
jí qī
  • immediately;on the spot;on demand;immediate future
即期 [jí qī]
  • [immediate;spot] 立即;近期;短时间内

  • 即期付现

  1. 世界LNG贸易即期化现象分析与展望

    An Analysis of and Outlook on the Spot Trading Phenomenon in World LNG Trade

  2. 任何人持有来人支票可获得银行即期付款。

    Anyone who holds it can obtain the payment on demand .

  3. 政府即期支付养老金。

    Pensions are paid by the state on a pay-as-you-go basis .

  4. E.即期汇票一式二份。

    E. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  5. C.即期汇票一式二份。

    C. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  6. W:那如果销售是以即期汇票为基础的呢?

    W : What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ?

  7. W:当然是即期的。

    W : At sight of course .

  8. B.即期汇票一式二份。

    B. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  9. 第二,高等教育范围的扩铺对GDP增加的即期贡献率在省际之间存在差异。

    Second , the short-time contribution rates of expansion of the quantity of higher education to GDP growth are different among provinces .

  10. 外商直接投资(FDI)通过在短期内影响投资、消费、净出口等即期需求的变化和长期内影响生产能力和供给能力的变化,进而影响经济增长。

    Through influencing short - term demand of investment consumption net export and long - term supply , the FDI accelerated the economic increase .

  11. 根据钢铁指数公司(TheSteelIndex)的价格评估,即期中国到岸澳大利亚基准铁矿石价格周一上涨2美元,达到每吨62.5美元,涨幅3%。

    Benchmark Australian ore for immediate delivery into China rose $ 2 , or 3 per cent , to $ 62.50 a tonne on Monday , according to a price assessment from The Steel Index .

  12. 人民币NDF市场与境内即期市场的相关性研究

    Research on the Relevance between NDF Market and Spot Market

  13. 在第三项指控中,惠普表示,Autonomy将部分长期合约当作即期销售额,在合约尚未完成前就记为收入。

    In a third accusation , HP said Autonomy had treated some of its long-term contracts as immediate sales , booking revenue before it should have .

  14. 人民币即期汇率与NDF汇率关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between RMB Spot and Non-deliverable Forward ( NDF ) Exchange Rate

  15. 下面这张图表显示了12个月期人民币NDF和人民币即期汇率之间的差距。

    The chart below shows the gap between 12-month renminbi NDFs and the renminbi spot rate .

  16. 纽约市场上美元兑日元的即期汇率对中国A股、H股、红筹股和HS市场有着显著影响。

    Spot USD / JY in New York has significant impact on two A shares , H share , Red-Chip , and HS .

  17. Sirota还预告了即将推出的elasticmapreduce的即期价格(spotpricing),这是超出EC2计量而使用EMR的Amazon市场价格的延伸。

    Sirota also preannounced the coming availability of spot pricing for elastic mapreduce , extending Amazon 's market pricing for excess EC2 capacity to EMR .

  18. 或有要求权在公司负债定价中的应用(b)一项先前之负债及责任,无论汇票为即期支付或定期支付此项负债或责任,均视为有值代价。

    The Application of CCA in the Company Liabilities Pricing ; ( b ) an antecedent debt or liability . Such a debt or liability is deemed valuable consideration whether the bill is payable on demand or at a future time .

  19. 本文提出了基于FFA价格和TC价格的向量误差修正模型VECM(TC,FFA),提高了即期运价的预测精度。

    The paper establishes a Vector Error Correction model based on TC price and FFA price , increasing the prediction of the future spot freight rates .

  20. 通过格兰杰因果检验发现1月期的NDF市场对人民币即期汇率影响显著。

    By Granger Causality test the paper suggests that exchange rate in one month NDF market affected the spot exchange rate of RMB significantly .

  21. NDF合约的交易量、流动性对其与即期市场的互动关系有一定的影响,但不是决定性的。

    Trading volume and liquidity of the NDF market have a certain effect on the interactive relationship with spot market , but not decisive .

  22. 要特别强调的是,实施CEPA,重要的不是即期的“吹糠见米”效果,而是以此为契机构筑内地与港澳、粤港澳、华南与港澳经贸紧密合作与竞争的长期共荣的战略平台。

    Carrying out CEPA will is not mainly for an immediate effect , but for structurings a strategic platform for the mainland and Hongkong and macau closer economic partnership arrangement .

  23. 航运相关参与者可以通过把握国际干散货FFA市场与即期市场的相关性及波动性的相关规律,为制定套期保值与市场交易策略提供-定的参考。

    Through the relevant laws to grasp the correlation and volatility of bulk FFA market and the spot market , the international dry , help participants to provide certain reference for shipping .

  24. 方法采用冰冻控制下手术切除肿瘤,眼睑缺损应用O-Z成形术、改良Cutler-Beard和Hughes术等不同手术方式即期修复。

    Methods The tumor was removed according to the frozen sections . Different methods such as 0 Z plasty , modified Cutler-Beard plasty and Hughes plasty , were performed to repair the defect .

  25. 其次,力图探求人民币NDF汇率与境内即期汇率的相关性及人民币NDF市场的预警机制。

    Second , the attempt to explore the territory of the RMB NDF rate and the spot exchange rate and the relevance of the RMB NDF market and early-warning mechanism .

  26. 方法:采用5例下颌骨良性肿瘤术后缺损即期ICCFF修复,通过皮瓣血运情况判断髂骨块血运。

    Methods : Mandibular defects were reconstructed with ICCFF in 5 cases .

  27. 同时,FFA的远期运费市场与干散货即期运输市场之间由于其自身的依存性,二者的运费价格总存在某种相关的内在联系,通过研究FFA可以预测实体市场的价格。

    Meanwhile , because of inter-dependence between future freight transport market of FFA and the spot markets of dry bulk , the two prices have internal relations , we can predict the price of spot market through the study of FFA .

  28. 在传导机制方面,境内即期汇率是短期和中期NDF汇率的格兰杰原因,并且与短期NDF汇率存在相互引导的互动关系。

    In the conduction mechanism , the territory of the spot exchange rate is the short-term and medium-term exchange rate Granger causes NDF and NDF rate and the existence of short-term to guide the interaction between each other .

  29. 目的:通过对经Mohs法控制手术切除范围及即期修复的46例眼睑恶性肿瘤患者的远期随访,观察其术后的复发率及生存率。

    Objective : To investigate the postoperative recurrence , survival and the long-term effect of eyelid malignant tumor excision by Mohs ′ surgery and the eyelids were reconstructed at the same time .

  30. 与其他学者的研究结论一致,交易量与价格波动存在很强的即期正相关关系,这也验证了混合分布假说(MDH)理论;

    We partition trading activity series into expected and unexpected components , and find that consistent with other empirical studies and the theory of mixture distribution hypothesis ( MDH ), whether expected or unexpected volume have positive relations with return volatility .