
  • 网络Educational Dance
  1. 高师艺术教育舞蹈课探索

    A Study of Dance Class of the Art Education at Normal Universities

  2. 高等职业教育舞蹈表演专业课程设置问题研究

    A Study of Curriculum Setting in Dance Performance Major in Higher Vocational Education

  3. 摘要本文论述学前舞蹈课程的教学特点,指出当前教学中存在的主要问题,强调学前教育舞蹈课教学应把握的几个问题。

    This article discusses the teaching features of preschool dance courses , math problems existing in current teaching and several problems in dance teaching of preschool education .

  4. 第三部分,对我国高师舞蹈教育专业舞蹈课程设置存在问题进行了原因分析。

    The third part of our high professional dance teachers dance education curriculum problems were cause analysis .

  5. 我国高师舞蹈教育专业舞蹈课程设置的问题与对策研究

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Dance Curriculum of the Dance Education Major for the Higher Teacher Education College in China

  6. 第二部分,分析了我国高师舞蹈教育专业舞蹈课程开设中存在的问题。

    The second part of the analysis of our high professional dance teachers dance education program set up in the problems .

  7. 然而,目前国内外关于高校体育教育专业舞蹈艺术课程教学的研究往往还处在描述层面,而且针对性不强。

    However , the current research on teaching of dance courses for physical education major in colleges is still at the shallow descriptive level and without specific solution .

  8. WTO与中国舞蹈教育&关于舞蹈经营与管理专业设立的构想

    WTO and Chinese Dance Education & Conception of the Foundation of Dance Management Major

  9. 大学美育教育中的舞蹈艺术

    The Role of Dance Art in the Aesthetic Education in University

  10. 学前教育专业学生舞蹈教学能力的培养

    Cultivation of Dance Teaching Ability in Pre-School Education Major

  11. 高职学前教育专业学生舞蹈学习困难的原因及对策研究

    Research on Causes and Countermeasures of Dancing Learning Difficulties for Pre-school Education Students in Vocational School

  12. 所以就要针对音乐教育专业开设舞蹈课程的必要性进行系统、科学的分析与研究。

    So we need to assort and study scientifically and systematically the necessity of giving dancing courses for musicology majors .

  13. 我国高校体育教育专业开设舞蹈艺术课程的现状及对策研究

    A Research on Current Situation and Countermeasures to Establishment of Dance Courses in the Major of Physical Education of Chinese Colleges

  14. 高等师范音乐教育本科专业舞蹈教学初探吉林省普通高校体育舞蹈教师现状调查与分析

    Elementary Probe on Dancing Teaching in Music Department of Teachers College ; Investigation on Condition of Sport Dance Teachers in University in Jilin Province

  15. 个性化的艺术教育:开设舞蹈、绘画、书法、陶艺、电子琴的学习,陶冶情操,丰富人生。

    Personal art training : We have dancing , drawing , handwriting , ceramic art and electronic piano courses to cultivate their taste and enrich their lives .

  16. 舞蹈教育心理在舞蹈基本功教学中具有培养学生认知能力、想像能力、创造思维能力和艺术创造力的功能。

    In teaching basic dancing skills , dance education psychology plays the role of training students ' cognitive ability , imaginative ability , creative thinking ability and artistic innovation ability .

  17. 通过分析体育舞蹈教学中音乐的个性以及音乐与动作的关系,来阐述音乐在教学中的重要性,强调音乐教育应与舞蹈教育同步进行。

    The paper is intended to dwelt on the relationship between music and movement in order to the importance of music . Therefore , music cultivation should be done with teaching dancing .

  18. 舞蹈是有灵魂的艺术,它能给人们带来无限美感和激动,基础教育阶段的舞蹈教育无疑是培育和提升这一无形灵魂的基础工程。

    Dance is the art of the soul ; it can bring us infinite beauty and excitement . Undoubtedly , the dance education of basic educational section is a fundamental engineering to breed and raise this kind of invisible soul .

  19. 正确发挥舞蹈教育心理在舞蹈基本功教学中的作用,能全面夯实舞蹈教学的基础,形成教学核心,对培植舞蹈基本功教学法的根基具有重要意义。

    Giving a correct play to dance education psychology in the teaching of basic dancing skills can make a solid foundation and form the core of dance teaching , which is very important to the teaching methods of basic dancing skills .

  20. 普及型舞蹈教育与中小学舞蹈教育的普及

    On Universal Education of Dancing and Popularization of Dancing Education in Schools

  21. 建议构建一套适应普通高校教育目标的体育舞蹈课程体系。

    Sport dancing course system is recommended to be constructed in this article .

  22. 以美的动律进行大学生身心教育&论体育舞蹈的教育功能

    Body and Mind Education for Students By Esthetical Movement Rhythms & Discuss Education Function of Sports Dance

  23. 没有哪个国家的教育体系天天安排舞蹈课,但却每天都安排数学课。

    There isn 't an education system on the planet that teaches dance everyday to children the way we teach them mathematics .

  24. 从2008年建校以来,中国舞蹈学院致力于提供一流的舞蹈教育和通过中国舞蹈来传播中国文化。

    Founded in2008 , the Chinese Dance Academy is focused on providing quality dance education as well as promoting the Chinese culture throught the art of Chinese Dance .

  25. 中国古代舞蹈教育对中国古代舞蹈艺术的发展始终起到了不容忽视的作用,应当说两者都是构成中国古代舞蹈文化的有机组成部分。

    Dance education in ancient China plays an important role in the progress of Chinese ancient dance art ; both of them are the essential components of Chinese ancient dance culture .

  26. 舞蹈教育日新月异,作为舞蹈教育内容之一的民族民间舞蹈教育,其教学方法、教学模式也在不断的发展。动作丰富、连贯性强、风格突出的组合,给开展教学创造了有利的条件。

    The dance education is changing with each passing day , and so is the folk dance education , as the main content of the dance education , in the teaching method and mode .

  27. 本文试图从课程与教学论的角度,重新审视中等专业舞蹈学校的音乐教育,探索针对舞蹈学校学生音乐素养的培养目标框架。

    The article intends to review the music education in middle professional dance school and probe the training objective of music accomplishment aimed at middle dance school students , in the respects of the curriculum and instruction .

  28. 舞蹈教育思想是在舞蹈教育实践基础上形成的对舞蹈教育现象与问题的认识和看法,其发展的历史是中国舞蹈教育史的重要组成部分。

    The dance education thought is formed on the basis of the dance education practice to recognize the education phenomenon and understand questions and views ; its development history is the important constituent of Chinese dance history of education .

  29. 由于我国中小学艺术课程设置中尚没有开设独立舞蹈课程,故作为一种舞蹈教育,壮族民间舞蹈的传承主要与中小学音乐教育相结合,同时也渗透于学校教育的方方面面。

    Because of the emptiness of independent dance class in the class installation of our primary and secondary education , so as a kind of dance education , Zhuang folk dance succession is mainly combined with primary and secondary music education .

  30. 第四部分,根据当前我国高师舞蹈教育课程设置所存在的问题,提出了我国高师舞蹈教育专业舞蹈课程改革的策略。

    The fourth part , based on the current China Normal dance education curriculum the problems and put forward our high professional dance teachers dance education curriculum reform strategy .