
jìn kǒu huò wù
  • import goods;import cargo
  1. 用于办理付汇的进口货物报关单证明联;

    The certification page of the declaration form of import goods for payment ;

  2. 进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税

    A drawback is made on custom duties on import goods when they are later exported

  3. 法律规定进口货物必须如实标明。

    The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such .

  4. 国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。

    A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports .

  5. 日本是亚洲进口货物和技术的最大供应国。

    Japan is Asia 's dominant supplier of imports and technology .

  6. WingSang公司的业务是从中国进口货物。

    Wing Sang Company specialized in goods imported from China .

  7. n.减小,降低进口货物有所减少。

    There has been some in imports

  8. 要发掘非洲的贸易潜力,撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)需要采取多样化的形式:它需要变得不那么依赖于现有的传统贸易伙伴和进口货物。

    To tap into this trade potentials , sub-Saharan Africa ( SSA ) needs to diversify in several ways : it needs to become less dependent on the existing traditional trading partners and imported goods .

  9. 这个项目由美国贸易代表大使SusanSchwab领导,他们表达了对中国补贴问题的担忧,尤其是出口补贴和我们认为中国需要的补贴,比如,中国公司需要消费国内的货物而不应该进口货物。

    This is one item that was led by US trade representative ambassador Susan Schwab addressing concerns that we have with respect to Chinese subsidies , particularly export subsidies and subsidies we would say that you need to ... that a Chinese company would need to import domestic goods as opposed to imported goods .

  10. 这些进口货物必须经过法定检验。

    The goods to be imported are subject to legal inspection .

  11. 大批的廉价进口货物涌入了该国家的市场。

    A flood of cheap imports has come into the country .

  12. 国家对部分进口货物可以实行关税配额管理。

    Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control .

  13. 关于租赁进口货物减免税问题

    Issues concerning tax exemption and reduction for leased imported goods

  14. 去年进口货物的价值急剧上升。

    The value of imports has climbed sharply in the last year .

  15. 来自中国的进口货物占进口总量的40%。

    Importer from China account for40 percent of the total .

  16. 对于进口货物你们是怎样进行检查?

    How do you stipulate the inspection for your imports ?

  17. 关税是对进口货物征收的税。

    Customs duties are paid on goods entering the country .

  18. 存放加工贸易、一般贸易进口货物;

    Warehouse for bonded trade and regular import trade cargo ;

  19. 政府计划对进口货物征收新关锐。

    The government plans to slap a new tariff on imported goods .

  20. 受到严重破坏的国家急需从国外进口货物来补充他们有限的国内生产。

    Devastated countries badly needed imports to supplement their limited domestic production .

  21. 委员会建议对所有进口货物征收1%的税。

    The Committee recommended a1 % tax on all imports .

  22. 委员会取消了对进口货物的配额的决定。

    The committee reversed its decision on import quota .

  23. 进口货物优先拆点服务。

    Priority breakdown and check-in for urgent import shipments .

  24. 进口货物的杂费太多了!

    The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much !

  25. 摆满土特产和进口货物的商店和超级市场越来越多。

    There are more stores and supermarkets full of local and imported goods .

  26. 进口货物,为报关进口的当天。

    For importation of goods , it is the date of imp-ort declaration .

  27. 我主要的业务是从东南亚进口货物到美国。

    I mainly specialize in importing goods from South East Asia into America .

  28. (ⅲ)在生产进口货物过程中消耗的材料;

    ( iii ) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods ;

  29. 政府对进口货物征收的税收。

    Tariff a tax or duty imposed by a government on imported goods .

  30. 租赁进口货物,分期缴纳税款的。

    In the case of paying duty in stages for importation of leased goods .