
  1. 各种奶食几乎成为草原上的主食。

    Dairy products have almost become the main food on the grassland .

  2. 在800年前,忽必烈时期的蒙古人远征到云南。定居至此的蒙古人也带来了遥远家乡的奶食味道。

    Over 800 years ago , during the reign of Kublai Khan , the expeditionary Mongolians arrived and settled in Yunnan . They brought dairy products from their home .

  3. 美味的烤羊背成为食客们的首选,它很容易让人联想到远方草原上那种粗犷的生活方式。但是对于那些身处草原腹地的人们来说,这些奶食才更贴近他们原本的生活。

    The mouth-watering roast lamb back is the top choice for dinners here . It easily reminds us of the food lifestyle on the grassland , but to people living in the depth of the grassland , milk products are more close to their real life .

  4. 奶山羊过食谷物中毒的研究

    Studies on Cereal Poisoning Caused by Overfeeding Dairy Goat

  5. 世界上最好的低脂乳制品和蛋类包括:食草类动物产奶做成的奶酪食草奶牛所产的牛奶牧场散养鸡下的鸡蛋羊奶食草类动物产奶做成的酸奶

    Among the world 's best low-fat dairy products and eggs are : Cheese , grass-fed Cow 's milk , grass-fed Eggs , pasture-raised Milk , goat Yogurt , grass-fed 7 .

  6. 热茶和奶豆腐让孟克并不觉得冷。这些奶食将持续不断地提供热量,足够支持他一上午的放牧。

    Hot tea and milk curd keep him warm , and the milk products will continually provide calories to sustain the entirely morning 's herding .