
dà guà
  • unlined long gown
大褂 [dà guà]
  • [unlined long gown] 过膝的单衣,一种中式单衣

大褂[dà guà]
  1. 一群穿着白大褂的医生站在楼梯顶上。

    At the top of the stairs stood the white-coated doctors .

  2. 把这件大褂给孩子们毁两件上衣。

    Make two children 's jackets out of this gown .

  3. 每个月总有几次,你可以在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩的拉尔夫市场的过道里找到一位医生,身穿白大褂,帮助人们了解食物。

    Several times a month , you can find a doctor in the aisles of Ralph 's market in Huntington Beach , California , wearing a white coat and helping people learn about food .

  4. 他们发现穿白大褂的人比不穿白大褂的人表现更好。

    What they found was that people wearing white coats performed better than those who weren 't .

  5. 这种观点认为,白大褂与科学家有关联,而科学家又被认为对细节有着密切的关注。

    The idea is that white coats are associated with scientists , who are in turn thought to have close attention to detail .

  6. 有高达三分之一的高血压患者在医生量血压时经历过“白大褂效应”。

    Up to one-third of patients diagnosed with high blood pressure show the " white coat " effect during exam-room readings .

  7. “白大褂效应”指病人在医生办公室、诊室或者有医务人员在场时量血压,血压都会升高的现象。在医生办公室时脉搏就会加速是很常见的现象,这种现象被称为“白大褂高血压”。

    White coat effect refers to the elevation of a patient 's blood pressure readings caused by being in a doctor 's office or clinic , or by being in the presence of a physician .

  8. 在上海中药制药一厂(shanghaino.1tcmfactory),引人注目的不是压力控制室里在身着白大褂的技师监督下、从锃亮的机器里生产出的棕色小药丸,而是药品的成份。

    It is not the small brown pills that stand out at the Shanghai No.1 TCM factory , produced by shiny machines inside pressure-controlled rooms and supervised by technicians in white coats . It is the ingredients .

  9. 在中国,甚至连医生也不愿自己的子女继承这个职业。2011年中国医师协会(ChinaAssociationofMedicalDoctors)的一项调查表明,78%的受访医生不希望自己的孩子穿上白大褂。

    Even Chinese doctors prefer their children not to follow them into the profession : according to a 2011 survey by the Chinese Medical Doctors " Association , 78 per cent of respondents said they hoped their child would not don a white coat .

  10. 最近,英国公布的新大纲禁止在医院里穿白大褂和长袖服,希望这一举措能够降低以上带上细菌到处传播的几率,尤其是MRSA,也就是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。

    Britain recently issued guidelines that banned white coats and long sleeves in hospitals in the hope that the move would decrease the chances of picking up and transferring bacteria , especially the of MRSA : - resistant .

  11. 《19号消防局》向当地消防站捐赠了N95口罩,《实习医生格蕾》向洛杉矶当地医院捐赠了库存的白大褂和手套。

    Station 19 donated N95 masks to the local fire station while Grey 's is donating their backstock of gowns and gloves to local Los Angeles hospitals .

  12. 病人愿意从没有开药权力的保健工作者那里开药是因为一种“白大褂”效应,Bhatt认为。

    The fact that patients are willing to take prescriptions from healthcare workers who do not have the authority is due to the'white coat'effect , says Bhatt .

  13. 一个穿白大褂的人在观看仪表。

    A man in a white coat was reading the dials .

  14. 所以你应该像我们一样穿上一件白大褂儿。

    So put on a white coat like the rest of us .

  15. 只要有时间和耐心,桑树叶子会变成绸大褂。

    With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown .

  16. 这些穿白大褂的人类干吗总是用尖东西扎我

    What 's with these whitecoat people sticking me with sharp things ?

  17. 我们穿上我们的白大褂并藏在后面,

    We put on our white coats and we hide behind them .

  18. 另一个是白大褂牛仔裤的医生芭比。

    A second Barbie was a doctor in a white coat and jeans .

  19. 医院里的医生在他平常穿的衣服外边罩一件大褂。

    The doctor in the hospital wore a gown over his ordinary clothes .

  20. 你必须穿上实验室的白大褂。

    You need to put on a lab coat .

  21. 但一定会有一件白色的大褂。

    And almost certainly a white lab coat .

  22. 你们不能光认这身白大褂呀!

    It seems you 've mistaken my gown !

  23. 在碧倩前台工作时穿的白大褂我还留着呢。

    I still have the white coat from when I worked at the clinique counter .

  24. 1位白大褂医生意味着癌症。

    One white coat meant cancer .

  25. 我们是喜欢白大褂啦,但飞来飞去就不怎么讨喜

    We do like lab coats , but the flying around everywhere is not so good .

  26. 私底下进行,否则会有两个穿白大褂的男人来探望你。

    Do this in private otherwise you may get a visit from two men in white coats .

  27. 工人穿的大褂是白色的,手上戴的橡胶手套死尸般煞白。

    The overalls of the workers were white , their hands gloved with a pale corpse-coloured rubber .

  28. 在17世纪以前,科学家是不被认可的,也许是因为实验室白大褂在当时还没流行起来。

    Before the17th Century scientists weren 't really recognised – possibly because lab-coats had yet to catch on .

  29. 另外一边站着一个穿白大褂的人,手中拿着打针的注射器。

    At the other side of him stood a man in a white coat , holding a hypodermic syringe .

  30. 我现在还能回想起穿干净白大褂的随车(救护车)救护人员,他们照料我的伤势。

    I can still see the ambulance attendants , in their clean white attire , attending to my injury .