
hù huàn
  • interchange;exchange;reciprocity;mutual exchange;counterchange;bandy;double replacement
互换 [hù huàn]
  • [exchange] 相互交换 [同类之物];以 [某物] 易 [某物];交换

  • 让我们互换一下帽子

互换[hù huàn]
  1. 衍射指标h和k的互换问题

    The problem of interchange of diffraction indices h and K

  2. 在这儿,And,A,here。,在这儿,And,B,here。,在这儿,And,B,here。,当然如果你互换这里的A和,你不会有同一个状态。

    A B B B of course if you interchange A and B here , you don 't have an identical state .

  3. 这些词语互换着使用。

    These terms are used interchangeably .

  4. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  5. 肯尼迪调皮地建议教授和看门人互换一段时间工作。

    Kennedy mischievously suggested that professors ought to trade jobs for a time with janitors

  6. 遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。

    Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next

  7. 当孩子们最终要照顾父母时,这的确是一种奇妙的角色互换。

    When children end up taking care of their parents , it is a strange role reversal indeed .

  8. 等他试过识别所有的物品后,你们可以互换角色,让他来测试你。

    When he has tried to identify all the items , you can change places , and he can test you

  9. 两国政府多次互换了照会。

    Many notes were exchanged between the two governments .

  10. 达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不至由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。

    After a certain number of points , the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun .

  11. 这两个可以互换的词语是“Damn”一词的礼貌说法,不过其实所有人都知道你想表达的是什么意思,有没有稍微“礼貌”一点,也没有人会在意。

    DARN / DANG ! These two interchangeable words are polite ways of saying ' Damn ' , though as everybody knows what you mean it 's a wonder anybody bothers .

  12. 对链接动词COMEto和GETto互换性问题的研究

    The Interchangeability of the Catenatives COME to and GET to

  13. 黄曲霉毒素B1诱发姐妹染色单体互换的研究

    Study on Distribution of Aflatoxin B1 Induced Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency in Human Chromosomes

  14. 莲子对黄曲霉毒素(B1)诱发的人体淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体互换和细胞周期状态的影响

    The Effect of Lotus Seed on Aflatoxin B_1 induced SCE and CGC in Cultured Human Peripheral Lymphocyte

  15. PET时间分辨率和能量分辨率互换性探讨

    Tradeoff of timing resolution and energy resolution for PET

  16. 温度和电极互换频率对电解过程中聚合Al(13)形成的影响

    Effect of Temperature and Exchanging Frequency of Electrode on Al_ ( 13 ) Polymer Formation by Electrolysis

  17. AL和MDS外周血姐妹染色单体互换及细胞分裂周期动力学观察

    Observation on sister chromatid exchange and cell cycle in Al and MDS

  18. 铅镉铝砷苯及X射线致淋巴细胞染色单体互换畸变的特性研究

    Study of INDCED by chromatid interchange in human lymphocytes lead , arsenic , cadmium , benzene and X-ray exposure

  19. RDF规范提供了一个轻量级本体(ontology)系统,用来支持在Web上互换知识。

    The RDF specifications provide a lightweight ontology system to support the exchange of knowledge on the Web .

  20. 元数据DC与MARC的互换

    Exchange of Dublin core meta-data and MARC

  21. 化学分析玻璃仪器-互换圆锥形磨砂接头USB插头式微型电化学分析仪的研制及应用

    Interchangeable conical glass ground joints Development and Application of Universal Serial Bus Plug Shaped Micro Size Electrochemistry System

  22. 基于IVIDriver的仪器互换性的研究

    Research on Interchangeable Virtual Instrument Based on IVI Driver

  23. 互换价值越大,CBA越大;

    The higher the swap value , the greater the CBA ;

  24. 互换性ISO和ASTM标准试样注射模的设计

    The design of injection mould with exchangeability ISO and ASTM standard sample

  25. (4G和LTE常常互换使用。)

    ( the terms 4G and LTE are often used interchangeably . )

  26. EA(121)破乳剂诱发小白鼠骨髓细胞姐妹染色单体互换

    Experiment of demulsifier ae_ ( 121 ) inducing sister chromatid exchange of bone marrow cells in mouse

  27. 信用违约互换(CDS)对债务违约提供一种保险形式,是信用衍生品最普遍的一种类型。

    CDS , a form of insurance against bond defaults , is the most common type of credit derivative .

  28. 三种农药的姐妹染色单体互换(SCE)试验

    Sister-Chromatid Exehange ( SCE ) Test of Three Pesticides

  29. 复多项式虚实部互换构造广义M集及J集

    General M set and J set Generated by the Complex Mapping Exchanging Between the Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Polynomial

  30. 结合实验结果和第一性原理总能量计算,文章作者揭示了几种Pb团簇的原子结构.这些结构都是以表面Pb和Si原子互换导致的混合模型为中心的衍生结构。

    In accord with experiments , first-principle total-energy calculations reveal several cluster structures centered on a mixed cluster model involving surface Pb and Si exchange .