
  • 网络Free Form;fFD;freeform
  1. 对自由变形造型系统的整体过程进行了介绍,着重研究了基于NURBS的直接操纵自由变形理论,并对其中一些主要过程的经典算法进行了详细的介绍。

    The whole process about FFD modeling system is mentioned , especially the direct manipulation of NURBS-based FFD and some classical algorithms .

  2. 本文基于现有的医学图像处理、配准和融合技术,提出了层间插值配准法、自由变形法非刚体配准法、改进的PCA融合法、改进的小波融合法。

    By using existent medical image processing , registration and fusion technologies , the registration method based on interpolation between slices , non-rigid registration method based on free form deformation , improved PCA fusion method and improved wavelet fusion method are proposed in the dissertation .

  3. 一种基于B样条的文字自由变形算法

    An algorithm of free character transformation based on B spline

  4. 对于全局变换采用刚性变换、局部形变采用基于函数控制B样条的自由变形模型来描述;

    Rigid transformation is adopted in global registration while local deformation is described by a free form deformation based on a function controlled B-spline .

  5. 为了实现胸部多模态医学图像的自动配准,提出了一种基于层次B样条自适应自由变形法和梯度下降法的配准方法。

    Finally , realized the local fine registration of thorax multimodal medical images by a free-form deformation ( FFD ) based on hierarchical B-splines .

  6. 基于NURBS的三维人体自由变形方法

    Three-dimension Human Body Free Form Deformation Method Based on NURBS

  7. 基于NURBS自由变形的腿部运动建模方法

    A leg motion modeling method based on NURBS free-form deformation

  8. 第一次突破发生在八十年代,称之为自由变形(Free-FormDeformation)技术,以操纵代理模型为手段来进行模型编辑。

    The first one happened in 1980s , called free-form deformation , edits geometric models via modifying a proxy .

  9. Dirichlet自由变形方法及其在建立尺寸驱动人体模型中的应用

    Dirichlet Free-Form Deformations and Their Application to Dimension Driven Body Model

  10. 使用Dirichlet自由变形算法实现三维人脸及其变形

    Using Dirichlet Free-Form Deformations to Realize Three Dimensional Person Face and Its Distortion

  11. NURBS及其自由变形

    NURBS and its Free Form Deformation

  12. 当r1,自由变形区的卷曲半径大于模具圆角半径;

    When r 1 , and the radius of the free deformation zone is larger than that of fillet die ;

  13. 自由变形(Free-FormDeformation,FFD)是与物体表示无关的变形方法的重要分支,被广泛地应用于计算机动画和几何建模领域中。

    Free Form Deformations ( FFD ), which have been extensively investigated for computer animation and geometric modeling , constitute an important branch of the representation independent deformation methods .

  14. 最后结合复原曲面的编辑,讨论了曲面编辑中常用的FFD自由变形方法。

    At last with the editing on surface , the thesis tells a FFD free distortion method .

  15. 自由变形(FFD)是计算机人脸动画和表情编辑的常用方法,但对控制点的反求和变形结果的不直观是该方法的不足。

    FFD ( Free Form Deformation ) is general approach for computer facial animation and express editing while troublesomely solving control point and unconspicuous deformation result .

  16. 在基于NURBS直接操作的自由变形的基础上,应用约束优化的方法,通过将变形控制手段和变形空间的定义相分离的思想,证明了构建一个拥有相同底层结构的统一模型的可行性。

    Based on the direct manipulation of NURBS-based FFD and the constrained optimization method , a uniform model which has a uniform skeleton structure is feasible , through separating the definition of deformation control methods and the definition of deformation spaces .

  17. 二是基于物理的柔软物体自由变形的建模方法,通过将质点-弹簧模型加载到Bezier网格体上,通过变形网格来达到物体的变形。

    Secondly , this paper uses a new modeling method that simulation based on physically soft-object free-form deformation . and it will let mass-spring model load into Bezier mesh , through deform the grid to achieve the deformation of object .

  18. 根据MPEG-4关于人脸特征点的定义,利用一般人脸模型以及特定人的正面和侧面两幅照片,采用Dirichlet自由变形实现了从一般人脸模型到特定人脸模型的变形;

    Following the definition of face feature points by MPEG-4 , The authors have made use of a generic face model and the front and side photographs of a specific person to realize the deformation from a generic face model to the specific model , using Dirichlet Free-Form Deformation techniques .

  19. 一种新的自由变形方法及其建模研究

    A New FFD ( Free Form Deformation ) Method for CAGD

  20. 用于参数曲线自由变形的一种新的缩放因子

    A New Extension Factor for Free form Deformation of Parametric Curve

  21. 应用自由变形法的翼型几何外形参数化研究

    Geometry Representation Method of Airfoil Based on Free Form Deformation

  22. 自由变形柱体修改器参数曲线曲面自由变形的多项式因子方法

    Method of Polynomial Factor for Free-Form Deformation of Parametric Curves and Surfaces

  23. 提出一个自由变形统一模型。

    A new uniform model of free-form deformation is proposed .

  24. 薄壁管轴压精密成形过程中的无模约束自由变形特征

    Characteristics of Free Deformation Zone in Thin Walled Tube Axial Compressing Forming

  25. 基于自由变形法的多模态医学图像的配准与融合

    Multimodal Medical Image Nonrigid Registration and Fusion Based on Free-Form Deformation Method

  26. 嵌入参数空间的曲面控制自由变形方法

    Free form deformation through embedding objects into the parametric domain of surface

  27. 一种应用参数曲面的动态自由变形方法

    Animated free-form deformation following the shape of parametric surface

  28. 我们用自由变形模拟毛发。

    We use Free-Form Deformations to animate the hair .

  29. 构造了一种新的伸缩因子函数,以改进参数曲线自由变形方法。

    A new extension factor is constructed for free-form deformation of parametric curves .

  30. 参数曲面自由变形新方法

    A New Approach of Free-form Deformation for Parametric Surface