
  • 网络frequency of free oscillations;tune;oscillation frequency
  1. BEPC储存环自由振荡频率测量系统包括前端电子学系统、测量系统和激励系统。

    The tune measurement systems in the BEPC storage ring include the front end electronic system , PLL measurement system and beam exciting system .

  2. 当仅对差分输出振荡信号的一端进行测试时,自由振荡频率为5.81GHz,在5MHz频偏处的相位噪声为-101.62dBc/Hz。

    The free-running frequency is 5.81 GHz , tested on one end of the differential output signals . The phase noise tested is -101.62 dBc / Hz at 5 MHz offset .

  3. 特高压输电线路短路故障时的自由振荡频率分析

    Analysis on Natural Frequencies of Ultra-high Voltage Transmission Lines in Short Circuit Fault

  4. 本文阐述了自由振荡频率的概念,并对各种短路类型下的自由振荡频率进行了分析研究。

    This paper describes the concept of the nature frequencies , and analyzes them in a variety of short-circuit types .

  5. 本文讨论边界元法在金属谐振腔自由振荡频率计算中的应用。

    This paper discusses the application of the boundary element method to the calculation of the resonance frequencies of a cavity resonator .

  6. 阵元自由振荡频率的误差越小,阵元锁相带宽越大,波束指向误差越小;

    Enlarging locking bandwidth and decreasing the control error of element free running frequency can make the beam pointing direction more accurate .

  7. 由于自由振荡频率分量中包含了很多有用的故障信息,因此基于自由振荡频率分量的保护研究具有一定必要性和可能性。

    Because the natural frequency component contains a lot of useful fault information , the protection research based on the natural frequency component is necessary .

  8. 本文在研究交叉耦合一阶锁相环路数学模型的基础上,分析了它的几项基本性能,包括自由振荡频率、稳态相差、捕获带和同步带等。

    Based on the study of its mathematical mode , the present paper describes a few fundamental performances of the cross-coupled first-order phase locked loop , such as free-runing frequency , steadystate phase error , acquisition range and synchronization range .

  9. 针对其中最简单的两激光系统,导出了描述它的方程组,解析求解了它们具有相同自由振荡频率时的定态解。

    Equations are derived for the simplest system which is composed of two lasers only , and the locked steady-state analytical solutions are obtained for the simplest case in which the two lasers have the same free-running frequency without locking .