首页 / 词典 / good

  • younger sister;sister;sibling
  • 称同父母(或只同父、只同母)而比自己年纪小的女子:~~。兄~。弟~(a.弟弟和妹妹的合称;b.俗称弟妇)。~夫。

  • 对比自己年纪小的同辈女性的称呼:表~。师~。世~。


(妹妹) younger sister:

  • 姐妹


  • 兄妹

    brother and younger sister


(亲戚中同辈而年纪比自已小的女子) sister:

  • 表妹

    cousin (younger sister on mother's side);

  • 堂妹

    cousin (younger sister on father's side)

  1. 突然,我妹糊住嘴吧哭着跑了回去。

    Suddenly , my younger sister stuck is quiet cries to run .

  2. 白师妹,师父让你回去。

    White younger sister Shi , the teacher makes you return to .

  3. 阿姊闻妹来当户理红妆。

    Her sister rouges her face at home .

  4. DerekGibbleheart来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉市这是一张老妈和老妹的照片

    Derek Gibbleheart in Aurora Colorado.This is a photo of my mother and sister

  5. AntonioWhitlow于周六在位于LittleRock的家中被捕,其妹安全获救。

    Antonio Whitlow was arrested Saturday in Little Rock , his sister was with him and seen unharmed .

  6. 同母异父姊(或妹)我来猜猜,你那个恶人姐姐是BlairWaldorf。

    Your wicked stepsister is Blair Waldorf . -

  7. 当你把妹的时候,随意和从容不迫(Beingcasualandnonchalant)总是很重要的。

    Being casual and nonchalant is always important when trying to get hook up with girls .

  8. 笨拙的人可以从温文尔雅、长得像《广告狂人》(MadMen)里乔恩·哈姆(JonHamm)的教练那里得到隐秘的实时的把妹及约会建议。

    and where the maladroit can receive stealthy , real-time pickup and dating advice from debonair coaches resembling the " Mad Men " star Jon Hamm .

  9. 8月7日,一名驾驶保时捷(Porsche)运动型多用途车的男子在杭州市东城撞死了一位16岁的打工妹。

    On Aug.7 , a man driving a Porsche SUV struck and killed a16-year-old female migrant worker in the eastern city of Hangzhou .

  10. 我妹仍然继续看着FML并且对我大吼只因为我求救的呼喊令她分心了。

    My sister continued to read and shouted at me because my cries for help are distracting .

  11. Gaga和A妹均获9项提名,其中包括凭借他们最火的舞蹈获得的年度最佳录影带大奖提名。

    Gaga and Grande both scored nine nominations each , including video of the year for their No. 1 dance hit .

  12. 习语短语(someone's)takeon(something)某人对某一事物的理解和看法getakickoutof(something)因某事感到愉快takesomeliberties(withsomething)随意改变某事随心所欲Premise前提,假定Siblings兄弟姐妹depths–深海

    New words : - what someone thinks of something , their opinion - enjoy something - change something in a way that people might not accept - a basic idea for a story - brothers and sisters deep parts of the ocean

  13. 我爱我的老妹,我爱Pheebs……

    I love my sister ( Kisses Monica ) , I love Pheebs ... ( Hugs her )

  14. 他在社交媒体上分享的照片中能看到,他将A妹姓名首字母“AG”纹在了自己的大拇指上,而他的左耳后面也纹着A妹著名的黑兔耳形象(该形象源于她的《危险女人》专辑封面)。

    His social media photos show that he even has her initials , " AG , " tattooed on his thumb and her famous image of black bunny ears - from her Dangerous Woman album cover - behind his left ear .

  15. Weight:145�原名:张学友原名:张学友英文名字:Jacky花名:七仔出生日期:1961-7-10星座:巨蟹座生肖:牛身高:1.76m体重:145磅学历:预科婚姻状况:已婚家庭成员:爸妈、一哥、一妹、

    Name : Cheung Hok Yau English Name : Jacky D.O.B. : 1961-7-10 Horoscope : Cancer Height : 1.76m Education Level : F.7 Marriage : Married Family Member : Dad , Mum , 1 Brother , 1 sister , Wife ,

  16. A妹ArianaGrande的新单曲将于本周发行,她对新专辑的含义发表了一些想法。

    A new Ariana Grande single is set to be released this week , and opened up about some of the messages on her most recent album .

  17. A妹还分享了她在八月份发布的专辑《Sweetener》的含义,(专辑发布两个月前A妹和SNL喜剧演员皮特戴维森取消了订婚。)

    Grande also shared more on the meaning of her album Sweetener , which came out in August , two months before Grande and SNL comedian Pete Davidson called off their engagement .

  18. MichelleTrachtenberg演疯妹纸的角色还是相当出彩的(比如GeorginaSparks),现在《犯罪心理》也看到她的这个优点了。《犯罪心理》第八季正在热播,剧组已经确认Michelle将会来客串。

    Michelle Trachtenberg is scary good at playing unhinged people ( Georgina Sparks , anyone ? ) and Criminal Minds has taken notice ! The show , currently in its eighth season , has booked Trachtenberg for an upcoming episode .

  19. 而最近,RyanTedder(onerepublic乐队主唱)和JanetJackson(MJ之妹)都认为在Gaga已经毫无疑问地作为一个令人惊讶的表演者和流行巨星成名后,她需要的是在她耗尽精力前降低自己的前进速度。

    Recently , both Ryan Tedder and Janet Jackson have noted that while Gaga has certainly made a name for herself as an incredible performer and pop artist , they also have said that she might need to slow down a little bit before she burns herself out .

  20. Rsayef说他自己也有数名亲戚命丧此次事件中,包括一个姐(妹)和她的丈夫、一个姑姑、一个叔叔和数名表兄。

    Rsayef said he himself lost several relatives in the alleged massacre , including a sister and her husband , an aunt , an uncle and several cousins .

  21. 蓝妹、虎啤和珠江。

    A : Blue Girl , Tiger , and Pearl River .

  22. 直到乖乖妹买了一件浅兰色的衬衣,我才出气轻松一些。

    I was not comfortable until GuaiGuain bought a light-green shirt .

  23. 你是我妹婚礼上的伴郎。

    You 're the best man at my sister 's wedding .

  24. 不是,那是我妹,她来看我

    No , that was my sister . She 's visiting .

  25. 四妹怎么样?不要紧吧?

    How is fourth sister ? Not serious , is it ?

  26. 而她把我妹耍的团团转的样子

    And the way she 's making my sister run around ...

  27. 稍稍有点奇怪的是选中他的那个“姐(妹)”。

    What is slightly odd is the sister who picked him .

  28. 论回族爱情叙事诗的悲剧美&以《马五哥与尕豆妹》为例

    On the Tragedy Beauty of Love Narrative Poem of the Huis

  29. 他喜欢我那热情欢快的妹。

    John liked my sister , who was warm and pleasant .

  30. 四妹,一大早你呆在这儿干什么?

    Fourth sister , what are you doing here so early ?