
  1. 在我国引起急性肝衰竭的首要原因是病毒,即临床所见的重型肝炎。

    Hepatitis virus infection is the leading cause of ALF which induces severe hepatitis in our country .

  2. 他提出的即目所见等美学范畴和陈诗展义,长歌骋情等美学命题对古代诗歌理论产生了深远影响。

    Aesthetic propositions as " meaning from old poems and free emotions from recitation " from his " seeing " and " feeling ", which belongs to aesthetics category , have produced far-reaching influences on later theories on poesy .

  3. 在英语视听说部分为教师提供了一个方便的教学资源编辑功能,即一种所见即所得的多媒体教学资源编辑方式。

    In order to provide teachers with a convenient multimedia learning resources editing features in English audio-visual resources section , we designed a WYSIWYG ( What You See is What You Get ) editing function in learning resources module .