
  • 网络Reformism;Reconstructionism
  1. 论改造主义的课程观对我国课程改革的启示

    Transformism Views on Curriculum and China 's Curriculum Reform

  2. 伯恩施坦通过批判改造马克思主义构建了修正主义理论体系。

    Bernstein transformation through critical revisionism of Marxist theoretical system was constructed .

  3. 同时分析了迪斯累利的早期政治活动,探求他改造保守主义的深层动因。

    The analysis of Disraeli 's early political activities aims to explore the deep motion of the reforms .

  4. 实际上,黄宗羲作此书的动机是:总结亡明的历史经验教训,企图从根本上改造封建专制主义统治的弊病,为理想中的圣君明主提供治国之大法。

    Actually , the purpose of Huang writing the book is : summing up the historical experiences and lessons , attempting to solve the ruling problems of the feudalism , suggesting the ways of governing the country for the " good " king in his mind .

  5. 一架停在地面上的A320客机,最近被改造成了素食主义餐厅、面包店和咖啡厅。

    A grounded Airbus A320 , has recently been converted into a vegetarian restaurant , bakery and caf é .

  6. 由于受到不同文化传统的改造以及遭遇现代主义的攻击,后现代主义分化为极端否定性与建设性两种向度。

    Because it was transformed by different cultural tradition and attacked by modernism , Postmodernism was divided into negativity and constructivity .

  7. 综合真理应该具有其限定形式,塔斯基的真值形式可以改造成为辩证唯物主义的综合真理的表达方式。

    Synthetic truth should have its limitation form , and Tarski 's truth value form can be revised to express the synthetic truth of dialectical materialism .

  8. 马克思主义创始人批判地改造了传统人道主义的基本思想,将其纳入唯物史观的理论体系中。

    The founder of Marxism has critically transformed the basic thought of traditional humanitarianism , subsuming it in the theoretical system of the materialist conception of history .