
  • 网络vibration acceleration;Grms;O-P
  1. 结果表明,列车通过时转辙机竖向振动加速度最大,最大值范围为11~38g,转辙机振动加速度主频在400~800Hz之间。

    The results show that vibrant acceleration of point machine in vertical direction is maximal and the maximal value is in the range of 11 ~ 38 g , and the vibrant main frequency is in the range of 400 ~ 800 Hz when trains pass through .

  2. 韶山7型电力机车牵引电机垂向振动加速度研究

    The Vertical Acceleration Analysis of The Electromotor of SS7 Electric Locomotive

  3. 分布式光纤Bragg光栅振动加速度测量及其系统的研究

    Study on multiplexing of Fiber Bragg Grating Acceleration measuring system

  4. 利用ICP振动加速度计进行潜艇振动监测

    Submarine Vibration Monitor with ICP Vibration Accelerometer

  5. 在随机生成的B级路面上使该车以不同的车速匀速行驶,测试驾驶员座椅处的由路面不平度传递来的振动加速度。

    The car was controlled with a different speed at a constant speed in randomly generated Class B road to test the vibration acceleration by the road roughness in driver seat .

  6. 选择了一款ICP振动加速度传感器,并设计了相应的信号调理电路。

    An ICP vibration acceleration sensor is chosen , and designs the related signal conditioning circuit . 3 .

  7. 文章介绍了ICP振动加速度计的工作原理和实际应用中应当注意的问题。

    The paper introduces the principle of a kind of ICP vibration accelerometer and points out some problems that should be noticed in application .

  8. 然后根据振动加速度检测法的原理和系统设计指标的要求,对设计的基于DSP的平轮检测系统的具体方案作了详细论证。

    According to the principle of vibrational acceleration detection method and the requirements of the system design specifications , the thesis demonstrated the scheme of wheel-flat detection system based on DSP in detail .

  9. 此CAT系统可以测试气缸的压力、输出力、位移和振动加速度,并绘制相应的实验结果曲线。

    The CAT system can test pressures at inlet , outlet and cushion chambers , output force , piston displacement and shock acceleration of a pneumatic cylinder and plot corresponding result graphs .

  10. PCT梁的横、竖向振动加速度值都不大,均在《铁路桥梁检定规范》规定的限值以内;

    The values of the lateral and vertical vibration acceleration of PCT beam are all under the safety limits regulated by Code for Rating Railway Bridges .

  11. PIND试验可以改变的试验条件有冲击加速度、振动加速度、振动时间和试验次数。

    Shock acceleration , vibration acceleration vibration time and test time are the changed condition in PIND test .

  12. 结合Newmark积分法逐步求解运动方程,计算了列车荷载下,不同道碴厚度与地基刚度下道床路基的振动加速度与动位移。

    Under train loads , the vibration acceleration and dynamic displacement in ballast-subgrade , which are of different ballast thickness and subgrade stiffness , were obtained in conjunction with Newmark integration scheme .

  13. 10000kN·m高能级强夯振动加速度实测分析

    Experimental analysis of the influence of vibration during 10000kn · m high energy level dynamic compaction

  14. 研究三种振动加速度(0g、0.3g和0.6g)下焊接接头的残余应力、拉伸性能、侧弯性能和冲击性能。

    The residual stress , side bend property , tension and impact tests are carried out in different vibratory conditions ( 0g , 0.3g and 0.6g ) .

  15. 设计了一种反射式光强调制光纤传感器(RIM-FOS),用于测量低频振动加速度信号。

    A reflective intensity modulated fiber optic sensor is designed , which can be applied in the measurement of acceleration signal in low frequency vibration .

  16. 虽然采用MTMD并不能提高结构的自振频率,但采用MTMD后桥梁最大振动加速度不超过0.35m/s2,满足国外规范对人行桥振动限值的要求。

    Even though the adoption of MTMD can not improve the free vibration frequency of structure , after the adoption of MTMD , the maximum vibration acceleration of footbridge will not exceed 0.35m / s2 , which meet the requirements of vibration limit value specified by overseas regulations .

  17. 研究结果表明,当与容器基座有直接接触的钢平台上的冲击加速度达100g时,隔振沟内的地面加速度仅4g,而隔震沟外的地面振动加速度则只有0.7g;

    The investigation results show that when the shock acceleration of the steel platform contacted with the vessel base arrives 100g , the acceleration of the ground within the isolation trench is 4g , while that of the ground outside the isolation trench is only 0.7g .

  18. 对三种不同振动加速度(0、0.3g和0.6g)下的焊缝金属进行动态力学性能试验,结果发现:振动可以明显改善焊缝金属的储能模量;

    The dynamic mechanics property test of weld metal under three kinds of different vibration conditions ( 0, 0.3g and 0.6g ) was carried out . The welding parameters and other test conditions were consistent . The vibration can obviously improve the storage modulus of weld metal .

  19. 仿真结果证明:与被动悬挂相比,车体振动加速度有效值和最大值在各速度级分别减少了55%~63%和53%~66%,Sperling乘坐指数也得到明显改善;

    The simulation results show that the RMS and maximum values of vehicle-body vibration accelerations can be reduced by 55 % ~ 63 % and 53 % ~ 66 % separately in comparison with passive suspension control at different speed grades and the Sperling Ride Index is improved .

  20. 通过对两种振动加速度(0.3g和0.6g)下焊缝冲击性能的对比,讨论了冲击性能变化的机理,并用内耗试验说明焊缝金属内耗的SKK(Snoek-Ke-Koster)峰值与焊缝冲击韧度存在良好的对应关系。

    The impact values at two vibratory accelerations ( 0.3g and 0.6g ) are compared and the changing mechanism is discussed . The internal friction test indicates that the internal friction SKK ( Snoek-Ke-Koster ) peak of the weld metal has good correlation with the impact value of the weld .

  21. 测得了座椅、地板和车桥的振动加速度。

    The accelerations of seats , floor and axles are obtained .

  22. 利用汽车垂直振动加速度判别路面等级的方法

    Evaluation of Road Level Based on Vertical Vibrational Acceleration of vehicle

  23. 轴承振动加速度和异常声检测新方法

    New Checking Method for Vibration Acceleration and Abnormal Sound of Bearing

  24. 依据振动加速度信号绘制航空发动机转子轴心轨迹的方法

    Plotting the Axis Tract of Aero-engine Based on Vibration Acceleration Signals

  25. 便携式振动加速度测量仪在机车振动测试中的应用

    Application of the Protable Shock Accelerometer in Locomotive Vibration Testing

  26. 一种基于网络的发动机振动加速度测量仪的研制

    Design and implementation of engine vibration acceleration measuring instrument based on network

  27. 振动加速度与土壤压实状况关系分析

    Vibratory Acceleration and Soil 's Compaction Status Connection Analysis

  28. 柴油机缸盖振动加速度与缸内燃烧状况相关性分析柴油机气缸盖多场耦合三维有限元分析

    Three Dimensinal Finite Element Method Multi-Field Coupling Analysis for Diesel Engine Cylinder Cap

  29. 关于振动加速度信号幅值解调的五种方法

    On five amplitude demodulating approaches for vibrational acceleration signals

  30. 路面平整度与车辆竖向振动加速度几乎成线性关系;

    And the smoothness of pavement correlated almost linearly with vertical vehicle acceleration .