
  • 网络Loss Contract;onerous contract
  1. 周四发布的全年业绩显示,这家总部位于天津的运营商为干散货业务租用船舶的亏损合同进行了7.6亿美元的拨备。

    Full-year accounts , presented on Thursday , showed that the Tianjin-based operator made a US $ 760m provision in its dry bulk segment for onerous contracts on chartered-in vessels .

  2. 美国在本世纪初率先曝出安然(Enron)和世通(WorldCom)的丑闻,许多国家的公司低报亏损,虚报合同金额并夸大收入。

    The US was a pioneer with Enron and WorldCom in the early 2000s , and companies in many countries understate losses , misprice contracts and overstate revenues .