
  1. 从文化上看,中欧文化博大精深、各具特色,在许多方面可以互学互鉴。

    In terms of culture , both the Chinese and European cultures are profoundly enriching and have distinctive features , and there is a lot we can learn from each other .

  2. 我相信会有更多的外国人到中国。中国持开放包容的态度,希望各国人民之间相互尊重、互学互鉴。

    I believe more and more foreigners will come to China and see that China is an open and inclusive country which hopes for mutual respect and mutual learning between people of different countries .

  3. 中美创造的独特的文明、文化也可以互学互鉴,增进两国人民之间的友谊,夯实中美关系的社会基础。

    China and the US have their distinctive civilization , cultures . We can learn from each other . And we should deepen our friendship between the people of our two countries so as to build stronger social foundation for good bilateral relations .

  4. 东西方使节、商队、游客、学者、工匠川流不息,沿途各国互通有无、互学互鉴,共同推动了人类文明进步。

    This land has borne witness to a steady stream of envoys , caravans , travelers , scholars and artisans travelling between the East and the West . The exchanges and mutual learning thus made possible have contributed to the progress of human civilization .

  5. 中非在文化上互学互鉴、人文交流日趋活跃,中非文化聚焦、联合研究交流计划、智库论坛、民间论坛、青年领导人论坛等一系列交流活动相继启动。

    China and Africa have conducted increasing people-to-people and cultural exchanges featuring mutual learning . A number of activities have been carried out , including the Chinese / African Cultures in Focus , Joint Research and Exchange Plan , Think Tanks Forum , People 's Forum and Young Leaders Forum .