
  • 网络natural disturbance
  1. 闽中山地天然林林隙动态及自然干扰特征

    Gap dynamic and their natural disturbance characteristics in mid-Fujian montane natural forest

  2. 对河口湿地生态系统所受到的自然干扰和人为干扰进行了系统辨识。

    Natural disturbance and human_caused disturbance of estuary wetland ecosystem were identified .

  3. 利用美国陆地卫星TM图像分析1984~1997年植被变化表明,大规模的风倒等自然干扰很容易检测出来。

    Landsat TM images were used for detecting the cover changes from 1984 to 1997 Large scales of wind throw were detected by this approach .

  4. 通过身份信息询问认证,可辨认人为冒充和自然干扰,保证了网络安全。

    Pass asking identity information , can identification masquerading and nature interference .

  5. 海南岛热带山地雨林林隙及其自然干扰特征

    Gaps and their natural disturbance regimes in the tropical montane rain forest of Hainan Island

  6. 自然干扰主要包括,气候变化(极端气候)和局地地质灾害。

    Natural disturbances include changes in climate ( extreme weather ) and local geological disaster .

  7. 人为或自然干扰程度影响物种的种类组成和个体数量分布。

    Severe disturbance from intensive human and natural activity strongly limited species distributions and their abundance .

  8. 因为四种模型均没有考虑到自然干扰和人类干扰对植物群落动态的影响。

    To a certain extent , they all need to be improved for a general model for analyzing community dynamics .

  9. 经分析,钦州湾滨海湿地近十年的演变是在自然干扰和人为干扰的共同影响下进行的。

    In the last decade , the evolution of coastal wetlands Qinzhou Bay resulted from both the natural and human disturbance .

  10. 湿地生态系统的主要自然干扰因素包括气候变化、海平面上升、火灾、外来种的侵入和地壳运动;

    The main natural disturbances include climate change , global sea-level rise , fire disaster , foreign species invading and crustal movement .

  11. 不同地段自然干扰状况的差异是造成多种年龄结构类型共存的主要原因。

    The major reason for the coexistence of many types of age structure is ascribed to the differences in natural disturbance regime in each region .

  12. 从自然干扰、土地类型转换和土地经营管理等三方面系统归纳了土地利用变化的碳排放响应机理。

    Carbon emission response mechanism of terrestrial ecosystem by land use change was concluded in the aspects of natural interference , land categories conversion and land administration .

  13. 通过各子区的景观指数对比分析,探讨研究区范围内景观格局的空间差异,揭示人类活动、自然干扰等各种景观生态机制对区域景观生态的影响。

    By analysis of landscape index and spatial changes of landscape pattern , human active and natural disturbance effect on regional landscape ecology were also discussed in this paper .

  14. 干扰生态学的发展将自然干扰体制与生态系统完整性维持联系在一起,为森林经营提供了生态合理性的理论模型。

    The development of disturbance ecology , which links nature disturbance regime with maintaining ecosystem integrity , provides the basic theoretical model for ecological reasonable practice for forest management .

  15. 自然干扰因子包括地质构造运动、气候及水文改变等,人为干扰因子主要是指农业政策、人口压力、水利工程及环境污染等。

    Natural disturbance factors included tectonization , climate , hydrological change and so forth . Human-caused disturbance factors included agricultural policies , population pressure , water conservancy , environmental pollution and so on .

  16. 科技经济社会发展动力、自然干扰力和生态质量影响力是促使巴彦县耕地资源安全变化的驱动力。

    The development of technology , economy , society and the natural disturbance forces and the ecological quality influence are the main driving forces of the changes of the safety of cultivated land resource in Bayan county .

  17. 重点分析了海平面上升、台风暴潮等自然干扰,围垦、大型海岸工程(填海、码头建设等)、环境污染和保护区建设等人为干扰对河口湿地生态系统结构和功能的影响。

    The effects of natural disturbance such as sea level rise , typhoon and storm tide , and human_caused disturbance such as reclamation , coastal engineering , environmental pollution and natural conservation area construction , on the structure and function of estuary wetland ecosystem were analyzed .

  18. 依据林分距离居民区和一、二级道路的远近以及郁闭度与受害乔木株数百分比,将人为干扰和自然干扰各划分为低度干扰、中度干扰和高度干扰3个水平。

    According to the distance from forest stands to residential area and the first and second grade roads , as well as the canopy density and the percentage of damaged trees , this paper defined the disturbances , anthropogenic and natural , as low , medium and high levels .

  19. 重点介绍干扰频谱分布、意电磁干扰(EMI)自然电磁干扰和电磁脉冲等几个重要技术分支。

    And mainly introduced some important technology branches including disturbance frequence spectrum ( lEMI ) nature electromagnetism , disturbance and electromagnetism pulse etc.

  20. 在自然火干扰的驱动下,森林景观构成丰富,表现形式多样。

    Forest scenery is various with fire disturbance .

  21. 自然火干扰对新疆喀纳斯旅游区森林景观树种结构的影响

    Effects of natural fire disturbance on structure of tree species in Kanas tourism district , xinjiang , China

  22. 新疆喀纳斯森林景观美学质量形成机制与自然火干扰体制研究

    Study on Formation of Forest Scenery Aesthetic Quality and Natural Fire Disturbance Regime of Forest in Kanas , Xinjiang

  23. 随着时间的推移,喀纳斯森林景观美学质量表现出与森林发生自然火干扰时间早晚密切相关的特征。

    There is a close relationship between forest scenery visual quality and the occurring time of natural fire disturbance .

  24. 新疆喀纳斯旅游区树种多样性垂直格局与自然火干扰

    Altitudinal pattern of species richness of tree and effect of natural fire disturbance in Kanas Tourism District , Xinjiang

  25. 但是利用比较自然、干扰较小的眼动技术进行的组块研究在目前的汉语认知领域还比较薄弱。

    However , it is relatively weak to study chunk using natural and undisturbed eye movement technology in Chinese cognitive field .

  26. 河口湿地是陆地生态系统碳库的重要组成部分,具有独特的物质循环和能量收支方式,对人为或自然的干扰极为敏感。

    Estuarine wetland , which has unique material circulation and energy budget , is an important part of terrestrial ecosystem carbon pools .

  27. 自然火干扰是发生在泰加林中最主要的自然干扰,对其森林群落的生物个体生长发育有着深远的影响。

    Natural fire disturbance is the most significant natural disturbance occurred in the Taiga , which has far-reaching implications on biological individual growth and development in its forest communities .

  28. 蜂种间自然交尾干扰论点的提出,为保护中蜂资源、发展中蜂生产提供了科学依据。

    Cerana in certain areas . The theory of natural mating interference between different types of bees provides a scientific basis for the protection and development of A. cerana apiculture .

  29. 针对目标受到自然景物干扰、近目标干扰、背景建筑群干扰甚至部分遮挡的情况,系统也能准确的识别出目标建筑。

    What 's more , our system can recognize the target under various disturbances , such as natural environment background , nearby building , dense building background and even partial occlusion .

  30. 在强迫振荡呼吸系统阻抗Zr8测定中,为去除自然呼吸干扰,我们设计了一种以振荡激发频率为中心的二级窄带通梳状数字滤波器。

    In the measurement of the forced oscillation respiratory impedance , we designed a narrow-band second-order bandpass comb filter which is centered at the forced oscillation frequencies for eliminating the interference of spontaneous breathing .