
  • 网络Rote Learning;Machine Learning
  1. 数学机械学习与意义学习的再认识

    Rethinking of Rote Learning and Meaningful Learning in Mathematics

  2. 数学机械学习的表现、成因及若干对策

    On Types , Causes of Rote Learning in Mathematics and the Way to Deal with It

  3. 讨论了智能计算机辅助教学(ICAI)系统的特点和机器学习的实现方法,并通过多位数的认识教学系统的编制,基本实现机械学习这一功能。

    This paper discusses the features of the ICAI system and the realization method of machine learning . The function of machine learning can be realized by programming the instruction system of multi digit recognition .

  4. 此外,在对机器学习比较深入研究的基础上,探讨了以机械学习和类比学习作为性能改进途径,如何显著地增强系统实用程度。

    In addition , the system used machine learning to improve performance .

  5. 许多学生仍然陷在机械学习词汇的泥潭中不能自拔。

    Most students still have fallen into rote learning .

  6. 长期以来,在我国基础教育的教学实践中,普遍存在着学生被动、机械学习的问题。

    In Chinese primary education students ' passive learning is popular for a long time .

  7. 如果没有已有知识经验的参与,学生只能进行一项一项的孤立的学习即机械学习。

    Without the participation of already-known knowledge and experience , students can only do isolated and mechanical study .

  8. 科学学习的本质&有意义学习与机械学习,与学习者建构的学习通道有关。

    The nature of students learning-that is , meaningful or rote-is related to the construction of " learning approaches " .

  9. 让研究人员吃惊的是,在机械学习之后,无论是记忆能力,还是脑代谢都没有发生明显的改善。

    To the researchers'surprise , no improvements in memory function or changes in brain metabolism were seen after the rote learning period .

  10. 中国人若要真正自主创新,就得抛弃孔夫子提倡的那种机械学习方法,她说。

    They have to get away from the Confucian method of rote learning if they are going to innovate , she says .

  11. 信息的记忆来自重复的频率,那么机械学习扮演了一个重要角色在教育体系中!你同意吗?

    Memorization of information by frequency repetition ( rote learning ) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree .

  12. 这个研讨会的焦点是对机械学习由结构化及半结构化资料中抽取出资讯的新展望和方向。

    The aim of the workshop is to present new perspectives and new directions in information extraction from structured and semi-structured data for machine learning .

  13. 虽然日本的教育因强调基础知识而经常受到外国人的赞扬,但是它往往强调考试和机械学习而忽视了创造性和自我表现。

    While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics , Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression .

  14. 主要表现出四种倾向:被动接受,毫无目的;浅尝辄止,不加思考:身在教室,作壁上观;无可奈何,机械学习。

    Mainly there are four types of orientation : passive acceptance with no purpose ; tasted without thinking ; sitting in the classroom but with no thinking and being helpless , rote learning .

  15. 学习困难学生不使用学习策略的机械学习成绩与学习优秀学生无显著差异;

    The results showed that the learning handicapped students could not spontaneously make use of the learning strategies , There was no difference in rote learning between the learning handicapped and the excellent learning students .

  16. 奥苏贝尔意义接受学习的基本观点认为,接受学习并不等于机械学习,通过合适的方法,接受学习可以朝着意义学习转化,在这个转化过程中,教师角色特征的转变起着一种基础性作用。

    The basic view of Ausubel 's meaningful receptive learning is that , receptive learning is not mechanical learning , it can change toward meaningful learning by proper methods , and the change of instructor role feature is basic in the course of change .

  17. 基于数据对象访问行为模型则分析数据对象的访问频率对系统的影响,结合数据对象访问的特征和主动性,通过机械学习适当调整数据对象的访问行为频率,使系统朝着稳定方向发展。

    The DO-based access behavior model analyzes the effect of the access frequency of Data Object ( DO ) on storage system , and then suitably adjusts the access frequency of data objects in accordance with their characteristics through mechanical study and activity so as to improve the system stableness .

  18. 2005年,在沈阳东北大学冶金机械专业学习。

    Study in Shenyang North-east university , specialize in metallurgical machine .

  19. 日本的教育制度往往强调考试和机械式学习,而不是创造性和自我表述。

    Japanse education trends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expressing .

  20. 机械制图学习中的迁移

    The transfer of learning mechanical drawing

  21. 因此,培养完整的学习动机比机械地学习英语重要的多。

    Hence the urgent need of cultivating an integral motivation rather than an instrumental one towards leaning English .

  22. 但教育专家表示,台湾在数学方面的领先主要源于学生的机械式学习。

    But education experts said Taiwan 's lead in maths was mainly due to its students ' rote learning .

  23. 你从编组好的机械的学习过程开始!你在走路之前得先学会爬。

    YOU START with a regimented by-rote LEARNING process ! You have to learn to crawl before you walk and so forth .

  24. 根据学生学习的主动性和创新性程度,学习方式可分为机械接受学习、意义接受学习、发现学习、研究型学习并组成一个完整的序列。

    Learning approaches can be divided into rote receptive , meaningful receptive , discovery and research learning on basis of students ' autonomy and creativity .

  25. 建构性学习克服了传统学习中对知识的表面、孤立、机械的学习,与我们目前迫切要求培养具有创造性、自主性、协作性的人才的教育理念是相一致的。

    Constructivism learning overcomes the drawbacks of obtaining knowledge in a superficial , isolated and mechanical way , which conforms to the current education notion to train the talented bearing originality , initiative and cooperation .

  26. 认知法是建立在有意义学习而非机械性学习概念上的语言学习理论,在教学中强调以学生为中心、师生互动的教学方式。

    Cognitive approach is the language learning theory on the concept based on " positive learning not negative learning " . In teaching it focuses on " student-centered , teacher and student co-responded " methodology .

  27. 用AHP评价机械设计课程学习质量

    Application of AHP for evaluating the learning quality in mechanism designing study

  28. 基于RBF网络的机械手迭代学习控制器

    Iterative Learning Controller for Manipulators Based on the RBF Network

  29. 绘制图样是机械制图课程学习的重要环节,直接使用AUTOCAD通用绘图软件辅助绘图,因其不具备专业绘图特点,效率不高。

    It is the machine graphics that drawing draw study of important link , the direct usage AUTO CAD in general use painting the software assistance painting , because it does not have the profession painting characteristics , the efficiency is not high .

  30. 空间能力的测试及其对机械制图课程学习的影响

    Spatial Ability Testing and Its Influence on Engineering Graphics Study