
  • 网络Kazuyo Sejima;Sejima Kazuyo;sanna;Karizonauyo Sejima
  1. 设计者是日本著名设计师妹岛和世。

    It is the brainchild of famous Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima .

  2. 妹岛和世的网站显示她偏爱极简设计,而这正好符合这条新列车的理念。

    Sejima 's website suggests she favors minimalism in design , which is certainly true of the new Seibu train concept .

  3. 日本最好的建筑师之一妹岛和世被任命执行此次任务,而显然她以前从来没有设计过火车。

    Kazuyo Sejima , one of Japan 's premier architects who had apparently never penned a train before , has been commissioned to execute the design .