
  • 网络teaching orientation
  1. 浅谈高职国际贸易实务课程的教学定位

    On Teaching Orientation of International Trade Practice in Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 二是动画教学定位与目标不明确。

    Two is the animation teaching orientation and goals are not clear .

  3. 对一般本科院校艺术设计专业教学定位的思考

    Thought of Teaching Locating in Art Design Speciality of General Academy

  4. 西部地区艺术院校设计专业基础课程的教学定位

    Teaching Orientation of Basic Design Courses for Art Colleges in Western Area

  5. 基于其学科特点、学科地位、学科价值进行教学定位是多种教学改革探索中的一个角度、一种尝试。

    The teaching location is one point of views varied teaching methods .

  6. 简析小教大专中文专业写作教学定位

    The Positioning of Writing Teaching for 3-year Program Chinese Major

  7. 军队技术院校中长跑教学定位

    The Orientation of Roadwork-Teaching in the Military Technical Academies

  8. 地方高校的双语教学定位思考

    Consideration on Bilingual Teaching Orientation in District High Colleges

  9. 试论高校《马克思主义政治经济学》课程的教学定位

    The Teaching Location about Marxist 's Economics

  10. 现代教育技术与大学外语教师教学定位转变的思考

    Thought on Modern Educational Technology and Positioning Transform of University Teachers in Teaching Foreign Language

  11. 准确完善的教学定位能最大限度地发挥所授课程的功效。

    An accurate and consummate teaching orientation brings the efficacy of a course into full play .

  12. 给素描教学定位

    Positioning of sketch teaching

  13. 内容组织的知识划分了学科内容的层次,确定了特定课题的教学定位,回答了教什么的问题。

    The knowledge of content organization compartmentalizes the level of the subject content and determines what to teach .

  14. 新课程把教学定位于师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。

    The teaching posited at the teacher-student communication , positive interaction and common development process by the new curriculum .

  15. 谈古希伯来文学和早期基督教文学的教学定位

    Restore the Bible to Its Original Position & On the Teaching Orientation of Ancient Hebrew Literature and Early Christian Literature

  16. 将合作教学定位在教学思想层面上进行研究,具有深远的现实意义。

    It is of real significance to conduct a research which locates the cooperative teaching at the layer of teaching ideology .

  17. 作为一种学习方式,合作学习的教学定位是改变师生的教学行为;

    As a way of learning , the purpose of co-operative study is to change the acts in teaching and learning ;

  18. 作为大学生余暇体育的主体,高校体育必须与余暇体育整合,其教学定位、教学模式必须与社会大众体育接轨。

    The university gymnastics should integrate with leisure time gymnastics , especially in the fields of teaching orientation and teaching mode .

  19. 明确教学定位调整课程体系&关于师专文学理论课程建设的看法关于导师在研究生思想政治工作中应然定位的思考

    A Study on the Course Development of Literature Theories in Normal Colleges ; Considerations of Supervisor Positioning in the Ideological and Political Education of Postgraduates

  20. 新课程把课堂教学定位为师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程,更注重体现学生的主体性。

    New courses to classroom teaching as process of the teacher-student communication , positive interaction and common development and pay more attention to the subjectivity of students .

  21. 从高职高专教育英语课程的教学定位、教学策略、教学模式、考核方式等方面对高职高专英语教学进行一些改革与探索。

    This paper discusses the teaching reform of the English course in higher vocational and technological education from aspects of teaching aims , teaching strategies , teaching modes , and examination patterns .

  22. 这门课程教学定位的重点是把握与时俱进的学科特点、作为理论经济学的学科地位、体现马克思主义理论的学科价值等三个方面。

    The focal point of the teaching location is to handle the course characteristics of developing with our times , the course position of theoretical economics , the course value reflecting of Marxist 's theory .

  23. 该文从高职日语教育中科技日语翻译的教学定位及其重要性谈起,就高职日语教学中,关于高职学生的科技日语翻译能力的培养问题进行讨论,并提出一些解决问题的建议。

    Beginning with teaching orientation and importance of scientific Japanese translation in higher vocational Japanese education , this paper discusses how to develop the ability of translation of scientific Japanese for the students of higher vocational colleges and puts forward some advice to solve it .

  24. GPS是测绘工程专业的核心技术之一,在分析测绘GPS应用现状基础上,提出了测绘GPS教学内容定位、教学方法和手段改革、教学质量控制等一系列新观点。

    GPS has already become one of core technique on surveying and mapping . A serial of viewpoints on positioning of teaching content , reforming of teaching method and means , and adjusting of teaching quality etc. are put forward by analyzing present application of GPS in surveying and mapping .

  25. 对外合作办学中双语教学的定位

    The Orientation of Bilingual Teaching in Educational Cooperation with Foreign Countries

  26. 对我校保险专业教学的定位思考

    The Thought of the Teaching of Insurance Speciality of Our College

  27. 感受力培养:语文教学目标定位思考

    Cultivating the Capacity of Experiencing & on Chinese language Teaching Goal

  28. 金融实验教学的定位模式与改革路径

    The Orientation and Mode of Financial Experimental Teaching and Its Reforming Ways

  29. 关于专科英语教学目标定位的思考

    Ponder over the aim 's determination in college English teaching

  30. 论大学本科口译教学的定位及方法

    On the Orientation and Teaching Methodology of College Interpretation Course