
  • 网络Subsampling;sub-sampling;sub-sample;double sampling
  1. 关于二次抽样方案的ASN的极值

    On the extreme values of asn 's of double sampling plans

  2. 类高斯噪声中的二次抽样序贯检测技术

    Double Sampling Sequential Detection in Nearly Gaussian Noise

  3. 本文提出一种新的Robust序贯检测技术&二次抽样检测技术。

    A new robust sequential detection scheme-Double Sampling method is presented in this paper .

  4. 一个可靠性二次抽样方案的分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Secondary Sampling Plan of the Reliability

  5. 二次抽样检验在海军战术导弹批检中的应用研究

    The Application of Secondary Sampling Method to Batch Checking for Naval Tactical Missile

  6. 如果二次抽样检验仍记录为不合格,则该批次所有物项全部拒收。

    Further recorded non compliance 's will result in the entire batch being rejected .

  7. 结果表明,二次抽样法是一种简便有效的检测方法。

    Compared with the classical sequential detection scheme , double sampling approach is quite simple and effective for detection .

  8. 批质量保证二次抽样法在抗疟药治疗恶性疟疗效监测中的适用性研究

    Study on the suitability of double lot quality assurance sampling in the monitoring of efficacy of antimalarials against falciparum malaria

  9. 提出了对不合格率低的产品进行集团检验方法,提出了一次抽样、二次抽样的检验方法,并对样本量和临界值的选取方法进行了分析。

    This paper studys the group sampling inspection , introduces single sampling and double sampling , and gives the method of choosing sample size and critical value .

  10. 方法通过试点确立以卫生部在全国设立的145个疾病监测点为基础,结合国家统计局600多个样本区、县,进行二次抽样,确定40个全国食物营养监测点。

    Methods Based on 145 National Disease Monitoring Sites and 600 sampling sites of SSB , to sampling 40 sites as Chinese Food and Nutrition Surveillance sites .

  11. 然后通过对大量运动搜索算法的研究,提出了一种新的搜索算法,即把二次抽样、菱形搜索和矩形搜索结合起来。

    Then , based on substantial research on motion search algorithms , a new method is put forward in which double sampling and diamond-rectangle search are combined together .

  12. 分析一个现行的可靠性二次抽样方案,指出在该方案中使用方风险过大,进而提出了2种改进方案:利用子系统数据折合为系统试验数据,成为三次抽样;

    A current secondary sampling plan of the reliability is analyzed . In the plan , the consumer 's risk is too big . Two improved plans were given .

  13. 文中假设第二次抽样时的数据缺失机制与第一次抽样时的数据缺失机制函数形式类似,允许两者有一个一维未知参数的差别。

    The two missing data mechanisms are assumed to be alike in functional form and a distinction of an unknown scalar parameter is allowed between the two missing data mechanisms .

  14. 推导出一种迭代计算形式,并利用小波变换对二维直方图进行二次抽样降低门限的搜索范围,极大地降低了计算量;

    Aiming at reducing the complexity of traditional two-dimensional entropic thresholding method , a fast iterative solution is deduced , and wavelet transformation is used to decrease the search scope of threshold candidates .

  15. 二次复试抽样法在坏筒检验上的应用

    Application of Double Sampling Method for Testing the Defective Cone

  16. 二次等距抽样

    Systematic sampling on two occasions

  17. 2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查主要数据公报

    Communiqu é on Major Statistics of the Second China National Sample Survey on Disability

  18. 第二次全国残疾人抽样调查听力残疾标准的制定

    Hearing disability scale standard for the second national sampling survey of hearing disability in China

  19. 2006年开展的第二次全国残疾人抽样调查结果显示,山东省目前各类残疾人的总数为569.5万人,占全省总人口的6.15%。

    The second national sampling survey of people with disabilities in 2006 demonstrates that the total number of people with disabilities in Shandong province is 5.69 million , which constitutes 6.15 % of the total population .