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  1. 结果表明,白血病患者,再障患者及自免贫患者C(3b)受体花环率均明显降低,白血病患者免疫复合物花环率相对较高。

    The results show that there is remarkable decrease in the rosette rate of red cell C_ ( 3b ) receptors in patients of leukemia , aplastic anemia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia , and relative increase in that of immune complex in patients of leukemia .

  2. 同时锤头回转圈采用特殊复合材料,具有耐磨、自润滑、免维护、易更换等特点。

    At the same time , the turn-around ring of the hammer head is made of special composite material , with the qualities of wear-resisting , self-lubricating , non-maintaining , easy changing etc.

  3. 一个人不能自承有功而免矜夸之嫌,更不用说是不能表扬自己底功绩了;

    A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty , much less extol them ;

  4. 受害人的同意与受害人故意、自甘冒险、免责条款之间既存在相同点,也有不同之处。

    The consent is different from the intent of victim , assumption of risk and exemption clauses .

  5. 一个人不能自承有功而免矜夸之嫌,更不用说是不能表扬自己底功绩了;他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;诸如此类的事很多。

    A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty , much less extol them ; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg ; and a number of the like .