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jí wèi
  • ascend the throne;accede;take one's place;take one's seat
即位 [jí wèi]
  • (1) [ascend the throne]∶开始做帝王或诸侯

  • 安斄王即位。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • 昭帝即位。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • (2) [take one's seat]∶就位;入席

即位[jí wèi]
  1. 维多利亚女王于1837年即位。

    Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837 .

  2. 先皇年十八,乃登基即位,经纶天下。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick .

  3. 1746年,杜兰尼帝国(DurraniEmpire)成立阿富汗民族国家,但是到1919年Amanullah国王即位时,主权割让给了英国。

    The Afghanistan nation-state came into existence in1746 under the Durrani Empire , but control was ceded to Britain until King Amanullah ascended to the throne in1919 .

  4. 然后,基于阴性选择原则提出了两种探测器生成算法,即位变异算法(BMGDGA)和余数生长算法(AGDGA)。

    Then , based on Negative Selection Principle , proposed two kinds of detector generating algorithms . They are Bits Mutation Growth Detector Generating Algorithm ( BMGDGA ) and Arithmetical-compliment Growth Detector Generating Algorithm ( AGDGA ) .

  5. 后来,汉武帝即位。

    Later , he succeeds to the throne as emperor wudi .

  6. 他即位后继承了大片领地。

    He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne .

  7. 这男孩在十二岁年纪轻轻时就即位为王了。

    The boy was throned at the young age of twelve .

  8. 最终她死去,二十四岁的伊丽莎白女王即位登上英国的历史舞台。

    But she had died and Elizabeth became queen at twenty-four .

  9. 这事件恰好发生在亨利一世即位的时候。

    This event occurred just at the accession of Henry the first .

  10. 女王在城里最古老的教堂里即位。

    The queen was enthroned in the city 's most ancient church .

  11. 帝位语法用法:典型伊丽莎白二世女王于1952年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952 .

  12. 给出了建立预测时的计算分析方法即位移反分析法、弹塑性和粘弹塑性正演分析法。

    At last , some calculation and analysis methods for forecasting are given .

  13. 但是你必须留下来参加即位典礼。

    But you have to stay for my enthronement .

  14. 这国王在他从敌人那夺来的新城堡即位为王。

    The king throned the new castle he had taken from his enemies .

  15. 其弟孙权,时年18岁,即位。

    Sun Ce was succeeded by his younger brother the eighteen-year-old Sun Quan .

  16. 伊丽莎白二世女王于1952年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in1952 .

  17. 两汉皇帝即位礼仪研究

    The Rites of the Emperor Accession in the Period of Two Han Dynasties

  18. 从我即位以来,印象中只有四年没有战争。

    Since I became caesar , I 've known four years without war .

  19. 秦始皇陵从秦始皇即位起就开始修建。

    Construction of the tomb started as soon as Qin Shihuang took the throne .

  20. 伊丽莎白女皇一九五二年即位。

    Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in1952 .

  21. 女王的即位标志着新时期的开始。

    The Queen 's accession to the throne marked the beginning of a new period .

  22. 她在一九五二年即位。

    She acceded to the throne in1952 .

  23. 葛根素温度敏感及粘膜附着型眼用即位凝胶递药体系的研制

    Preparation and Study of Puerarin Thermosensitive and Mucosa Membrane Attachment In-situ Gelling for Ophthalmic Drug Delivery System

  24. 1952年女王即位,确定温莎为皇族姓氏。

    The Royal Family name of Windsor was confirmed by The Queen after her accession in 1952 .

  25. 马克西米利安的即位引发了墨西哥持续三年的内战。

    When Maximilian crowned himself emperor , it triggered a civil war in Mexico that lasted three years .

  26. 公元189年,灵帝亡,刘辩即位,宦官和外戚展开新一轮权力争夺。

    In 189 Liu Bian came into the power after the death of Ling Emperor , his father .

  27. 公元422年,刘裕卒,宋少帝、文帝相继即位。

    In 422 , Uu Yu died , his two sons Shao and Wen took the throne in succession .

  28. 吸附于半导体材料表面染料的光催化反应的即位光声光谱测量

    Measurement in situ of photocatalysis reaction of the sensitizing dye adsorbed on the semiconductor powder by means of photoacoustic spectroscopy

  29. 亨利一世即位后,随着王田岁入的的折钱征收及王权对国库控制的加强,财政署兴起并取代了国库的地位。

    After it , Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship .

  30. 我一生中一个最特别的时刻是参加去年女王即位50周年的庆典。

    One of the most extraordinary moments of my life was in the Queen 's Golden Jubilee of last year .