
  1. 脂肪醇味阈值的拓扑研究

    Topological Indices and QSPR Studies of Olfactory Thresholds of Aliphatic Alcohols

  2. 用这种葡萄酿制的所有的葡萄酒有共同的醇味

    A fruity quality be common to all wine make from this grape

  3. 牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。

    Peony stands out for fragrance .

  4. 黑咖啡集合了咖啡香甘醇酸苦五味的特点,它原始而又粗犷,深邃而又耐人寻味。

    A collection of black coffee , bitter coffee flavors of the characteristics of Hong glycolic acid , which the original but rough , deep and intriguing .

  5. 古典诗词在言意关系的张力系统中,具体呈现出素美之味、比喻象征美之味、含蓄之味和醇美之味四个层面。

    In the tension system of relation between words and meaning , the classical poetry abstractly shows four taste layers : the uncolored taste , metaphor and symbolize taste , implicit taste and unmixed taste .

  6. 本文为研究卷烟主流烟气TPM中单糖及糖醇对卷烟吃味的影响,选定9个牌号不同类型的卷烟为研究对象,探讨了烟气与烟丝中糖类物质含量的关系。

    Study on the influence of monosaccharide and alditol in mainstream smoke TPM on the taste of cigarette , 9 brands of cigarettes were selected as research objects , the relationship between the sugar contents in tobacco and smoke was analyzed .

  7. 加入工业酒精至含醇量为80%,抽滤,滤液回收乙醇至无醇味。

    Then , add ethanol to extracts until the ethanol concentration about 80 % , filt in vacuum , concentrate the filtrate and remove ethanol completely .