
  • 网络Passed Skylight
  1. 岭南传统祠堂建筑中的过白

    Passed Skylight in Traditional Ancestral Hall of South China

  2. 房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。

    The house was gleaming with fresh white paint .

  3. 衬底的LED荧光粉发出的部分光吸收,另一部分是蓝光蓝光和发出的黄色荧光粉的混合物,可过白。

    LED substrates issued partially phosphor-ray absorption , the other part of Blu-ray and issued yellow phosphor mixture can be too white .

  4. 因肤色过白,而被踢出白人购物目录的女模特。

    who got cut from the J.Crew catalog for being too white .

  5. 她是位了不起的园艺家,种过白茶藤子和红茶蘸子。

    She was a great gardener and had planted currants , white and red .

  6. 是的,但我发誓我记得有几回我在雪地里看到过白靴兔,它们的颜色是棕色的。

    Yeah , but I could swear I remembered seeing rabbits in the snow a couple of times , I means hares , that were brown .

  7. 一天内饮用过白开水、牛奶、碳酸饮料和果汁的比例分别为86.9%、58.0%、37.0%和16.2%。

    Out of the surveyed children and adolescents , 86.9 % , 58.0 % , 37.0 % and 16.2 % drank plain water , milk , carbonated drink and juice respectively during a day .

  8. 有高达三分之一的高血压患者在医生量血压时经历过“白大褂效应”。

    Up to one-third of patients diagnosed with high blood pressure show the " white coat " effect during exam-room readings .

  9. 紧张的工作使他的头发过早花白了。

    His stressful job made him go prematurely grey .

  10. 你看到过戴白帽子的女孩了吗?

    Did you see the girl in white hat ?

  11. 最有名的中国风汉堡或许是肉夹馍——烘烤过的白吉馍里塞满了切碎的炖肉。

    The best-known Chinese-style burger perhaps is Roujiamo -- shredded braised meat stuffed in baked leavened bread .

  12. 他在麻布围裙里面穿一件深色天鹅绒夹克衫,配一条灯芯绒裤子,扎着皮绑腿,里面穿一件浆洗过的白衬衫。

    Under his linen milking-pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket , cord breeches and gaiters , and a starched white shirt .

  13. 水里的死鱼都露出了腐烂过的白肠子,只剩下极薄的皮。

    In the water death fish has revealed has corrupted the white intestines , is only left over the extremely thin skin .

  14. 奥巴马将花生奶油酱和黏黏的果酱涂在加工过的白面包上。

    Dozens of photos were taken showing Obama smearing peanut butter and ' sticky ' jelly on what appears to be processed , white bread .

  15. 祥子痛快得要飞起来,这些日子的苦恼全忽然一齐铲净,像大雨冲过的白石路。

    Xiangzi nearly jumped for joy . All the unhappiness of the last few days vanished in a twice , like paving stones washed clean and white by heavy rash .

  16. 在进一步的降解过程中,平菇表现了其自身特有的降解机制,取代苯环单体上的甲氧基为甲基,而后发生苯环的开裂,这与报道过的白腐菌降解过程有所不同。

    Then Pleurotus ostreatus exhibits its special degraded mechanism , methoxy was displaced by methyl , then the ring-opening reaction was happened . This is different compare to the reported about the degradation mechanism of white-rot fungi .

  17. 他的穿着就像我初中时那些喜欢玩电脑的男生去听乐团演奏的装束——黑长裤,熨烫过的白衬衫;衬衫穿在他身上显得太大,茎状的瘦脖子从领口伸出来,有如一朵雏菊从庞大的花盆冒出来。

    He dressed the way the computer-interested boys in my junior high school used to dress for band concerts - dark trousers and an ironed white button-down shirt that was far too big for him , his thin , stemlike neck sticking out of the opening like a single daisy popping out of a giant flowerpot .

  18. 皮瓣缺血再灌注损伤过程髓过氧化酶及白细胞膜CD18的变化

    The Change of Leukocyte CD_ ( 18 ) and Myeloperoxidase Content During Rat Island Flap Reperfusion Injury

  19. 治疗组的主要不良反应为过度镇静、流涎、心动过速及白细胞异常等;对照组的主要不良反应为EPS、失眠、激越及泌乳等。

    The main adverse reactions in the treatment group were excessive sedation , salivation , tachycardia and anomalies in leucocytes , while those in the control group were extrapyramidal symptoms , insomnia , agitation , lactation etc.

  20. 还在白天的时候,庄园里就风传着一件事,说是老麦哲,就是得过“中等白鬃毛”奖的那头雄猪,

    Word had gone round during the day that old Major , the prize Middle White boar ,

  21. 极低频电磁场对小鼠脑组织脂质过氧化及白细胞的影响

    A Study of Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Lipid Per-Oxidation of the Brain and Leukocytes in Mice

  22. 那里常常会有温柔的晚风,轻轻拂过草地,白桦树芬芳馥郁,树荫遮蔽我和我的玛丽。

    There oft , as mild Ev'ning weeps over the lea , The sweet-scented birk shades my Mary and me .

  23. 维拉:当你到了我这个年纪,你就不会过多担心白头发。

    Vera : When you get to be my age , you won 't worry so much about graying hair .

  24. 我要去一家时装公司应聘,眼看就要迟到,我随便拿起一件熨过的礼服白衬衣就出发了。

    Running late for a job interview at a large men 's fashion company , I grabbed a white dress shirt that I didn 't have time to iron .

  25. 许诺过多,等于白说。

    He that promises too much means zero .

  26. 漂过的布特别白。

    Cloth becomes much whiter when bleached .

  27. 你听说过许仙和白娘子的爱情故事吗?

    Have you ever heard of the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake ?

  28. 方法用髓过氧化酶法测定白细胞与内皮细胞的粘附,ELISA法测定内皮细胞粘附分子的表达。

    METHODS Cell adhesion was measured by testing leukocyte myeloperoxidase activity ; expression of adhesion molecules was measured by ELISA .

  29. 进一步用流式细胞术分析发现,hTR基因的过表达不仅使白细胞的增殖受到抑制并促进其凋亡。

    Flow cytometry ( FCM ) analysis showed that expression of exogenous hTR gene repressed the proliferation of leukocytes and resulted in cell apoptosis .

  30. 我知道这很困难,但消灭加工过的碳水化合物如白面包和米饭,将有助于保持你的身形在最佳状态。

    I know it is hard , but eliminating processed carbs like white bread and rice will help keep your figure at its best .