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zì chēng
  • claim to be;profess;purport;call oneself;pretence
自称 [zì chēng]
  • (1) [call oneself]∶自道姓名

  • (2) [profess;claim to be]∶自吹;表白

  • 他自称能预见未来

自称[zì chēng]
  1. 她自称有通灵术,能帮助活人与死者沟通。

    She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead .

  2. 他自称为“平等主义者”。

    He described himself as ' an egalitarian ' .

  3. 我不敢自称为专家。

    I don 't claim to be an expert .

  4. 她自称是18岁,可是我知道她才16。

    She claimed to be 18 , when I know she 's only 16 .

  5. 他们自称新浪漫主义者。

    They called themselves the New Romantics .

  6. 那个男人自称是社会福利工作者,老妇人信以为真。

    The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him .

  7. 我们自称记者混进了招待会。

    We blagged our way into the reception by saying that we were from the press .

  8. 至少这些是他们自称退出这宗交易的理由。

    These , at least , were their professed reasons for pulling out of the deal .

  9. 他自称卡特少校。

    He styled himself Major Carter .

  10. 据说在那些被捕的人员中有两人自称是地区指挥官。

    Two of those arrested are said to be self-styled area commanders

  11. 董事会自称毫不犹豫地一致否决了该项报价。

    The board said it had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer

  12. 他自称是一名记者,经常四处游历。

    He claimed to be a journalist , and he got around .

  13. 我们向一个自称“大学运动员”的队下了战书。

    We challenged a team who called themselves ' College Athletes ' .

  14. 辛格尔顿是个牛皮大王,他自称有一条空手道黑带。

    Singleton was a fantasist who claimed to have a karate blackbelt .

  15. 要警惕一个自称“实力防卫”的可恶组织。

    Keep a lookout for a nasty little organization calling itself Defence Through Strength

  16. 它自称是英国最受欢迎的电视台。

    It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK .

  17. 这个国家自称是真正的民主政体。

    This country professes to be a true democracy

  18. 谁都可以自称是心理治疗师。

    Anyone can call themselves a psychotherapist .

  19. 一个自称是记者的人威胁要公开有关她的私生活的细节。

    A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life

  20. 昨天比利时《晚报》援引了一名自称目击了谋杀经过的教授的话。

    Yesterday the Belgian newspaper Le Soir quoted a professor who said he witnessed the killings

  21. 她们自称是善良的女巫。

    They claim to be white witches .

  22. 教会将灵媒巫师和自称能和死者交谈的人都视为异端。

    The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical .

  23. 他自称是平民主义者。

    He is a self-declared populist .

  24. 他自称是种族主义者。

    He is a self-proclaimed racist .

  25. 她自称痛恨自己的外号。

    She professed to hate her nickname

  26. 该商店自称3年来一直以低于生产成本的价格出售电脑。

    The shop claims to have sold computers below the manufacturer 's cost price for three years .

  27. 他自称“领导”,像个孔雀似的趾高气扬地走来走去。

    He introduced himself as ' the leader ' and strutted up and down like a peacock .

  28. 两个自称是警察的人来到牧师家里,把他带走了。

    Two men claiming to be police officers called at the pastor 's house and took him away

  29. 波多黎各尽管自称共和国,但实际上是有自治权的美国殖民地。

    Puerto Rico , though it calls itself a Commonwealth , is really a self-governing American colony .

  30. 其中一名囚犯恬不知耻地自称是种族主义者,他曾在四年前向一群人开枪射击。

    One of the prisoners is a self-proclaimed racist who opened fire on a crowd four years ago .