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xún jǐng
  • patrolman;policeman;constable
巡警 [xún jǐng]
  • [policeman] 旧指警察

巡警[xún jǐng]
  1. 巡警在指定地区巡逻或担任警戒的警察。

    A policeman who patrols or polices an assigned area .

  2. 人们从转弯处奔来,领头的就是一位巡警。

    People came running round the corner , a policeman in the lead .

  3. 公路巡警关闭了这条路。

    Highway patrol officers closed the road .

  4. 犯罪率急剧上升似乎肯定了街上增加巡警的论点。

    The sharp increase in crime seems to buttress the argument for more police officers on the street .

  5. 两名巡警开始对一辆车里的两个人起了疑心。

    Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car

  6. 她说巡警在村里的学校把她们赶到一起,并用枪托殴打她们。

    She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts .

  7. 巡警在检查过往车辆。

    The patrolman is inspecting the vehicular traffic .

  8. 由于这次过失,他被降了级,又被打发去干徒步巡警了。

    For this peccadillo he was demoted and sent back to pound the beat .

  9. 不过,佛罗里达公路巡警部门称,死者名叫约书亚·布朗(JoshuaBrown),40岁,来自俄亥俄州的坎顿。

    But the Florida Highway Patrol identified him as Joshua Brown , 40 , of Canton , Ohio .

  10. 加州高速公路巡警ChrisParent表示,汽车司机是将车停到路边使用手机时被飞机撞上的。

    The vehicle 's driver had pulled over to use his phone , California Highway Patrol Officer Chris Parent said .

  11. 他们拼凑出一个导航系统,并说服加州高速公路巡警(CaliforniaHighwayPatrol)让这辆车驶过海湾大桥――从旧金山行驶到金银岛。

    They patched together a guidance system and persuaded the California Highway Patrol to let the car cross the Bay Bridge-from San Francisco to Treasure Island .

  12. WisteriaLane是一个容易攻击的目标,没有巡警会巡查这里。

    Wisteria Lane is an easy target . It 's not like the police patrol around here .

  13. 当地加州公路巡警(CaliforniaHighwayPatrol)在Twitter上发了消息,称他们正在检查立交桥及桥梁以确保这些设施的安全,并要求当地居民汇报所发现的任何问题。

    The California Highway Patrol in the area posted on Twitter that it was checking crossings and bridges to ensure the structures were safe and asked residents to report any problems .

  14. 5月9日周一那天,俄亥俄州辛辛那提的警官JamesGivens正坐在自己的巡警车中。突然,他听到类似敲门的声音。

    On Monday , May 9 , James Givens , a police officer in Cincinnati , Ohio , was sitting in his cruiser when he heard what sounded like a knock .

  15. 德文郡和康沃尔郡警察局的检察官戴夫·梅雷迪斯(DaveMeredith)是镇里的最高级别警员,他说:“从巡警到社区服务警察(PCSO),镇里的合伙人,商店的老板,人人都说纽基发生了神奇的变化。”

    Devon and Cornwall Police inspector Dave Meredith , the town 's most senior policeman , said : ' When you speak to anybody from patrol officers to PCSOs , partners in town , shop keepers , everybody says Newquay has made a miraculous improvement .

  16. 警官,叫两个巡警来洗。

    Sergeant , I want two constables to wash that off .

  17. 想当年我还是年轻巡警时。

    You know , back when I was a young patrolman .

  18. 呃,通知巡警带他来吧。

    Well , let 's call PD and bring him in .

  19. 老大,俱乐部刚刚向公园巡警签到。

    Bo , his club checked in with the park rangers .

  20. 郑州市巡警个体噪声暴露的测量与分析

    Personal Noise Exposure Measurement and Assessment for Policemen in Zhengzhou

  21. 刑警和巡警紧张程度分析

    Analysis of the strain degree of patrolmen and criminal policemen

  22. 就这样我被公路巡警叫停到路边。

    Which is how I got pulled over by a highway patrolman .

  23. 我派了便衣和巡警搜查这个社区。

    I got Unis and plain clothes combing the neighborhood .

  24. 钟面的时间是我们的银行经理,收税人,巡警;

    Clock time is our bank manager , taxcollector , police inspector ;

  25. 连巡警都不怕在沙漠里埋人。

    Even coppers aren 't afraid to bury people in the desert .

  26. 充分发挥巡警在治安防控体系中的职能作用

    Bring Patrol Police into Full Functional Play in Prevention and Control System

  27. 巡警会回来保护�

    The police patrols will be coming back for protection .

  28. 从一起盘查佳例析巡警警务素质

    Analysis on Quality of Patrolling Police in a Interrogation Case

  29. 职业紧张对巡警和刑警心理健康的影响

    Effect of Occupational Stress on Mental Health of Patrolmen and Criminal Policemen

  30. 巡警琼斯曾在出事现场。

    Patrolman Jones be at the scene of the accident .