
  • 网络The Observer;Viewer
  1. 观测者应对大气状况作详细记录。

    The observer should take full notes on the atmospheric conditions .

  2. 观测者要对大气条件作详细记录。

    The observer should always make full notes about the atmospheric conditions .

  3. 在宇宙飞船上的一个观测者,测得光速为C。

    An observer moving with the spaceship measures the speed of the light and obtains the value C.

  4. 在这个案例中,是通过引进一个维护观测者清单的超类(Subject)来实现的。

    In this case , this is achieved by introducing a superclass ( Subject ) that maintains a list of observers .

  5. 日光被X星厚重的尘埃云所反射,直接到达地球上观测者眼中。

    Sunlight bounced off the immense dust cloud shrouding Planet X , and came straight to Earth to the viewers eyes .

  6. 详细讨论了XNAV(X射线源自主导航)中的广义相对论效应之一:脉冲星发射与观测者接收到X射线的引力频移和Doppler频移。

    It is discussed that one of the general relativistic effects in XNAV & gravitational and doppler shift in basis equation .

  7. 来自NASA流星体环境研究所的BillCooke表示:如果天气晴好,观测者每小时能看到40颗双子座流星。

    Bill Cooke of the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office said , Observers with clear skies could see as many as 40 Geminids per hour .

  8. 在GPS中,观测者对时钟所显时间值和物理事件所发光信号传播过程所作全面描述应包括看到的情况和实际的情况;

    In GPS , about the value of time shown by a clock and light shone by a physical event , the observer should explain whether they are " the watched situation " or " the practical situation ";

  9. 处理X星在天空中醒目地戏剧性地出现,第二个太阳现象偶尔会在日出或日落时呈现给观测者这件事对NASA来说意味着什么?

    And how does NASA mean to deal with a dramatic appearance of Planet X in the skies , for all to see , the Second Sun phenomena that on occasion presents itself to observers at sunrise or sunset .

  10. 穿过观测者顶点的子午线。

    A meridian that passes through the observer 's zenith .

  11. 相对论中的钟、尺和观测者

    Clock , Ruler and Observer in the Theory of Relativity

  12. 作为观测者的你们无需了解。

    You , as the observer , don 't need to know .

  13. 动物行为观测中观测者间、观测方法间的可靠性分析

    Reliability of inter - observer and different recording methods on measuring animal behaviour

  14. 常加速目标纯方位跟踪最优观测者轨迹及仿真分析

    Optimal observer trajectory and simulation analysis for bearings-only tracking of constant acceleration target

  15. 对于观测者特别重要的是明暗界线的位置。

    Of particular importance to the observer is the position of the terminator .

  16. 所以对观测者来说,大的半径和小的半径在物理上是等价的。

    To that observer , the large and small radii are physically equivalent .

  17. 绘图技术取决于观测者的能力。

    The technique of the drawing depends on the ability of the observer .

  18. 任何一个太阳观测者值得花时间和精力去跟踪观测太阳黑子的这种移动。

    To follow these movements of sunspots is worthwhile for every solar observer .

  19. 我们也评价结核菌素试验中的增强现象和观测者间的差异。

    We also reassessed the booster phenomenon and the interobserver variability in tuberculin testing .

  20. 在观测者眼睛处的张角出没方位幅角的观测

    Angle at eye of observer observation of amplitude

  21. 切片被第一个观测者打分,然后被第二个观测者证实。

    Biopsy was the first observer points , the second observation was then confirmed .

  22. 他声称观测者能够看到三重彩虹堆叠在一起的景象。

    He proclaimed that viewers should be able to see stacks of three rainbows .

  23. 所谓“客观时间”就是那些:不以意识或观测者存在与否而存在的。

    The Objective time : exists no matter whether there are observers or human beings .

  24. 有经验的观测者致力于系统的研究。

    Experienced observers concentrate on systematic investigations .

  25. 1996年11月7日,美国成功发射火星环球观测者进入火星轨道。

    The United States successfully launched Mars Global Surveyor into the Mars obit on November 7 .

  26. 通过使用该接口,外部观测者可以跟踪任务的进展并在需要的时候取消它。

    It lets an external observer follow the task 's progress and cancel it if necessary .

  27. 结果表明,脉冲轨迹和时延敏感依赖于观测者的观测倾角。

    Our results indicate that the trajectory and time delay sensitively depend on the observing angle .

  28. 不仅是塔西提岛的库克,这对其他地方的观测者同样是个问题。

    This was a problem for observers elsewhere , too , not only Cook in Tahiti .

  29. 卫星计划的每一个观测者,都可说是宇宙旅行的先锋。

    Every observer in a satellite program is in a way a pioneer of space travel .

  30. 观测者必须具备一份包括肉眼能看到的所有天体的好星图。

    Indispensable for the observer is a good star atlas , containing all naked eye stars .