
zhèn fú
  • amplitude;oscillation;amplitude of vibration
振幅 [zhèn fú]
  • [amplitude of vibration] 振动过程中振动的物理量偏离平衡位置的最大值

振幅[zhèn fú]
  1. 进入睡眠状态时,我们的脑电波振幅慢慢变大。

    As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater .

  2. 代表振幅向后面波瓣传递的相继的几个阶段是有意义的。

    This represents successive stages of transfer of amplitude to later lobes .

  3. 声音有振幅,振幅的主观感觉是声音的大小。

    A sound also has an amplitude , a property subjectively heard as loudness .

  4. 小数据还可以告诉我们位置、温度、适度、压力、振幅,甚至一件物品是否已经被打开等信息。

    Small data tell us about location , temperature , wetness , pressure , vibration1 , or even whether an item has been opened or not .

  5. 光场迭加态的振幅N次方压缩

    The Amplitude Nth-Power Squeezing in a Superposition State of Light Field

  6. P波振幅、时限均以导联最大;

    The largest amplitude and longest time interval of P wave were in lead ⅱ .

  7. 并致暗视视网膜电图(D&ERG)a、b波振幅下降,其中b波下降明显,4周恢复。

    The amplitude of a-waves and b-waves in D-ERG declined and recovered at the 4th week .

  8. 胸前导联心电图显示巨T波倒置,R波振幅增高。

    ECG showed giant T wave inversion and increase of R amplitudes in chest leads .

  9. 近地表Q值求取及振幅补偿

    Near surface Q value extraction and amplitude compensation

  10. 由Z项估算章动的振幅

    An estimation of the nutational amplitude by the z-term

  11. 独立发展了上海天文台的GPS掩星振幅反演软件系统。

    A processing software construction of amplitude inversion by GPS occultation is independently developed in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory .

  12. Kerr效应对光场的振幅N次方压缩的影响

    Influence of the Kerr Effect on the Amplitude Nth - Power Squeezing of Light Field

  13. 波列振幅PS曲线测桩法

    A new method of testing pile using dynamic P-S - curve made by amplitude of wave train

  14. 对振幅谱进行了扩散校正,并利用该方法测量了有机玻璃和饱水岩石样品的Q值。

    Diffraction for the spectra is corrected and the Q values of organic glass and water-saturated rock samples are measured .

  15. 在AVO处理中,振幅补偿是关键的一步。

    An amplitude recovery is very important in AVO processing .

  16. 非扰动耗散Hamiltonian振幅波方程的整体吸引子

    Attractor for the unperturbed dissipative Hamiltonian amplitude wave

  17. 关于奥斯汀白垩与石膏一土壤,其SH波的振幅随方向而变化。

    For Austin chalk and gypsum-soil , the amplitude of the SH-wave varies with direction .

  18. 包括考虑了相对论条件下的电子运动方程和反向辐射影响下的线路方程,以及高频电子流n次谐波的复振幅方程,并进行了归一化。

    The equations include the circuitry equation considering reverse radiate and moving-electron equation considering relativity , and the complex amplitude equation of n harmonics in high frequency electron current .

  19. 初步研究表明,PS波振幅异常有望成为强裂隙探测的有力判据。

    The pilot study indicates that the PS wave amplitude anomaly will hopefully be a convincing criterion to detect fissure zone .

  20. Chandler极移的振幅、周期和位相的变化

    The variation on the amplitude , period and phase of the chandler 's polar motion

  21. 文中还对CW雷达回波振幅统计特性作了探讨。

    The theoretical analysis is also made for the amplitude statistical property of the CW radar echo fluctuation .

  22. 在青春期女性∑qrs振幅与年龄相关明显,在青年期男性∑qrs与年龄相关明显;

    In puberty , the correlation of Σ QRS amplitude with age was remarkable in men .

  23. 当蒸腾拉力(F)大于输导阻力(R)时气孔开始振荡并使振幅逐渐加大;

    The stomatal oscillation is initiated and its amplitude is being enhanced when the transpirational pulling force ( F ) is larger than the resistance ( R ) .

  24. 尾波Qc值与(岩石)尾波振幅谱特征及峰值频率有关。

    Qc values of coda are related to features of coda amplitude spectra and peak frequencies .

  25. 进一步根据所建立的TI介质多波振幅特征方程导出了TI介质中多波AVA反演方程。

    The AVA inversion equation of multiwave in TI media has been set up on the basis of amplitude characteristic equations .

  26. 满足夫琅和费远场条件的两个物体,z值大的物体将被环数少的菲涅耳波带板扫描,具有小而平直的孪生像噪声振幅;

    In the far-field , the further object scanned by FZP with fewer fringes has flatter and lower amplitude of twin-image noise for reconstructed image .

  27. 当角频率为ω的平面波垂直入射到等离子体鞘层时,导出振幅反射系数R及振幅透射看数T的解析表达式。

    For plane electromagnetic wave with angular frequency ω incident normally upon the surface of this layer , the expressions of the amplitude-reflection coefficient R and amplitude-transmission coefficient T are derived .

  28. 头部电针透穴疗法组能迅速改善PD患者肌电震颤波的频率、振幅,即刻治疗效果明显,有效率达100%。

    Electroacupuncture Scalp Point-through-Point therapy can quickly treat amplitude and frequency EMG of treatment group , the effective rate of 100 % and obvious transient effect .

  29. 磁层顶边界区剪切流MHD不稳定性的数值模拟研究III.大振幅MHD波

    Simulation study of the MHD instabilities caused by the sheared flow at the boundarylayer of the magnetosphere

  30. 主要指标振幅、RAC。

    Main Outcome Measures Amplitude , RAC .