
  • 网络Internet training;Internet-Based Training
  1. 你从设计过主页的话,你可以去一家互联网培训学校选修一门超级文本标注语言(HTML)的课程。

    If you 've never created a Web page before , you may go to take a HTML design course in an Internet training school .

  2. 这里是VOA特别英语发展报道。多哥一个新成立的互联网培训中心将为这个西非地区的年轻人提供机会来提高自己的工作技能。

    Classes Start in March at Internet Training Center in Togo This is the VOA Special English Technology Report . A new Internet training center in Togo will give young people in that part of West Africa a chance to improve their job skills .

  3. 下个月,他们将成为一家大型互联网培训公司的所有者。

    Next month , they are due to become owners of a large Internet training company .

  4. 多哥一家新的互联网培训中心将给该地区的年轻人提供一个提高工作能力的机会。

    A new Internet training center in Togo will give young people in that part of West Africa a chance to improve their job skills .

  5. 大学、学院和中学现在正在通过互联网发布培训和教育。

    Universities , colleges , and secondary schools are now delivering training and education over the internet .

  6. 该部分作者南希・弗莱恩(NancyFlynn)为TheePolicyInstitute创始人及执行董事,这是一家帮助雇主限制电子邮件及互联网风险的培训咨询公司。可通过reports@wsj.com联系作者。

    Ms. Flynn is the founder and executive director of The ePolicy Institute , a training and consulting firm that helps employers limit email and Internet risks .

  7. 基于互联网的DTS联合培训仿真系统

    Combined dispatcher training simulator ( DTS ) system based on internet

  8. 对基于互联网进行机动车驾驶员培训进行了分析,指明了系统的特点和应用价值。

    Internet-based motor vehicle driver training were analyzed , indicating the characteristics of the system and application value .

  9. 在我国发达农村地区可以先进行基于互联网的农民远程培训的试点;

    In the developed rural areas of our country , we can carry on experiment site about the farmers distance training based on internet firstly ;