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  1. 力量祝福现在提升20%进战攻击强度,10%远程攻击强度。

    Blessing of Might now increases melee attack power by20 % and ranged attack power by10 % .

  2. 进战细剑攻击,将造成少量伤害,但降低目标对你的仇恨度。

    A melee rapier attack that deals little damage , but lowers your target 's hatred towards you .

  3. 尽大年夜多数艺术家需供悠少的进建战实际,而最有效的艺术,即与悦人的艺术,自需供有此欲看。

    Most arts require long study and application , but the most useful of all , that of pleasing , requires only the desire .

  4. 她正正在考虑效仿同为演员的阿诺德·施瓦辛格进进民场战罗纳德·里根进主黑宫。

    She is considering following fellow actors Arnold Schwarz enegger into politics and Ronald Reagan into the White House .