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Discussion about the origin of the lherzolite xenoliths in southern Leizhou Peninsula
The temperature-moisture fluctuation character of sound lump echoes on the texture and fabric of some lherzolite nodules in Cainozoic basalt from eastern China
The olivine-augite anorthosites with cumulate texture is obviously higher in Al_2O_3 , CaO , REE , La / Yb and lower in MgO compared with the lherzolites .
The Pl-lherzolite differs from the cumulates in having blastic texture and high-temperature deformed fabric of Ng [ 100 ] characteristic of the mantle peridotite and yielding orthopyroxene .
And lherzolites might represent remnants after partial melting of the weakly depleted upper mantle in a mid-ocean-ridge ( MOR ) environment .
Experimental Study on Impedance Spectra of Iherzolite under High Temperature and High Pressure
On the texture and fabric of some lherzolite nodules in Cainozoic basalt from eastern China
The upper mantle consists of lherzolite , and it seems that there is a transition zone between spinel and garnet lherzolites .
Mantle xenoliths captured in alkali basalt occurs widely in the Liuhe district , Jiangsu province , China , dominantly by spinel lherzolite .
The appearance of new-born minerals ( clinopyroxene and plagioclase ) in the Pl-lherzolite provides an evidence for the penetration of basic melt .
Rock combination generally have lherzolite-olive two pyroxenite-two metamorphic facies ; Mafic rocks combination generally have bright green gabbro , gabbro , norite-gabbro diorite .
Major element compositions in lherzolites and clinopyroxene separates display a successive variation , which indicates these rocks are residual phases after partial melting .
In respect of mineralogy and petrology as well as strontium isotope , the Pl-lherzolite exhibits some features of transition from the cumulates to the mantle peridotite .
The fluid compositions of alkali basalts and Iherzolite xenoliths show high nonhomogeneity in the upper mantle source region and difference in alkali basaltic magma evolution in different districts .
The ultramafic nodules widely distributed in Cainozoic basalt in eastern China are regarded as fragments of upper mantle that were brought up to the ground surface by basaltic magma .
The sapphire-bearing basalts contain abundant iherzolit es that belong to the remnants of the upper mantle left after the removal of basaltic melts from partial melting of the upper mantle .
The partial melting of the upper mantle not only controlled the evolution of mantle rock types ( lherzolite → harzber-gite → dunite ) but also played a critical role for chromite preconcentration .
The vP values of lherzolite and pyroxenite obtained at 1.4 GPa are 7.87 km / s and 7.47 km / s respectively . These values are closest to that of rocks from the crust-mantle transition zone .
The experimental results indicate that the complex impedance spectra of iherzolite strongly depends on frequency , at the same time we explain it by virtue of electrical conduction : grain boundaries , grain interiors as well as between sample and electrode ;
It may be suggested that websterite xenoliths came from cooler lithosphere and lherzolite ones from the depth near to lithosphere asthenosphere boundary , and the latter is also indicating a smaller geotherm gradient that is nearly close to typical advective geotherm gradient .
Lithologic types of the massifs are mainly harzburgite and dunite , with subordinated lherzolite ( orthopyroxene : 5 ~ 7 % ) . The textures and structures are similar to those of metamorphic rocks , and micro - plastic deformation of minerals is ubiquitous .
Based on the petrology , geochemistry and calculation , we suggest that the picrite-leucitite and olivine-leucite basalt were solidified by primitive magma which derived from phlogopite-bearing lherzolite mantle by partial melting , the degree of partial melting is respectively 3.5 % and 4.3 % about .