
yì shù ɡòu sī
  • artistic conception
  1. 视角的选择与作家的艺术构思有密切的关系。

    It is closely related to the artistic conception of the author .

  2. 试论电视剧音乐的艺术构思和创作

    On the Artistic Conception and Creation of TV Play Music

  3. 浅谈建筑立面改造规律及其艺术构思

    Brief Discussion on Regular Patterns and Artistic Concept of Architectural Facade Retrofit

  4. 《金瓶梅词话》的宗教描写与作者的艺术构思

    The Religious Description of The Golden Lotus and the Author 's Art Idea

  5. 他从艺术构思的基础、过程和方法,进行了有理有据的论述。

    He discusses the foundation , course and method of art conception reasonably .

  6. 从艺术构思的角度看则是意象的组合。

    From the art of conceptive processing , it is the formation of image ;

  7. 三维场景创作的艺术构思探议

    Discussion of Artistic Conception in Creating 3D Scenes

  8. 神仙思想是影响屈原艺术构思的一个重要因素。

    The thought on immortality was an important factor in Qu Yuan 's writing .

  9. 广告语的创意是一种富有创造性的艺术构思,是表现主题的一种意境创造,因此它贵在创新。

    The originality of advertising message is a artistic conception and a lofty ambience creation .

  10. 本章分艺术构思论、艺术审美论、艺术形式论三节。

    This chapter points art conception theory , art aesthetic theory , art form theory quarters .

  11. 艺术构思论主要探讨周密无兴不作的灵感说和对词体功能的思考。

    Artistic conception theory mainly discusses the subtle " not " without the inspiration and the thinking .

  12. 创作过程的初级阶段一一由物到意的艺术构思阶段。

    Part two Primary stage of create conception & the art conception stage from objects to meaning .

  13. 论绘画艺术构思

    The Artistic Conception of Painting

  14. 也正是有了这种综合艺术构思上的突破,从而使电影文学作品产生质的飞跃。

    It is because of the breakthrough in comprehensive art conception that film literary works have improved qualitatively .

  15. 与文学创作活动的素材积累、艺术构思和艺术传达环节相联系,形式在艺术表现中具有三大基本功能&预成功能、建构功能、完善功能。

    Form performs three basic functions during artic expression : prefabricating function , constructing function and consummating function .

  16. 养气入静,使创作主体处于虚静的状态,可以蓄积心理张力,为艺术构思作准备。

    In a state of tranquility , the writer can accumulate mental tension so as to prepare for artistic conception .

  17. 迟子建小说的诗化倾向主要体现在淡化故事、诗化语言、艺术构思等三个方面。

    Her novels ' poetic tendency is embodied in three aspects : desalted stories , poetic text , and artistic conceiving .

  18. 所有这些作品都不简单,却都有一些共同的基本特征:赏心悦目的绘画技巧,大胆而极具表现力的色彩运用,以及宏大的艺术构思。

    None of these is easy , but they share essential qualities : exhilarating draughtsmanship , boldly expressive colour and conceptual ambition .

  19. 二是提出了以想象为中心的艺术构思论,突出了想象的作用。

    Second , the theory on artistically conception by centering on imagination is set forth and the function of imagination is emphasized .

  20. 因此,编导进行创作,从根本上说,首先从观察体验生活人手,身入生活,心入生活,然后经过艺术构思,把头脑中形成的艺术形象用舞蹈形式表现出来。

    Therefore choreography starts from life observation and life experience , which are to be translated into dance representation on stage through artistic design .

  21. 俄国文学在思想意蕴和艺术构思方面对鲁迅的小说《药》创作产生了深刻的影响。

    In terms of the ideological implication and art design , Russian literature had a profound influence on Luxun 's novel " Medicine " .

  22. 在艺术构思上,这部小说赞颂了党性美、人性美、人格美,谱写了一曲美的颂歌。

    In terms of artistic construction , this novel exhibits the beauty of Party spirit , the beauty of humanity , and the beauty of personality .

  23. 而语言的立体感又首先得力于朱自清独特的艺术构思;其次它得力于朱自清对艺术辨证法奥妙的领悟和把握,对各种艺术手法的独到的妙用以及他遣使语言的精湛技巧。

    It benefits from the unique artistic design , the comprehension to the secret of art and the skill of using various artistic means and language .

  24. 本文分析萧红独特的人生经历、审美视点以及艺术构思等,为探索萧红作品艺术风格提供一些借鉴。

    This article presents some ideas exploring the artistic style of Xiao Hong 's works by analysing her unique personal experience , artistic insight and composition .

  25. 感觉的笼括与整个艺术构思过程相始终,笼括感觉的任务最终是由“物化”过程或者说“物化”阶段来完成的。

    Sensational encompassment is involved in the whole process of artistic conception , and its task is eventually accomplished by the materialization process or materialization stage .

  26. 这决定了伤痕文学在新的历史阶段仍然会按照传统的习惯预设文学方案,并将这种思维方式很自然地带入艺术构思、创作和人物形象的塑造之中。

    This means that Trauma Literature will continue its conventional presupposition in the new historical period and naturally bring this way of thinking into artistic fabrication and characterization .

  27. 唐诗中的月意象与日、星、风、酒等意象相组合既体现了作者的艺术构思,也表现了作者的情绪和思想。

    The combination of moon image and sun , star , wind or wine images demonstrates both the authors ' ideas of art and their feelings and thoughts .

  28. 无论是创作冲动、艺术构思,还是艺术表达,文学翻译与艺术创作都具备同一性。

    Literary translation has some similarities compared with artistic creation but it also has some dissimilarities in the following : creation impulse , artistic conception and artistic presentation .

  29. 这种创作的个性意识与社会意识的有机结合,来自于诗人对人生和历史的深刻体验和感悟,成就了艺术构思收放自如的人格魅力。

    The combination of individual and social consciousness comes from the insightful perception of life and history , and this enables him to accomplish the charm in artistic conception .

  30. 论文的第四部分则从演员在戏剧表演、形体动作、对话台词、舞台调度以及角色塑造、导演的艺术构思和处理中来看这三部歌剧的史诗性表演特色。

    The fourth part deals with the epic features of these three operas from other angles , such as the words , non-verbal behavior , stage dispatch and direction .