
jī qì dà ɡōnɡ yè
  • modern mechanical industry
  1. 人类社会发展到今天,经历了石器时代、农耕时代、机器大工业时代的演变,进入到信息时代。

    Human society has entered the Information Age now .

  2. 中国工人阶级是近代机器大工业的产物,是中国最进步的阶级。

    China 's working class , as the product of modern machine building era , represents the advanced class .

  3. 但是,随着机器大工业兴起,钱庄的局限性日益凸显。

    However , with the rising of large machine industry , the development of the banking house was greatly limited .

  4. 无论是马克思还是海德格尔对机器大工业时代和技术时代对人的奴役都作了犀利、深刻的批判。

    Both Marx and Heidegger made a sharp and profound critique of large-scale mechanist technological era and of its enslavement of human beings .

  5. 当前,机器大工业的发展在给社会带来高效率的产出的同时,不可避免的也给劳动者带来了职业伤害。

    Currently , the development of industry while bringing high efficiency to the society , inevitably has also brought the injury to the workers .

  6. “乡村工业社区”是机器大工业在英国乡村地区发展的载体,也是乡村工业化发展和农村城市化的初级形态。

    As the cartier of development of machine industry in rural areas UK ," Rural Industrial Community " is primary form of rural industrialization and urbanization .

  7. 做为机器大工业出产的产物,它迟未突立其技巧层里的意义,渗入渗出到了己类的文化取生涯中。

    As a product of large-scale industrial production machines , it has its breakthrough significance in technical aspect , which has penetrated into the human culture and their life .

  8. 中国拥有古老的工业文明,近代工业文明开始于1840年的鸦片战争时期,并逐渐进入机器大工业时代。

    China is the oldest industrial civilization , the modern industrial civilization began in 1840 during the Opium War , and gradually entered the era of large-scale industrial machinery .

  9. 在近代科学产生和机器大工业出现以前,谈不上有真正的科学知识的合并于生产和科学力并在生产中发挥作用。

    Before the arising of modern science and mechanical industrialization , there is no real union of scientific knowledge and production , and science hardly exerts function during production .

  10. 它既没有20年代对情欲的浪漫张扬,也没有30年代对机器大工业的赞美,只有对芸芸众生琐碎的日常生活和不幸的人生遭遇的不厌其烦的细致描述、反复唠叨。

    Urban literature in 1940s did neither spread romantic love as it did in 1920s , nor praise engineering industry as it did in 1930s , but heavily repeated and carefully described people 's daily lives and unfortunate sufferings .

  11. 第二次发生在19世纪末叶,电力的发明和重化工业的发展,把以机器大工业为基础的工业化和世界市场与国际分工的发展推进到了一个新的阶段。

    The second time arrived at the end of 19th . The invention electric system and development of heavy industry pushed to a new stage the industrialization based on great machinery industry , the world market and international labor division .

  12. 18世纪以来的机器大工业生产方式的发展,标志着科学向生产要素、生产方法转化和被合并于生产过程的时期的到来。

    The development of the production form of mechanical industrialization since 18th century , indicates the arrival of the period during which the science is transformed to productive factor and productive method , as well as combined to the production process .

  13. 作为外来入侵者,它之所以能在晚清这个复杂的社会环境里扎稳脚跟并不断扩张,主要得益于机器大工业体现出来的先进生产力和企业制度创新的巨大推动力。

    As foreign invaders , it had been able to bind stability and heel , and continue to expand in a complex social environment , mainly due to the advanced productive forces reflected by industrial machines and the great impetus of enterprise systems .

  14. 中等职业教育是机器大工业革命以后产生的,是现代教育的重要组成部分,其原始目的是为工厂提供高素质的产业工人,是为工业化服务的。

    The medium vocational education , which is the most important part of modern education , appeared after the Machine big Industrial Revolution , . Its original aim was providing high quality workers for the factories , and it served for the industrialization .

  15. 资本主义生产方式和机器大工业生产技术的兴起为现代学校形态的职业教育的产生提供了条件,教育与生产劳动相结合的学说为现代职业教育提供了思想基础。

    The rising of capitalism production mode and big machine industry production technology provide social and historical condition for vocational education of modern school modality , and the thought of combination of education with production labour provide thought basis for modern vocational education .

  16. 第二次是马克思从对工场手工业中劳动价值关系的考察,到对机器大工业中劳动价值关系的探索的转向,其标志性成果是马克思科技劳动价值论思想的萌发。

    The second turn involves the shifting from Marx 's investigation of the labor value relations in the workshop handicraft industry to those in the big machine industry , its marking achievement being the germination of Marx 's theory of value in science-technology labor .

  17. 在机器和大工业一章中,马克思从经济社会学的角度,对机器的产生、发展和功能作了深入系统的分析。

    In this chapter , as viewed from economic sociology , Karl Marx analyses deeply and systemically the origination , development and function of machinery .

  18. 机器和机器体系的出现不仅标志着人类从农业社会迈入工业社会,也标志着从工场手工业发展到机器大工业。

    The appearance of machinery and machinery system is not only the symbol of human entering industrial society from agricultural society , but also the symbol of entering machinery industry from handicraft industry .