
  • 网络dynamic yunnan
  1. 《云南映象》及《云南民族文化传习馆》的得与失

    The Success of Dynamic Yunnan and the Failure of Yunnan Ethnic Culture School

  2. 舞台展演与文化存续&以《云南映象》为个案的探讨

    Stage Performance and Culture Continuity : A Case Study on " Dynamic Yunnan "

  3. 论《云南映象》渗透出的三映象

    On the Three Images from Dynamic Yunnan

  4. 大型原生态歌舞集《云南映象》是近年来我国文化产业发展中最成功的案例之一。

    Reflection of Yunnan is one of the successful case in the development of cultural industry of our country recently .

  5. 《云南映象》是原生态歌舞的浓缩和中华民族文化的精华,在全国掀起了舞蹈审美风暴。

    Impression of Yunnan is the essence of Chinese original ecology dance and ethnic culture and raises an aesthetic trend on dancing .

  6. 大型原生态民族歌舞《云南映象》将于4月11日在北京保利剧院上演。

    Dynamic Yunnan , a grand original primitive song and dance medley , is to be staged on April 11th in Poly Theatre , Beijing .

  7. 著名舞蹈家杨丽萍亲身打造的大型原生态歌舞剧《云南映象》,开创了我国舞台艺术的一种新品种。

    Dynamic Yunnan is a grand original ecological ethnic dance musical by famous dancer Yang Liping personally , which initiates a new theatrical art form in China .

  8. 第五部分以云南映象·水之景片区的水景设计为案例进行了研究,探讨了其优秀的设计手法,为益阳居住区的水景设计提供参考。

    The fifth part carries out " yun nan yin xiang " for the case . It discuss good design practices in the region , provide good example for waterscape of residential area in yiyang .

  9. 为了让云南映象能够走得更远,文章的最后提供了三点极具建设性的建议:云南映象文化产业有限公司可更名为云南文化传媒集团、实行多品牌战略、适当拓展业务。

    In order to let it go further , the article provides three very constructive suggestions at last . The corporation has been encouraged to rename as Yunnan Culture Media Group , implement multi-brand strategy , and expand business appropriately .

  10. 《云南映象》是云南发展民族文化产业里程碑式的成果,它同时也被视为民族文化传承和开发的模式之一。

    " Dynamic Yunnan " is a milestone-like achievement in the course of developing Yunnan ethnic cultural industry . At the same time , it is also regarded as one of the patterns suitable for the inheritance and development of ethnic culture .

  11. 自2003年8月8日昆明上演以来,迅速红遍大江南北,并且走出国门,进行世界巡演,掀起了云南映象热和原生态歌舞热。

    From its original performance on August 8th in 2003 , it not only became famous all over the country rapidly , but also export and on tour all over the world . It caused a stir of Reflection of Yunnan and primitive song-dance .