
  • 网络Concept Marketing;Idea Marketing
  1. 基于观念营销的营销组合研究

    Study on the Marketing Combination Based on the Concept Marketing

  2. 但是开放式基金管理公司缺乏对开放式基金的营销观念和营销策略。

    But the management company of the open-funded funds lacks marketing idea and marketing tactics .

  3. 浅析营销观念及营销战略的转变

    Change of Marketing Idea and Marketing Strategy

  4. 开发电信话务市场应在营销观念和营销方法上采取创新措施。

    The development of the telephone traffic market should take innovative measures in marketing concept and methods .

  5. 现代营销学认为:营销的对象不仅是市场需要的产品、劳务或服务,而且还包括思想、观念的营销。

    According to modern marketing theory , the objects by market not only product and service but also idea .

  6. 论文最后给出了在进行营销队伍管理方案的具体实施过程中要注意的营销观念、营销培训、活动管理等相关注意要点。

    At last , the paper provides some plan forthe marketing concept , marketing training and management of activities .

  7. 市场营销观念和营销组织在国外铁路已经广泛运用,成效显著。

    It has achieved common recognition that widely applications of marketing organization in railway transportation overseas can greatly improve the economic benefit .

  8. 希望本文能对同类型营业部营销观念和营销方式的创新起到一定的指导作用和借鉴意义。

    Hope this paper would have guiding and reference significance on the innovation of marketing concepts and methods to same type of business of can .

  9. 我国商业银行原有的营销观念以及营销组织体系已经不能应对新环境带来的机遇和提出的挑战。

    The old marketing concept and marketing organization system of Chinese commercial bank can on longer respond to opportunities and challenges posed by new environment .

  10. 因此,用服务营销的理念来创新和变革企业现有的营销观念、营销方式与营销手段,就成为现代企业经营成功与否的关键。

    Therefore , it is the key to enterprises to use the concept of service marketing to innovate , transform the existing conception , mode and method of marketing .

  11. 在新的形势和环境下,企业应大力推行新的营销观念和营销方法,激发创新、不断提高自己的竞争优势。

    Under the new form and the environment , the enterprise should vigorously carry out the new marketing theory and marketing method , stimulate innovation , unceasingly enhances its competition superiority .

  12. 国有酒店如何走出困境,在很大的程度上是酒店是否重视营销观念、营销战略所决定的。

    The predicament is went away out in the national hotel , and to be living in the very great degree is that whether the hotel value the marketing viewpoint and the marketing strategy resolution .

  13. 为此,丹东锦山酒店应该在整个酒店业发展与创新思潮的带动下,开始营销观念、营销理念、营销技术、营销运作手段的创新工作。

    Therefore , Dandong Jinshan hotel in the hotel industry should be the trend of development and innovation to lead began marketing concept and marketing concept and marketing technology , marketing operation means of innovation .

  14. 从这个角度来反思中国企业的经营理念、竞争观念和营销策略,是维护企业合法权益,实现反倾销和反倾销对策统一的基本选择。

    In this sense , to review the principles of management , competition idea and marketing strategy is a basic choice to uphold legal rights , and realize the integration of anti-dumping and dumpting strategies .

  15. 从市场营销的角度阐述小企业应有的营销观念和营销策略,树立正确的营销观念和营销策略,是小企业生存和发展的基础和关键。

    From the view of the selling strategy of small enterprises , in this paper it is explained that selling concepts and selling strategies are the basis and key of small enterprises survival and development .

  16. 白酒的品牌文化也来自广告文化的塑造,白酒广告文化经历了消费观念、营销观念、服务观念由不成熟走向成熟的三位一体的发展历程。

    The advertising culture of liquor would enrich the brand culture of liquor . It had experienced long development process from the immature state to matured state of consumption concept , marketing theory and service pattern .

  17. 提出了整合营销传播首先是一种观念整合营销传播本身所具有的应用属性,导致了长期以来不论是在理论界还是在实践界,更多关注的是整合营销传播的操作层面。

    Proposed that IMC first of all is a notion The due attributes of IMC result in more concerns in the aspect of operation in IMC for a long time , whether in theory or in practice .

  18. 在这个瞬息万变的环境中,在这机遇与挑战并存的变革时代,经验式的营销模式效力正在逐步弱化,传统的营销观念和营销手段已显得不再适应。

    In the constantly changing environment and facing challenge and opportunities from the restructuring times , the sales pattern formed by experience is gradually weakening while the conventional marketing idea and means have become awkwardly in meeting demand from the market .

  19. 然而,当前老年服装市场存在着明显的供需矛盾,要解决这一矛盾,必须从消费观念、营销组合、法律法规及社会保障等多方面采取对策。

    However , at the moment , there is an obvious conflict between the supply and need in old-aged people clothing market . To solve the problem , we should take countermeasures on consumption conception , marketing mix , law and formulation , social insure and other aspects .

  20. 无锡工装公司作为仪表行业一个具有一定影响力的企业,其竞争的压力和发展的紧迫感尤为突出,提出一种配合该产品的全新营销观念和营销渠道策略势在必行。

    Company at trade of instrument one a piece of with sure influence power enterprises frock Wuxi , And development particularly outstanding sense of urgency its the pressures of competition , propose one a kind of cooperation this the brand-new marketing idea and imperative tactics channel marketing of products .

  21. 在构建和谐社会,倡导节约型社会,走可持续发展之路的新形势和环境下,企业更应大力创新营销观念和营销方法,不断提高自身的竞争优势。

    Under the new situation and environment of constructing the harmonious society , advocating the saving type society , taking the road to sustainable development , the enterprise should innovate manner of marketing idea and marketing method in a more cost-effective , to improve our own competition advantage constantly .

  22. 但是这样的大企业在市场中保持良好的竞争力也并非易事,在市场同质化、竞争日益加剧的环境下,厚生记,,也面临着营销观念、营销战略与策略变革的严峻考验。

    However , it is not easy for such a large enterprise to maintain a good competitive edge in the market . Under the market homogeneity and the increasingly competitive environment ," Hou Sheng Ji " also faced with the severe challenges of marketing concept , marketing strategy and tactics .

  23. 本文的写作以现代市场营销观念、STP营销理论、关系营销理论、营销组合和渠道创新理论为基础。

    The theory of this thesis is based on the modern marketing concept , STP marketing theory , relationship marketing theory , the marketing mix and the channel innovation theory .

  24. 21世纪新营销观念&可持续营销

    On the new marketing conception of 21 century : sustainable marketing

  25. 无论如何,产品观念会导致营销近视。

    However , the product concept can lead to marketing myopia .

  26. 市场营销观念是企业营销活动的一种导向,随着社会经济的发展和市场形势的变化而发展变化。

    It should be adjusted as the developing of the society , economy and marketing .

  27. 市场营销观念是市场营销活动在经营者意识中的反映。

    Marketing concept is the reflection of the marketing activity in the consciousness of the proprietor .

  28. 基于情景的市场营销观念&市场营销观念的发展

    On Concept Marketing Situational Marketing Concept

  29. 应根据自身的特点运用适宜的交易营销观念或关系营销观念来指导其实施营销活动。

    Taking appropriate trade marketing concept or relationship marketing concept to direct its marketing activities , according to its own characteristics .

  30. 面临体验经济和体验消费的到来,企业需要转换营销观念实施体验营销。

    Facing the arrival of experience economy and experience consumption , businesses need to convert to the implementation of experience marketing .