
  • 网络instant messenger;Skype;MSN
  1. P2P即时通讯软件监控系统的研究与实现

    Research and Design of the P2P Instant Messenger Monitoring System

  2. 如果你要找百度Hi这个软件,这是一种,即时通讯软件,搜索页面会显示出来。

    If you 're looking for a piece of software Baidu Hai-it 's an instant messenger software we delivered & we will show that to you .

  3. 基于Linux的网络即时通讯软件设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Linux-based Real-time Network Communication Software

  4. WindowsLiveMessenger作为微软推出的一款即时通讯软件也推出了其iOS版的手机客户端。

    Windows Live Messenger , as a piece of instant messaging software launched by Microsoft , has also launched its iOS version of the mobile client .

  5. 本文全面介绍了作者独立开发完成的一款基于UDP协议的P2P即时通讯软件的相关理论背景和详细的设计与实现过程。

    This comprehensive introduction to the completion of an independent development of the UDP-based P2P instant messaging software related theoretical background and detailed design and implementation .

  6. 有分析师指出,腾讯在即时通讯软件QQ的基础上推出了许多吸引青少年的附加功能。

    Tencent expanded its QQ online-chat software to offer additional features that appeal to youths , according to an Internet analyst .

  7. 针对国内外主流网络即时通讯软件存在的主要不足,本文提出了将网络即时通讯软件引入Linux操作系统桌面平台的必要性。

    In order to improve and extend the existing real-time network communication software , either made in China or abroad , it is necessary to develop a real-time communications software for Linux desktop .

  8. 通过短信或IM(即时通讯软件)约会似乎是一种规避信心不足的非常好的方法,但它会丢失了很多信息。

    Asking someone on a date by text or IM might seem like a great way to dodge confidence issues , but it loses a lot of your message .

  9. 综合了短信、博客、社交网站、IM(即时通讯软件)等特点的微博影响力巨大,正日益受到人们的青睐。

    Combined many functions such as text messages , blogs , social networking services and IM ( instant communication software ), micro blogs have gained not only significant influences but also increasing favors .

  10. 2006年,一个名为twitter的网站让微博闻名于世,它允许用户通过短信、网站、即时通讯软件或API接口等方式发送文本和图片信息并实现即时分享。

    In 2006 , a so called twitter micro blog site is famous for , which allows the user via SMS , websites , instant messaging software or API interfaces , send text and picture messages and instant sharing .

  11. 最后,基于虚拟视景仿真软件Vega实现了分布式虚拟会议空间,并讨论如何利用COM技术将即时通讯软件集成到虚拟空间会议系统中。

    At last , Based on visual simulation software Vega , several techniques of distributed virtual teleconferencing space are realized . And integration of instant message software based on COM into the system is studied too .

  12. 移动通讯应用程序微信和即时通讯软件QQ都是互联网巨头腾讯的产品,在年幼的用户中最受欢迎,分别拥有82.4%和75.6%的儿童在使用。

    The mobile messaging app WeChat and instant messaging software QQ , both products of Internet giant Tencent , are most popular among junior users , at 82.4 percent and 75.6 percent respectively .

  13. 而即时通讯软件,在我们的生活中也扮演着一个日益重要的角色,在许多场合中都会使用到,比方我们每个同学都有至少一个QQ号。

    And instant messaging software also play an increasingly important role in our lives , in many occasions are to be used , for example , each of our students have at least one QQ number .

  14. 微博客是一种允许用户通过手机短信、即时通讯软件、网站和外部AP工接口等多种渠道及时更新简短文本的互联网应用新技术。

    The micro-blogging is a new type of social networking application . It allows the users to update short text regularly by a variety of channels such as the Short Messaging Service , Instant messenger , Web site and Application Programming Interface .

  15. 与竞争对手相比,腾讯已经在向移动互联网的过渡中占得先机,因为它拥有大受欢迎的手机即时通讯软件微信(Weixin),该软件在中国境外称为WeChat。

    Tencent already has the jump on its counterparts in the move to mobile due to its hugely popular mobile instant messenger Weixin , known outside China as WeChat .

  16. 如今,只要两边都能上网,那么,通过像MSN、SKYPE和QQ这样的即时通讯软件,大洋两岸的亲人就能实现即时的视频交流,而且是免费的。

    Now if both sides can be connected with internet , with software programs such as MSN , SKYPE and QQ , relatives in different continents can have an online webcam communication and it is free .

  17. 如果没有装载免费聊天软件,可以从网络下载,像skype、windows即时通讯软件之类的软件,有的软件甚至可以支持多人同时聊天。

    If you don 't have something like iChat pre-installed in your computer , download free chatting software online , like Skype , Windows Live Messenger , Yahoo ! Messenger with Voice or Paltalk . Some software allows you to speak with three people on different computers , like on a conference call .

  18. 然后界定了虚拟财产的内涵和外延,认定虚拟财产主要包括与网络游戏有关的虚拟财产、即时通讯软件账号(如QQ、MSN等)、电子邮箱以及论坛的账号等。

    And then define the connotation and extension of virtual property , finds the virtual property , including with respect to the online games , instant messaging software , accounts of virtual property ( such as QQ , MSN , etc ), e-mail and Forum accounts .

  19. 在即时通讯软件的应用中,一个很重要的方面就是文件传输功能。

    In IM applications , file transfer is a vital function .

  20. 即时通讯软件系统是当前一个热门应用软件,而在即时通讯软件系统中,从系统结构来看,即时通讯软件服务器是整个系统的心脏;

    Instant messenger system is a very popular application in recent years .

  21. 国内即时通讯软件的安全脆弱性分析

    A Discussion of Vulnerabilities of Security of Instant Messaging Softwares in China

  22. 基于即时通讯软件的区域教研实践研究

    Instant Messaging Software Based on Regional Studies and Research Practice

  23. 即时通讯软件服务器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Instant Messenger System Server

  24. 基于人格特征的即时通讯软件用户分类模型

    A Personality-Based Instant Messaging Software User Classification Model

  25. 浅谈即时通讯软件的开发技术

    Talking About Developing Technology of Immediate Communication Software

  26. 因此音频、视频捕捉技术便成为即时通讯软件视频开发的重要环节和关键前提条件。

    So video capture technique is an important point and key prerequisite in these applications .

  27. 而如今的即时通讯软件基本都采用了C/S的结构模式。

    While present instant message software generically all utilize the C / S structural module .

  28. 人们对即时通讯软件提出了更高的需求,已经不满足于过去单调的文字交流,现在不但要听到对方的声音,还想要看到对方的影像。

    With the higher demand for Instant Messaging , People want video as well as sound .

  29. 并在此基础上,提出了即时通讯软件的相关设计准则。

    And on the basis , we proposed related design principle on chat ‐ interface of IM .

  30. 主要对日志文件、电子邮件、即时通讯软件、注册表信息的提取与分析。

    It mainly extracts and analyzes the log files , e-mail , instant messaging software and the registry information .