
  • 网络Social Sciences in Yunnan
  1. 在《云南社会科学》,《思想战线》等刊物发表现当代文学研究的多篇文章。

    He has published many articles on contemporary literature in journals such as Yunnan Social Science and The Frontlines of Thought .

  2. 对发展繁荣云南哲学社会科学若干问题的研究与思考

    How to Development and Flourish Philosophical Social Sciences in Yunnan

  3. 突出重点抓好落实全面推进云南哲学社会科学的繁荣和发展

    Carrying Forward Flourish and Development of Social Sciences in Yunnan

  4. 云南省社会科学院经济学家陈利君指出,他所在城市昆明的市中心距离呈贡约20公里过于拥挤。

    Chen Lijun , an economist at the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences in Kunming , points out that the centre of his city which lies about 20km from Chenggong is overcrowded .

  5. 马曜是集战士、诗人、学者、教育家于一身的世纪学人,是白族文化名人的一面旗帜,也是云南以至中国社会科学界的一座丰碑。

    Professor Ma Yao is " the Century Scholar " embodying the traits of soldier , poet , scholar and educator , and a great culture celebrity of the Bai nationality and a monument of the social sciences of Yunnan Province as well as China .

  6. 云南边境地区经济社会科学发展的思考

    Scientific Development of Social Economy of Borderline Areas in Yunnan

  7. 《学术研究》(云南)是云南省哲学社会科学会创办的学术刊物。

    The Academic Research ( Yunnan ) was sponsored by Yunnan Provincial Philosophy Social Science Society , which was one of the most important journals in Yunnan .