    The dogs must have lost her scent .

  2. 虽然相隔数里,但他似乎很欣赏她的气味。

    He seems to relish her scent even though she 's miles away .

  3. 我们让狗跟踪她的气味。

    We had the dogs working her scent .

  4. 此外,让你的雪纳瑞犬嗅出和睡眠的新小狗的被褥,这将暴露他对她的气味。

    In addition , let your Schnauzer sniff and sleep with the new puppy 's bedding , which will expose him to her scent .

  5. 我们在机场迎接她,然后开车回家,车上充满了“丛林栀子花”香水的味道,这不只是她的气味。

    We 'd meet her at the airport , then drive home in a car suffused with Jungle Gardenia , which wasn 't just her scent .

  6. 我躺在床上,彷佛枕被还残留著她的点点气味,把灯关上看著我自己在天花所贴的萤光字便更加想她。

    Turn off light I watched those fluorescent words in the ceiling , made me thought of her even more .

  7. 如同很多挣扎着要摆脱爱人死去的痛苦一样,卡提亚·阿帕拉特吉的母亲紧紧抓住她已故丈夫的枕头套以保存她的爱人珍贵的气味。

    Like many struggling to get over the death of a loved one , Katia Apalategui 's mum held on to her late husband 's pillowcase to keep the precious smell of the man she loved 。

  8. 您能在结束您的争吵以后记住她的微笑,您能召回口味她令人厌恶的食物,您能明显地感觉她的气味,即使她留下您好几天。

    You can remember her smile after ending your quarrel , you can recall the taste of her unsavory food , you can clearly feel her smell even if she left you for days .