
ɡuān chá zhě
  • observer;viewer
  1. 他是个敏锐的社会现状观察者。

    He is an acute observer of the social scene .

  2. 若是一位细心的观察者,早就会注意到这个问题了。

    A close observer would have noticed it .

  3. 这一地区是鸟类观察者的乐园。

    The area is a birdwatcher 's paradise .

  4. 老师的角色更像是一个教练或是观察者。

    The teacher 's role is more of a coach or observer .

  5. 服务员,人性敏锐的观察者,他们正抓住了这一点。

    Waiters , keen observers of humanity that they are , are catching on to this .

  6. 南非大白鲨,这种通常出现在噩梦和自然纪录片中的动物,神秘地失踪了。蒙瓦比西·锡克维耶亚�鲨鱼观察者组织(SharkSpotters)

    South Africa 's great white sharks – the stuff of nightmares and of nature documentaries – have gone mysteriously missing .

  7. 莎拉·沃瑞斯�鲨鱼观察者组织首席执行官

    Sarah Warries , CEO , Shark Spotters

  8. 在俯瞰南非福尔斯湾的山坡上,鲨鱼观察者们正在密切关注着海浪。

    On a hillside overlooking False Bay [ South Africa ] – shark spotters are keeping a close watch on the waves .

  9. 观察者(Oberver)关注目标(Subject)的状态改变。

    The observer is interested in state changes of the subject .

  10. 观察者的唯一使用之处就是在Web服务的实现中。

    A unique use of the Observer pattern is to implement it using web services .

  11. 观察者模式和Web服务

    The Observer pattern and web services

  12. 它维护了注册观察者的Vector集合,根据特定的情形添加或者删除它们。

    It maintains the vector of registered observers , adding and deleting them as circumstances dictate .

  13. 回想一下观察者和发布/订阅模式,而不是API调用。

    Think observer pattern & publish / subscribe rather than API calls .

  14. 传统的观察者模式有两个主要的参与者:一个subject(目标)和一个observer(观察者)。

    The traditional Observer pattern specifies two primary actors : a subject and an observer .

  15. 然而,如果是使用Web服务来实现的话,目标对象和观察者对象就变成了对方的客户机和服务器,也就是说,互相作为客户机和服务器。

    However , the subject and observer become both clients and servers of each other when they are implemented using web services .

  16. 因此,如果使用Web服务来实现这种观察者回调方法,我们就可以在同步的基础结构中获得异步的体系。

    Hence , by implementing the observer callback pattern using web services , we provide a new mechanism for an asynchronous architecture over a synchronous infrastructure .

  17. 观察者称CCTV刚刚建立了自己的搜索引擎。

    Observers noted that CCTV has just launched its own search engine .

  18. 公正的;不偏不倚的;中立的同义词:neutral,unbiased公正的调查/观察者提出不偏不倚的建议作为主席,我必须保持中立。该片讲述了旺斯警长审问玛丽的故事。

    an impartial inquiry / observer to give impartial advice As chairman , I must remain impartial .

  19. 将DEBA应用到Web服务中可以获得两方面的好处,包括Web服务的解藕特性和观察者模式的异步特性。

    DEBA for web services benefits from the decoupled nature of web services and the asynchronous nature of the Observer pattern .

  20. 观察者积分用受试者操作特性(ROC)曲线分析来衡量。

    The scales of performance was evaluated with receiver operating characteristic analysis .

  21. 在基本Web服务结构之上采用观察者模式,就为DEBA带来了回调能力。

    It is the Observer pattern on top of the base web services infrastructure that gives DEBA its callback capability .

  22. Swing框架以事件侦听器的形式广泛利用了观察者模式(也称为发布-订阅模式)。

    The Swing framework makes extensive use of the Observer pattern ( also known as the publish-subscribe pattern ) in the form of event listeners .

  23. 目的评价不同观察者对膝关节半月板损伤MRI诊断一致性及撕裂形态学MRI诊断分级的准确性。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic agreement of different observers in MRI of meniscal injuries and the accuracy for the configuration categorizing in MRI diagnosis of meniscal tears .

  24. 立即一致性(Immediateconsistency)意味着当更新操作向用户返回一个成功结果时,更新结果立即对所有观察者可见。

    Immediate consistency means that when an update operation returns to the user with a successful result , the result of that update is immediately visible to all observers .

  25. 您可以向ClassPool的构造函数传递预期的观察者接口(observerinterface)的一个实例javassist.Translator。

    You can pass an instance of the expected observer interface , javassist . Translator , to the constructor of the ClassPool .

  26. RUP过程鼓励复用,设计过程中使用很多设计模式来增加复用性,如抽象工厂、观察者模式和迭代器模式等。

    Design patterns are also used to increase the reusability as RUP advocated . The abstract factory , observer and iterator patterns is introduced .

  27. 第三就是统一数据模型的设计。客户端采用MVC设计模式、观察者模式和工厂模式等相结合的形式,设计了通用的界面。

    The customer end adopts the form in which MVC designs the mode , observer 's mode and combines with mode of the factory , etc.

  28. 在这个例子中,我们将GUI作为观察者mock出来,使用为这个例子创建的类-MyGameObserver。

    In this example , we 've mocked out the GUI 's role as an observer with our own class created just for the example-MyGameObserver .

  29. 除了简单使用对象和方法,正式的Jo对象使用了重构过的“观察者模式”OOP标准。

    Aside from simple utility objects and methods , formal objects within Jo use a refined " observer pattern " OOP standard .

  30. 针对当前企业和政府对分布式工作流应用的需求,给出了一个基于Java管理扩展框架和观察者模式的可自管理的分布式工作流引擎的设计与实现。

    To deal with application requirements on distributed workflow engine from enterprises and government , a design and implementation of Self-Managed Distributed Workflow Engine based on Java Management Extensions ( JMX ) and Observer Pattern was presented .