
xún tiān
  • tour the heavens
巡天 [xún tiān]
  • [tour the heavens] 在天空巡游

巡天[xún tiān]
  1. 阐述了X射线巡天观测数据从数据提取到时间转换的处理流程。

    The X-ray surveying data processing flows from data selection to time transformation are expounded .

  2. 根据数字化巡天光盘测定天体E或V星等

    A Determination of E or V Magnitudes of Celestial Bodies Based on Digitized Sky Survey

  3. 基于实值编码GA的卫星巡天扫描方法

    A Method for Scanning the Celestial Sphere using Real-coded Genetic Algorithm

  4. 类星体光谱的MonteCarlo模拟及高红移类星体颜色法巡天中的选择效应

    Discussions on Selection Effects of Multicolor Survey for High Redshift QSOs by Using Monte-Carlo Simulations

  5. 射电波段主要介绍了NVSS和FIRST巡天。

    And NVSS , FIRST in radio wave band .

  6. 对射电源的VLBI巡天

    VLBI Surveys of Radio Sources

  7. 它采用准直器和非位置灵敏探测器,通过对空间辐射流强的准直调制,实现对空间硬X射线高灵敏度高角分辨率的巡天扫描成像观测。

    Its objective is to achieve all sky scan survey of space hard X - rays and imaging X-ray sources with high sensitivity and high resolution based on collimator and Direct Demodulation Imaging Method .

  8. SDSS光谱巡天为我们研究这些问题提供了很好的数据。

    The SDSS spectroscopic survey provides us with a great opportunity to investigate these issues .

  9. 这项研究是斯隆数字巡天项目(SDSS)的一部分。

    The research was conducted as a part of Sloan Digital Sky Survey ( SDSS ) .

  10. 除了钱德拉望远镜观测到的X射线辐射之外,这项结果所需的其他关键数据来自NASA的斯必泽太空望远镜以及地面的2微米红外全天巡天。

    In addition to the X-rays observed with Chandra , other data critical for this result came from NASA 's Spitzer Space Telescope and the ground-based , infrared Two Micron All Sky Survey .

  11. 本文简介近年来在类星体的形态、红移、连续谱、X射线、巡天和面密度以及演化等方面的研究所取得的进展。

    This paper reviews some progresses in the field of quasar research made in recent years in morphology , redshift controversy , continuous spectrum , x-ray emission , optical survey , surface density and evolution of luminosity function , etc.

  12. 论述了LAMOST巡天观测战略系统(SSS)中观测策略的实现方法-选星算法问题。

    Object-Selection-Algorithm ( OSA ) is the implementation of observation policy which is a key point of LAMOST Sky-scan Strategy System ( SSS ) .

  13. 另外,本文还提出了基于直接解调方法的快视成像,它可以利用HXMT的一维扫描数据获得二维的图像,从而可以利用HXMT的巡天数据实现近实时成像。

    Quick-look imaging , which is based on DDM , is proposed to obtain near-real-time two-dimensional images from one-dimensional scanning data .

  14. 本文利用Sloan数字巡天(SDSS)第二次释放的数据(DR2),选取了一个包含有6878个面向(face-on)旋涡星系的大样本。

    A large sample which contains 6878 face-on disk galaxies is selected from the data released by Sloan Digital Sky Servey ( SDSS . DR2 ) .

  15. 夏威夷全景巡天望远镜与快速反应系统(Pan-STARRS)的望远镜也使用了数个10亿像素级的相机,但它是用于天文用途的。

    The Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii uses several gigapixel cameras , though it is designed for astronomical use .

  16. IRAS在12,25,60和100μm的巡天,给我们提供了研究各类星系红外辐射特性的可能。

    The IRAS survey at 12 , 25 , 60 and 100 m gives us a possibility to study the infrared properties of the different kinds of galaxies systematically . A catalog was prepared by C. J.

  17. 1990年6月发射的ROSAT卫星完成了全天的X射线巡天观测,得到了包括18811个X射线源的ROSAT全天巡天亮源表(RASS-BSC)。

    All - sky X-ray survey has been completed by the ROSAT satellite launched in June 1990 , and the RoSAT All Sky Survey - Bright Sources Catalogue ( RASS - BSC ), which contains 18811 X - ray sources , is published .

  18. 针对我国即将建成的大型巡天项目(LAMOST),给出了一种基于谱线检测的发射线星自动识别方法。

    Aiming at the LAMOST project , the largest sky survey project implemented in China , a novel method for automatic recognition of emission-line stars ( ELS ) based on detection of spectral lines is proposed .

  19. 以Savage-Bolton的两个5°×5°天区的光学类星体巡天为样品,本文系统地分析了成线排列的类星体数目,并与由MonteCarlo方法产生的随机样品进行了比较。

    Taking the surveyed of optical quasars in two celestial areas ( 5 °× 5 °) made by Savage-Bolton as samples , the author analyses systematically the number of quasars in alignment , and compares the result with the random distributed sample generated by Monte Carlo method .

  20. 基于红外天文卫星(IRAS)、二微米全天巡天(2MASS)和依巴谷(Hipparcos)星表等,我们研究了银河系中几乎所有已知的Be星。

    Based on the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ), the Two Micron All Sky Survey ( 2MASS ) and the Hipparcos Catalog and so on , we have studied almost all known Galactic Be stars .

  21. 一个办法就是把其中一颗卫星用于广域红外线巡天望近镜(WFIRST)项目,红外线望远镜可以用来研究暗能量——这股神秘的力量被认为是宇宙膨胀的幕后推手。

    One idea is to use one of the mirrors for the WFIRST mission , an infra-red telescope designed to investigate dark energy-the still-mysterious force thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe .

  22. 天文卫星巡天扫描智能规划模型及仿真

    Intelligent Model of Astronomical Satellite Using GA for Scanning the Celestial Sphere

  23. 从准一维红移巡天样本分析大尺度结构

    Analysis of the Large Scale Structure from Samples given by Quasi-one-dimensional Redshift Survey

  24. 一种提高天文巡天探测能力的新方法

    A New Method to Enhance Astronomical Sky Survey

  25. 在我们银河系里,长久以来从近红外光巡天观测中,便已怀疑有这根棒子存在。

    In our galaxy , such a bar has been suspected from near-infrared surveys .

  26. 它的大口径和大视场使其具有很强的光谱巡天观测能力。

    Its large diameter and large viewport give it strong capacity to spectrum sky surveys .

  27. 与此同时,一些新发布的巡天星表数据也在近期发布。

    At the same time , some newly released the catalog data also recently released .

  28. 该文简述了巡天观测和星表编制的历史和意义。

    The history and significance of the sky survey and compiling catalogs are briefly described .

  29. 空间天文学的另一重要领域是红外和亚毫米巡天。

    One other important branch of space astronomy consists of infrared and " submillimeter " surveys .

  30. 新的脉冲星巡天及研究

    New Pulsar Surveys and Research