
  • 网络Public awareness;mass consciousness;popular consciousness
  1. 个体自由是欧洲大众意识中的一个很有影响力的观念。

    Individual freedom is a powerful notion in the European popular consciousness .

  2. 有关神经科学的错误之见有很大的直观吸引力,而且在商业和互助团体等领域传播非常之快,要从大众意识中清除这些错误看法也许会成为一件永无止境的任务。

    Neuromyths have so much intuitive appeal , and they spread so rapidly in fields like business and self-help , that eradicating them from popular consciousness might be a Sisyphean task .

  3. 必须支持为非洲及非洲青年提供持续一致的发展努力的大众意识(b芭芭拉B.科纳伯)

    The public awareness that must underpin a sustained and concerted development effort for Africa and its youth ( bBarber B.Conable )

  4. “欧猪五国”(PIIGS)和“破裂社会”(brokensociety)均被收录到《科林斯英语词典》中,这反映出了去年经济衰退在大众意识中占据的主导地位。

    " PIIGS " and " broken society " have all made their way into the Collins English Dictionary , reflecting the dominance of the economic downturn in last year 's consciousness .

  5. 大众意识觉醒了,自发地在许多地方进行寻找。

    Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters .

  6. 革新精神与大众意识。

    Innovational spirit and a sense of the public .

  7. 大众意识与精英意识

    The Masses Awareness and the Elite Consciousness

  8. 社会大众意识在主体性得到增强的同时,出现了多元化趋势。

    The public social consciousness has the multiplex tendency while the main body is enhanced .

  9. 人类的大众意识决定了人类的命运。

    Human mass consciousness determines human destiny .

  10. 就算是现在你也能够因此帮助到大众意识,虽然它限制了你的意识的级别。

    Even now you can tap into the Mass Consciousness , but it is limited by your present level of consciousness .

  11. 因此文化工业化使大众意识逐渐对现实采取顺从的和非批判的态度。

    As a result , the cultural industrialization gradually makes common awareness take an obedient and non - critical attitude to the reality .

  12. 通俗文学甚至整个中国文学都需要在精英意识的指引下,在大众意识的参与中走向未来。

    Popular literature and even the total Chinese literature need both the guidance of elite consciousness and the participation of masses awareness on its way to future .

  13. 这一理论指出统治阶级不只于借助强制手段就能使大众意识重新构造,即用一种新的主流意识和新的世界观、价值观去影响大众、让大众接受;

    The theory points out that the governor can reconstruct the people 's ideology with new mainstream ideas , world outlook and values instead of the imperative means .

  14. 精英精神与大众意识、传统阐释理论与后现代阅读理论以及王者视野与个人诉说之间的矛盾,就是这种困惑的集中体现。

    High spirit and public awareness , the traditional interpretation of postmodern theory and reading theory , and tell King vision and personal conflicts between , is a concentrated expression of this confusion .

  15. 在当代公共环境中,以满足公众审美需要和引领公众审美方向为目的,以大众意识为旨归的壁画艺术必然是缤纷多样的。

    In modern public environment , the art of mural creation is sure to be riotous and diversified with a purpose of satisfying and guiding the public 's vision and psychological requirement and a gist of the people 's consciousness .

  16. 他说:“我认为(反对者们)作出了重要贡献,使大众意识到这个体系的缺陷。大街上的人们对舆论会有所影响,而向公众推销商品的公司也会对舆论作出反应?”

    I think [ the protesters ] have made an important contribution by making people aware of the flaws of the system , " he says . " People on the street had an impact on public opinion and corporations which sell to the public responded to that . "

  17. 而由于地域限制、NGO发展程度的不同以及社会大众公民意识的薄弱使处于西北地区的NGO筹资更具有其特殊性与挑战性。

    Each NGO has to worry about their funding . NGOs based in northwest part of China are particularly facing more challenges as a result of regional constraints , unbalanced level of development and weak awareness of the society .

  18. 其内容主要包括:(1)引导大众消费意识;(2)增加低收入群的收入;

    Increasing the income of low - pay masses ;

  19. 第三,大众审美意识的变化。

    Third , the mass change of aesthetic consciousness .

  20. 浅谈知识经济时代的大众图书馆意识

    Talking about the Library Consciousness of the Public in the Times of Knowledge-based Economy

  21. 广告的变迁实际上体现着大众消费意识以及审美意识的双重变奏。

    The change of the advertising is actually the change of consumer awareness and aesthetic sense as well .

  22. 媒体对安全新闻的报道是提高大众安全意识和安全素养的手段;

    The medium report of safety event is an effective way to raise the safety consciousness of ordinary people .

  23. 随着大众审美意识的提高,把陶艺创作运用到景观设计中具有很重要的意义。

    With the public aesthetic consciousness enhancement , the creation of ceramic art applied to landscape design has the very important significance .

  24. 我们已经谈论有关大众的意识,因此你能开始看到不要沦为其它人之想法的牺牲品的重要性。

    We have already talked about the mass consciousness so you can begin to see the importance of not falling prey to the thoughts of others .

  25. 保密性、严肃性、敏感度极高的军事信息,似乎难以成为社会关注的热点,也似乎难以融入大众学科意识。

    It seems difficult for military-related information , to become social focus and associate with mass discipline consciousness , in view of its security , seriousness and sensitivity .

  26. 媒介暴力现实如此严峻,使得大众逐渐意识到改善媒介环境、加强媒体责任在所难免。

    The reality of media violence is so severe that the public come to realize that it is inevitable for improving the media environment and strengthening the media responsibility .

  27. 随着大众健康意识的不断增强,越来越多的人们把健身作为一种时尚,各种各样的健身俱乐部开展的红红火火,出现了良好的发展趋势。

    With the growing awareness of public health , more and more people to fitness as a lifestyle , there has been a good trend , a variety of health club carried out in booming .

  28. 在文化质差中,传者需要保持明确的主流文化意识;在文化位差中,传者需要树立一定的精英文化意识;在文化时差中,传者则需要具备较强的大众文化意识。

    The disseminators should keep a clear sense of the mainstream culture in the difference of quality , acquire some of the elite cultural awareness in the difference of position and have a strong sense of popular culture in the difference of time .

  29. 伴随着民众利益的群体划分、社会大众权利意识的提高和社会舆情环境的改善,每个利益群体借助多个途径表达利益诉求,使得舆情工作逐渐受到重视。

    With the division of public interest , the raising of public awareness of their rights and the improvement of the social sentiment environment , each interest group expresses their interest demands through multiple channels , drawing attention to the work of social sentiment handling .

  30. 在建筑立面日趋模式化、平淡化的今天,它对于重塑城市空间形态,提高大众审美意识,创造舒适的生存环境具有独到的作用。

    As the facade of the building is tend to become patterned and flat today , it will play a special role on the reconstruction of the urban space and the elevation of people 's consciousness of taste , as well as the creation of a comfortable living environment .