
  1. “云南花灯”词曲优美,舞蹈性强;

    The Yunnan festive lantern has beautiful songs and rhythm , with many dances ;

  2. 随着时间的演进,经历了发展过程中的坎坎坷坷,云南花灯与诸多戏曲艺术步入新时代。

    As time went on , experienced hardships , and frustrations in the development of Ke , Yunnan lanterns and many opera arts into a new era .

  3. 但是时代在发展,曾经辉煌的云南花灯也跟其它许多地方戏剧一样经历着同样的命运。

    However , in the development of the times , had a brilliant lantern Yunnan also with many other local drama , has experienced the same fate .

  4. 纵观国内同类戏曲艺术的兴衰,发现戏曲发展中有一些深层的东西,对云南花灯来说,无论是社会本身还是云南花灯本身,它的发展都很值得让人期待。

    Throughout the rise and fall of similar artistic operas , drama development found in some deep stuff , Yunnan lantern , for both the society itself or the Yunnan lantern itself , its development are worth expecting .

  5. 我们现在需要做的,是对云南花灯的价值做重新估价,认真挖掘它潜在的价值,在与同类戏曲的比较中学习到经验与教训,我们就可能看到云南花灯未来发展的希望。

    We now need to do is make the value of Yunnan lantern reassessment of the potential value of careful excavation that it , in comparison with similar drama to the experience and lessons learned , we may see hope for the future development of Yunnan lantern .

  6. 在2005年6月9日,国务院公布的首批518个国家级非物质文化遗产名录中,云南玉溪花灯戏被收录于传统戏剧类栏目当中,一举成为云南的骄傲。

    In the June 9 , 2005 , the State Council announced the first batch of 518 state-level intangible cultural heritage , the Yunnan Yuxi lantern show is included in the traditional drama class part which therefore became the pride of Yunnan .