
  • 网络Observational learning;observation learning;observing learning;learning by observation
  1. 论班图拉观察学习理论的特征及其历史地位

    On the characteristics and historical standing of bandura 's observational learning theory

  2. 班杜拉观察学习理论与体育技能学习

    Bandura 's Observational Learning Theory and Physical Skill Learning

  3. 目的:探讨石菖蒲改善记忆作用的有效部位及其作用机理。方法:灌胃给药10天,每天2次,观察学习记忆行为实验以及脑乙酰胆碱脂酶、c-jun基因表达的变化。

    Methods : The drug was given by op for 10 days , two times a day , ethological tests of learning and memory , Acetylcholinesterase activity and c-jun gene expression were observed .

  4. 学习型示范和熟练型示范对运动技能观察学习的影响

    Effects of Learning Model and Skilled Model on Observational Motor Learning

  5. 观察学习是班杜拉社会学习理论的核心。

    Learning of observation is the core of social theories of learning by Bandura .

  6. 不同观察学习和身体练习比例对追踪任务技能学习的影响

    Effects of Different Proportions between Observational Learning and Physical Practice on Tracking Skill Learning

  7. 社会认知理论主要包括三大部分:相互决定论、观察学习和自我效能。

    The theory includes three parts : mutual determinism , observational learning and self-efficacy .

  8. 我想要在那里观察学习和努力创新。

    I want to go in with open eyes and try to innovate . '

  9. 且观察学习是社会行为习得的更常见方式。

    Observational learning is the more familiar manner of the acquisition of social behavior .

  10. 观察学习将会非常有效。

    Observations will be far more productive .

  11. 观察学习的概念与应用

    The Concept and Application of Observational Learning

  12. 观察学习是一种基于社会学习理论的集成学习方法,以往对其研究集中于同构模式。

    Observational Learning Algorithm ( OLA ) is an ensemble method based on social learning theory .

  13. 观察学习综述

    Overview of Observational Learning

  14. 创业学习可以分为经验学习、观察学习和行为学习,三种学习方式都能带给创业者不同的效果。

    Entrepreneurial learning can divide empirical learning , vicarious and action learning , which have different effective for the entrepreneur .

  15. 该文从以下三个方面分析了班图拉观察学习理论的特征:(1)强化与认知的结合,(2)行为主义的建构论,(3)交互决定论。

    Three characteristics of Bandura 's theory of observational learning-integration of reinforcement and cognition , behavioral constructivism and reciprocal determinism were discussed in the paper .

  16. 这不是强制它发生。而是诱导它发生。老师启动这个过程,然后她敬畏地退到后面,观察学习的发生。

    It 's about letting it happen . The teacher sets the process in motion and then she stands back in awe and watches as learning happens .

  17. 班杜拉社会学习理论以三元交互决定论为理论基础,指出亲历学习和观察学习是人类学习的两种基本形式,同时提出自我调节论、自我效能感等理论主张。

    This article describes the main content of Bandura 's social learning theory , including its theoretical basis , two forms of human study , self-regulation theory and self-efficacy .

  18. 一个真正的“鸟人”会积极地观察学习不同鸟种以看到更多的新种并了解更多鸟类行为、栖息地和个性特征。

    A true " birder " actively observes and studies different birds in order to see new species and to learn more about their behavior , habitats and personalities .

  19. 本研究由三个实验组成,实验一比较了观察学习与反馈学习的差异;实验二对反馈的时间进行了操纵,比较了延迟反馈与即时反馈的学习效果。

    We compared the difference between observational learning and feedback learning in experiment 1 . In experiment 2 , we operated timing of feedback , compared delayed feedback with immediate feedback .

  20. 班杜拉社会学习理论是心理学理论体系中的重要理论,其理论涉及观察学习、自我调节、自我效能、三元决定论等重要概念;

    Bandura 's social learning theory is one of the important ones in the theoretical system of psychology . It concerns some important concepts such as observational learning , self-regulation , self-efficacy , tri - determinism and so on .

  21. 录像示范法是一种通过用录像把行为表现出来从而展现所期待的行为的技术,基于班杜拉的观察学习理论,属于行为干预领域中示范模仿疗法的一种。

    Video modeling is a technique which involves demonstration of desired behaviors through video representation of the behaviors . It is based on the theory of Observational Learning of Bandura , and belongs to the area of the behavior intervention .

  22. 社会学习理论强调人类行为是个体与环境交互作用的产物,儿童可以通过替代强化获得道德行为,其基本途径是通过观察学习。

    The theory emphasizes that the mankind 's behavior is the product of interaction between man and environment and that children can obtain moral behavior by vicarious learning . That is to say children can learn by observing other 's behavior .

  23. 根据人在社会中的合作方式选取观察学习理论、交往理论、社会互赖理论作为理论基础,分别构建了角色扮演法、讲座法和辩论法三种形式的合作学习。

    We construct three cooperative learning styles including role playing , lecture method , debate tactics in the thesis . The foundation of them is social learning theory , communication theory and social interdependence theory which are constructed according to the way that people cooperate in society .

  24. 目的:模拟人类Alzheimer病(AD)的大鼠病理模型,观察其学习记忆及病理性改变。

    Objective : To study the changes of learning and memory abilities and pathology in alzheimer disease rats .

  25. Morris水迷宫实验观察空间学习记忆能力。

    Morris water maze was performed for analyzing the spatial learning memory ability .

  26. 在PLOSONE期刊上发表的一项研究中,科学家们发现,比起狗,狼更擅长相互观察和学习。

    In a study published in the journal PLOS ONE , scientists found that wolves observe and learn from each other much better than dogs do .

  27. 数学大联盟杯赛和斯坦福国际青年计划(StanfordInternationalYouthProgram)让中国学生能从另一种角度观察和学习数学及科学,与在中国能得到的角度完全不同。

    The Math League and the Stanford International Youth Program enable Chinese students to view and learn math and science from a completely different perspective from what is available in China .

  28. 方法:通过Morris水迷宫实验观察空间学习能力和空间记忆能力,并检测大鼠海马内SOD活性和MDA含量。

    Method : Observing the spatial memory by Morris ' Water labyrinth experiment and determining SOD activity and MDA content in rat 's hippocampal tissue .

  29. 各组于生后30d开始进行Morris水迷宫测试,动态观察其学习记忆功能。

    Each group 's spatial cognitive capability was evaluated by using the Morris water maze at the age of 30 days after birth .

  30. 通过基于观察的学习获得本次登录后用户的新模型。

    Second , observation-based learning is used to update user model .