
xún shì
  • make an inspection tour;tour;go around and inspect;visitation;perambulate
巡视 [xún shì]
  • [make an inspection tour;go around and inspect] 巡行视察

巡视[xún shì]
  1. 每天巡视两次即可,使用、维护更方便。

    Make an inspection tour twice everyday and it is more convenient to use and maintenance .

  2. 校长巡视了所有教室。

    The head went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms .

  3. 马尔的车在路上抛了锚,AA巡视员1个小时后才到达。

    Mal 's car had broken down en route and the AA patrolman had taken an hour to arrive .

  4. 狱警继续巡视监狱。

    Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail .

  5. 他去一些目前由联合国接管的争议地区巡视了一番。

    He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control .

  6. 女王陛下巡视完这家医院后,为纪念匾揭了幕。

    After touring the hospital , Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque .

  7. 看门人巡视一圈,把灯熄灭。

    The janitor comes round to turn the lights out

  8. 这些大规模的农场地处偏远,使得它们常常无人照管,每年只巡视一两次,这意味着如果牲畜生病或需要援助,农场主可能需要很长时间才能发现。

    The extreme isolation of these massive farms leaves them often unattended , and monitored only once or twice a year , which means if the livestock falls ill or requires assistance , it can be a long time for farmers to discover .

  9. 着陆后,巡视器将开展科研探测。

    A rover will be released after the landing to conduct scientific exploration .

  10. 吴王出游,巡视辖内山川美景。

    King Wu went on a trip to view the beautiful mountain scenery in his domain1 .

  11. 他又注意地巡视着那些梁和峁,还有沟和壑

    He carefully surveyed the ridges and knolls once more , and also the ravines and gullies .

  12. 船长巡视一圈,检查了我们的枪,确实一切都已准备好。

    The captain went round to check our places and our guns , and to see that everything was ready .

  13. 视频片段记录了天问一号着陆巡视器开伞和下降过程、祝融号火星车驶离着陆平台及火星表面移动过程。

    The clips recorded the Tianwen 1 's landing rover deploying to the Martian surface , and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platform and moving over the surface of Mars .

  14. 当“天问一号”在停泊调相轨道上再次到达近火点时,需要再次刹车,进入停泊轨道,并在该轨道上进行多次调整,保证着陆器和巡视器在预先设定的时间、地点着陆火星。

    When the Chinese probe reaches the periareion for the second time , it will brake again to perform an orbital maneuver and make sure the lander and rover of Tianwen-1 can complete the landing on Mars at the scheduled time and place .

  15. 基于移动数据库技术的GPS电力线路巡视管理系统

    Line Inspection Management System Based on Mobile Database and GPS

  16. 由几个有关分子云的问题看银河CO巡视的现状

    Current Situation of the CO Survey in Our Galaxy in view of Relevant Problems of Molecular Clouds

  17. NASA知道这一点,所以他们考虑用飞机来巡视火星。

    NASA knows this , and has considered surveying Mars by airplane .

  18. 护士有针对性地加强巡视观察,早预防、早发现、早处理ADR。

    If nurses can strengthen observation and precaution and treatment of ADR were done early .

  19. 位于加州的农业机器人公司BlueRiverTechnology的研究员描绘了未来农场的样子——成群无人机在空中巡视,大批机器人以及无人驾驶拖拉机照料着生产。

    Researchers at Blue River Technology , a California-based agricultural robotics company , envisage farms of the future being surveyed by flocks of drones , and tended by fleets of robots and self-driving tractors .

  20. 本文以1998年全国大学生数模竞赛中的B题(即灾情巡视路线)为例,介绍一种最优路线问题的方法&模拟退火法[1]。

    Taking problem B from the 98 ′ mathmatical contest in modeling of undergraduate of chian as a example , the article introduces a kind of means simulant annealing solution , to doing with the shortest path question .

  21. 在采用GPS监测、深部位移监测、宏观地质巡视的同时,还监测降雨量、地下水位、库水位及不合理的人类工程活动。

    While adopting GPS monitoring , deep displacement monitoring and macro-geological inspection tour , we monitor rainfall , the change in groundwater level and reservoir water level as well as improper human engineering activities .

  22. 同时,在利用BP神经网络对大坝的运行状态进行综合推理时,把人工巡视作为一个成因因素加以考虑,使得推理结果更加趋于合理和客观。

    While BP neural network is used to reason the running status of the dam , the manual patrol is considered as a cause , making the result of reasoning more reasonable and objective .

  23. 采用直升机开展500kV输电线路巡视及事故抢修探讨

    On Helicopter Inspection of 500 kV Transmission Lines and Failure Rush Repairs

  24. 根据输电线路巡视工作的具体要求及相关程序和软件(如C、MapInfo等)的使用,本文阐述了整个系统的设计方案和相关技术。

    According to the specific requirements of the transmission line inspections and usage of related procedures and software ( such as C # , Map Info , etc. ), the paper describes design and related technologies of the entire system .

  25. 结论:采用麻醉医师指导的护士定时巡视和值班医师负责处理紧急情况的APS规范化管理是可行的,且有利于改善急性疼痛治疗的效果。

    Conclusion : APS , anesthetist-supervised nurse-timely-visited , and responsible by on-duty-anesthetist , can be helpful to standardize acute pain management , and improve the efficency of acute pain treatment .

  26. 最近去巡视PerUna门店时,戴维斯发现,女性顾客不再提前购买体现季节的衣服,而只是一次性冲动购物或买一些必需品。

    On a recent tour of Per Una outlets , Mr Davies found women were not buying clothes ahead for anything resembling a season , just making one-off purchases on impulse or from necessity .

  27. 在Windows环境下完成了服务器端的C++程序和基于MFC框架的客户端应用程序的编写以及界面设计,实现了C/S结构的病房巡视机器人智能空间管理系统。

    C + + programs of server and client application are developed in Windows environment based on MFC , so a management system of intelligent space for ward inspection robot based on C / S mode is achieved .

  28. 把在不同情况下寻找灾情最佳巡视路线的问题归结为在一定约束条件下求解最优多推销员回路问题,即MTSP问题。

    The author regard it as MTSP problem for exploring the excellent tour route in various cases .

  29. 提出了一种基于面向对象的设备巡视仿真机制,采用3D软件建模,利用JAVAAPI进行界面设计,利用JDBC实现与数据库的数据交换,采用cult3D进行软件设计和数据库编码。

    An equipment inspection emulation technique is put forward in the paper , which uses 3D technique in modeling , Java API in interface design , JDBC in data interchange with database , cult 3D in software design and database coding .

  30. USAF太阳射电全球巡视网及其第21太阳活动周U-型谱预报精度的检验

    The Solar Radio Patrol Network of USAF and the Examination of Prediction Accuracy of the U-Shaped Radio Spectrum for Cycle 21