
  • 网络grassland desertification
  1. 内蒙古草地沙化遥感监测图像自动分类方法研究

    Study on Grassland Desertification Remote Sensing Monitoring in Inner Mongolia

  2. 草地沙化遥感监测方法研究及应用

    Study on Methods and Application of Grassland Desertification Monitoring by Remote Sensing

  3. 探讨了露天煤矿区草地沙化的影响因子;

    Factors inducing desertification of grassland in opencast coalmine are discussed .

  4. 盐池县草地沙化演替过程中土壤理化特性的变化

    Changes of Soil Properties During Sandy Desertification for Grassland in Yanchi County

  5. 带状高立式沙障防治草地沙化机理的研究

    Mechanism of High-banded Sand-barriers for Controlling Grassland Desertification

  6. 玛曲县天然草地沙化动态及现状分析

    Analysis on desertification dynamics and present situation of the natural grassland in Maqu County

  7. 草地沙化,土壤生物类群及数量逐渐减少,生物活性逐渐下降。

    The activity of soil biology decreased gradually in the process of grassland desertification .

  8. 草地沙化是一个植被、土壤与环境全面退化的过程。

    Grassland desertification is also a process of comprehensive degradation of vegetation , soil and environment .

  9. 黄河源区天然草地沙化机理分析研究

    Study on the desertification mechanism of natural grassland in the source regions of the Yellow River

  10. 草地沙化是引起草地持续退化和生产力不断下降的主要原因之一。

    Grassland sandy desertification is one of the main reasons that the grassland ecosystem degradation and productivity decline continuously .

  11. 但是由于自然和人为双重因素的作用,其生态环境不断恶化,草地沙化、沼泽退化等现象日趋严重。

    However , due to natural and human reasons , it suffers deteriorating ecological environment and growing grassland desertification and marsh degradation .

  12. 特殊的地理位置及独特的生态作用,该区域的草地沙化具有典型特征和重要的研究意义。

    The special geographical position and ecological function makes the grassland desertification of this district have the typical features and important research significance .

  13. 黄河源区高寒草地沙化进程中土壤物理性质的变化(简报)&以玛曲为例

    A study on the changes of soil physical properties in the desertification process of source regions of the Yellow River using Maqu as an example

  14. 在多因素综合作用下,玛曲县近50年来天然草地沙化面积迅速扩大,沙化程度不断加剧。

    Under many synthetical factors , the area of desertification grassland extended quickly and the degrees of desertification turn worse continuously in the last five decades in Maqu County .

  15. 草地沙化、退化是我国牧区脆弱生态系统失衡急需整治的重大环境问题。

    Grassland sand desertification and degradation is a great environmental problem , which should be paid more attention to in the fragile ecological system unbalancing pasturing areas of China .

  16. 长期以来,由于人口的急剧增加,牲畜数量的快速增长,以及全球性气候干旱的影响,草地沙化、退化严重,草畜矛盾日益突出。

    Because of increases of population and livestock , and global climate drying the deterioration of rangeland had become serious , and the conflict between forage and livestock was obvious .

  17. 结果表明,在高寒草地沙化进程中,存在着土壤机械组成不断变粗、土壤容重不同程度增加而孔隙度相应减小的变化趋势。

    The results showed that : in the desertification process of the alpine meadow , the soil mechanical constitution tended to gradually become rougher , the weight per unit volume increased to some extent while soil porosity decreased accordingly .

  18. 分析了中国北部荒漠化与沙尘暴产生的根源,提出了防治荒漠化与沙尘暴的对策及今后研究的方向,认为农田和草地沙化应是今后研究的重点。

    The origin of desertification and dust storm in north of China is analyzed , the countermeasures and the study direction of preventing desertification and dust storm are put forward , and it is emphasized that farmland and grassland desertification should be the focus of study in the future .

  19. 利用MODIS数据识别若尔盖草地的沙化&分层分类方法

    Application of MODIS data to identifying desertification in Zoige grassland : a layered-classfication method

  20. 目前已有1/3的草地受沙化和侵蚀的威协,4%的草地处于过牧退化状况。

    So the grassland ecosystem is very fragile . Now , 1 / 3 of the grasslands has been threatened to erosion or desertification and 4 % has been degraded due to overgrazing .

  21. 很多地方的草地退化、沙化和盐化;

    The degeneration , desertification and salinization of grassland ;

  22. 不合理的畜牧业生产方式是造成草地退化、沙化的主要原因。

    Causes of grassland degradation and environmental deterioration in the region are analyzed .

  23. 多伦县地处北方典型草原区与华北旱作农业区的过渡地带,属于生态脆弱区,其草地退化、沙化特征具有一定代表性。

    Duolun Country lying in the ecotone between grassland and the dryland agriculture region in Northern China is an ecological fragile zone .

  24. 这种气候变化趋势使得若尔盖高原湿地的地表水资源减少,湿地萎缩,加速了草地退化和沙化。

    The climatic warming causes water resources reducing , shrinking of wetland in this area , which speeds up trend of grassland degeneration and desertification .

  25. 草地退化、土地沙化等问题已成为若尔盖地区突出的环境问题之一。

    Grassland degradation and desertification have become one of the prominent environmental problems in the Zoig ê area .

  26. 结果表明:随着累计原煤产量的增加,草地破坏面积和草地沙化面积在逐年扩大;

    The result shows that with the increase of coal output , the area of destruction and desertification of grassland keep enlarging year by year .

  27. 草地直接破坏面积与草地沙化面积具有明显的正相关关系,故可将草地直接破坏面积作为评价、预测该区煤炭开发对周围草地沙化影响的重要依据。

    There is a positive correlation between the area of direct destruction and the area of desertification . So the area of direct destruction can be used as an important assessment and prediction indicator for grassland desertification around coalmines .

  28. 开展草地灭鼠是控制草地退化、沙化、提高植被盖度、保护草地资源、发展畜牧业生产的重要技术措施。

    Killing them was the important technical measure of controlling grassland deterioration and desertification , of improving vegetation cover degree , protecting grassland resources and developing animal husbandry .

  29. 而人为过度砍伐沙地林木资源、沙质草地长期超载放牧、资源利用不平衡以及乱垦、滥挖等不合理经济行为,又降低了沙化草地植被覆盖度,为草地风蚀沙化提供了必要条件。

    And then over-cutting forest , over-grazing grassland , imbalance of resource utilization and estrepement reduce the coverage of vegetation , therefore provide necessary conditions for the grassland desertification .

  30. 由于草地围封面积的扩大,一、二类草地的面积显著增加,草场质量显著改善,但由于未封育草地的过牧仍很普遍,三类草地沙化仍很严重;

    The areas of first and second degree rangelands were enlarged due to enclosing rangelands at large scale , so the quality of rangeland was greatly improved , but the range desertification is still common caused by overgrazing on unenclosed third degree rangeland .